Anime is not just a mere source of entertainment, Many popular series today contain valuable life lessons to live by. Jujutsu Kaisen, Arguably the most acclaimed shonen series of recent years, it features stellar animation, unforgettable characters, and a well-balanced mix of humor and action. However, the anime also has another notable quality that fans may not expect: its life advice.
The wisdom transmitted by Jujutsu Kaisen characters and situations are often subtle, but they definitely exist for those who look more deeply into the words spoken by the heroes and the events of the story. Positive messages such as perseverance through obstacles and helping those who are in danger appear repeatedly, and without these themes, Jujutsu Kaisen it wouldn't have quite the emotional impact and resonance that it does. Shonen can be quite dark and overshadowed by death and pain, but these inspiring teachings add a glimmer of hope and positivity to the narrative.
Protect those who need it most
Younger characters like Choso and Yuji and teachers like Gojo and Nanami always look out for others
One of the most prominent comprehensive morals in Jujutsu Kaisen is the idea of protecting those who are vulnerable or who are being harmed by evil forces. For example, Yuji Itadori, the series' protagonist, took action to become Junpei Yoshino's first friend when he was being bullied, mistreated, and attacked by the evil, cursed spirit, Mahito. This quality makes Yuji an admirable hero, arguably even more so than his physical strength. Yuji is never too proud of protecting and befriending those who need his encouragement or protection, and will be willing to put himself at risk to keep his friends safe.
Perhaps Yuji learned this valuable lesson from his mentors, Gojo Satoru and Nanami Kento. Both of these powerful figures devote almost all of their time and energy to not only protecting young people from danger, but also when Nanami gave up her life to make sure Mahito didn't kill Yuji Itadori or your friends, but also, training the next generation to continue this legacy of saving others.
Gojo spent tireless hours taking his students on missions and instructing them, while Nanami made a point of banning Grade 1 sorcerers from fighting in the Shibuya Incident arc, stating "this is not a mission for first years." Another character, Choso Kamo, gave his life to his brothers and even died at the hands of Sukuna to ensure that his only surviving brother, Yuji, could live. While the real-life situations fans encounter may not be as dire and violent as those in the series, caring for others is a valuable idea that translates to real life and makes the world a better, more hospitable place.
Never give up on your goals, even if they seem impossible
Characters like Gojo and Yuji never gave up the fight against evil, regardless of what it cost them
"Never give up" has become a somewhat clichéd phrase, but the heroes of Jujutsu Kaisen they don't just parrot this statement without supporting it, they embody this lesson through their actions, which makes it more powerful. Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer, conveys this life lesson best, because his life's work is the very definition of refusing to succumb to evil. Gojo dedicated his life to fighting curses. Even when his best friend, Geto Suguru, turned to evil and became trapped in a cult, Gojo didn't let this heartbreak stop him from fighting evil, and even mustered the will to kill his dear friend for the good of humanity.
Gojo struggled with the tragedies that occurred in his life, but he never gave in to the pressure. He protected Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and his other students from villains like Sukuna, and even before his death at Sukuna's hands, he never flinched or even considered ending the fight. Nanami's last fight also cost him his life, but he passed away peacefully, knowing that he gave up his life in a noble way that contributed to the seemingly endless war against evil.
On a smaller scale, the students of Jujutsu High and Kyoto Jujutsu High are equally persistent, continuing to pursue a dangerous career and even fight in a war when either of them could have given up. The number of deaths in Jujutsu Kaisen is sky high for a reason, but the hero's efforts paid off and Sukuna ended up being defeated due to his determination to fight until the objective was completed. None of these heroes ever saw giving up as an option and their perseverance is a motivational lesson for everyone who watches them.
Genuine friendship is one of the greatest gifts of all
Friendship is complex, but it is one of the most beautiful parts of life, and right JJK Titles illustrate this
Most fiction series discuss the importance of friendship and Jujutsu Kaisen is no different. Among all the anime series out there, Jujutsu Kaisen contains some of the most wholesome, loving, and affectionate friendships, giving viewers an accurate representation of what these friendly bonds can be like. The series not only paints a purely positive portrait, and recognizes the fact that interpersonal relationships can be complex and fraught with conflictbest illustrated through the tumultuous and heartbreaking breakdown of the relationship between Gojo and Geto.
Gojo and Geto were best friends for years and endured high school together, but a difference of opinion over how best to deal with the problem of cursed spirits fractured their relationship irreparably. Until Geto's last moments, the love between them was quite clear, despite the disagreement between them. Not every friendship in Jujutsu Kaisen is so complicated. Best friends Yuji Itadori and Todo Aoi show a purely supportive bond that helps you both unlock the best version of yourself following the shrewd advice of others.
There are many groups of friends in Jujutsu Kaisensuch as Yuji, Nobara and Megumi, Gojo, Geto and Shoko, and Yuta, Maki, Toge and Panda. These small groups of friends train together, laugh together, and enjoy life despite the fights going on around them. Friendship offers these heroes a peaceful respite from difficult battles they face, as well as a reminder that there is still good in the world. These beautiful ideas about friendship prove how important reciprocal friendships are, both in real life and in anime.
Don't be afraid to take risks, so that you always live life without regrets
Bold risks are terrifying, but sometimes they lead to the best reward, proven by characters like Yuji and Nanami
It's no mistake that there are several quotes in Jujutsu Kaisen discussing regret. Regarding his decision to practice jujutsu sorcery, Yuji Itadori declared, "I don't want to regret the way I lived!" When he ate one of Sukuna's fingers, the higher-ups wanted to execute him immediately as he was a threat to society with the cursed spirit, Sukuna, in his body.
Yuji could have refused to fight, but Gojo vouched for him and convinced the superiors to let Yuji live until he could eat all of Sukuna's fingers. This decision to fight the curses led Yuji to a frightening life, but as he himself stated, he didn't want to look back and regret his own cowardiceso he agreed. Nanami Kento made a similar comment to Yuji, telling someone he helped that his thanks weren't necessary.
After returning to her old job of exorcising curses, Nanami never wished she had made a different choice, stating: "I don't regret it." Both Yuji and Nanami chose to be sorcerers, knowing the danger they would face, but realizing that the regret of choosing another path would be worse. Sometimes the choices in life that seem the scariest lead to the greatest success and fulfillment, and the lives of Yuji and Nanami provide proof that in life, the pain of regret is often worse than taking a risk.
Anyone can become strong
Even characters without cursed energy or other struggles have become powerful through creativity and hard work
Many of the characters in Jujutsu KaisenJust like Gojo Satoru, they were born strong. However, even more of these heroes are not naturally powerful and have developed their abilities through hard work, training, and determination. Two characters who have succeeded in the wizarding world despite setbacks are the twin sisters, Mai and Maki Zenin. Mai had almost no cursed energy and Maki had none. Although the odds were against them, Mai became talented in marksmanship and the use of weapons, while Maki practiced combat and became well-versed in the use of cursed tools. These sisters are proof that even without cursed energy, a character can become a gifted sorcerer through other means.
Yuji Itadori's willpower also led him from an average high school student to the most respected sorcerer who took down Ryomen Sukuna. Yuji was weak and struggled to control Sukuna's presence in his body, but with time, practice, and advice from those stronger than him, such as Gojo, Nanami, and Todo, he began to destroy the more threatening cursed spirits like Mahito.
Not all sorcerers have the same techniques or cursed energy. Kokichi Muta, for example, couldn't even attend school in person due to his body's weakness, but was tenacious enough to still become an expert fighter using a robotic suit. Other characters, like Shoko, are not talented in combat, but use healing techniques as invaluable life-saving weapons. This range of Jujutsu Kaisen characters with very different strengths and weaknesses proves that Anyone can become powerful in their own way by relying on their gifts and working diligently, which is an inspiring lesson.