Transformers One Easily Improved on Live-Action Transformers Movies with 2 Main Characters

Transformers One Easily Improved on Live-Action Transformers Movies with 2 Main Characters

Transformers One is one of the most beloved entries of the long run Transformers franchise, giving audiences a glimpse into the past relationship between the series' two most iconic characters, Megatron and Optimus Prime. Transformers OneThe widespread acclaim was due to many factors, but it came in large part because of the film's notable characters, many of which are the best portrayals of those characters on the big screen to date. The deep and complex relationships shown between these fictional robots elevate the film to another level, building a film that is great in almost every way.

Transformers OneThe cast is without a doubt one of the best parts of the film and helps sell each character. There are many elements that make the film great, from the music, to the plot, to the great action, but an element that shines particularly well in Transformers Onewhich has been pretty much ignored by the rest of the live-action films, is getting a truly great villain. Transformers One shines in this area, showing two excellent examples of villainy that live-action films should take note of.

Transformers One shows the importance of the big villains in Megatron and Sentinel Prime

Transformers One presents one of the best interpretations of these characters

A great antagonist can often make or break a film, and luckily, Transformers One has Sentinel Prime and Megatron as two very different, but still exemplary, villains. Megatron is a very straightforward charactersomeone who starts out as a good person but is slowly corrupted and turned towards evil by the society he is trapped in and the people who run it. It's a classic villain archetype, but Megatron's downfall Transformers One It's executed so well that it feels fresh and new.

Sentinel Prime has a very simple motivation in the film, but that doesn't take away from his great presence on screen.

On the other side of the villain spectrum, Transformers OneSentinel Prime's is a perfect representation of a purely evil and selfish character with few redeeming qualities. Sentinel Prime has a very simple motivation in the film, but that doesn't take away from his great presence on screen. The character avoids the trap of making the purely evil character brooding and darkinstead, he cracks jokes while killing people, which is, of course, doubly effective because of Jon Hamm's excellent performance as this smarmy and truly detestable dictator.

Live-Action Transformers Movies Never Had Great Villains

Sentinel Prime and Megatron were surprisingly forgettable

Both Sentinel Prime and Megatron appeared in live action Transformers series, but unfortunately none of them managed to reach the same heights as the characters in Transformers One. Megatron has appeared in most of the live-action films, but his showings have been rather lackluster. He has generally been presented as nothing more than an obstacle to the heroes.a mustachioed villain who is evil simply for the sake of being evil, without any interesting nuances or personality quirks, compared to Transformers Oneis the artificial and friendly Megatron.

Sentinel Prime only appeared in Transformers: Dark of the Moonwhere he pretends to ally with Optimus and the Autobots before revealing his betrayal. He has a motivation, wanting to rebuild the Transformers' home of Cybertron, but the film never takes the time to properly explore the character, and he barely has a personality of his own. Transformers One has a much more interesting version of both characters, and I hope the live-action villain problem doesn't continue forever.

Transformers One is an animated action-adventure film that marks the first full-length animated film in the series in decades. The film will be a prequel to the franchise and will tell the story of Optimus Prime and Megatron in their early years, how they met and a closer look at the war on their home planet of Cybertron.


Josh Cooley

Release date

September 20, 2024


Entertainment One, Hasbro, Nickelodeon Movies


Paramount Images