Top 10 Unanswered Questions After Venom: The Last Dance

Top 10 Unanswered Questions After Venom: The Last Dance

Venom: The Last Dance
It was supposed to be the final chapter in Eddie Brock and Venom's story, but the film's ending left more questions than answers. The first Poison The film was released in 2018 and kicked off Sony's Spider-Man universe with a darker, villain-focused story. Since then, SSU has grown to include five completed films with three separate subfranchises and another film Kraven the Hunter on the way.

However, Venom is the only SSU character who has had multiple films released, and despite spending more time and energy on the character, there are still many mysteries surrounding him and his story. Venom: The Last Dance may have closed the book on Eddie Brock's story, but in reality, there's still a lot to learn about the characters and implications of the trilogy that we hope SSU can reveal as time goes on.


Is Venom really dead?

Venom and Eddie Brock getting closer in Venom The Last Dance

Firstly, the films have established that these symbiotes are incredibly tough and resilient, with Venom being more durable than most. Venom has also had pieces of himself left in strange places or combined with others like Cletus Kasady to create new symbiotes. Although the character appears to heroically sacrifice himself at the end of Venom 3, it's difficult to say for sure if he's dead.


Realistically, the large part of Venom that bonded with Eddie Brock before this final encounter will likely be dissolved, but due to the collective nature of the symbiotes and their ability to split, reform, and grow new life from smaller pieces. matter, it is possible that Venom survived. Yes, he sacrificed much of his body to destroy the monsters sent by Knull, but those weren't the only pieces of Venom left behind. So, it's possible that Venom is still alive at SSU.


What happened to the poison left in the MCU?

Venom seeing Tom Holland's Spider-Man in Venom Let There Be Carnage

But even though the character is retired from SSU, there was a pivotal scene included in the credits of Spider-Man: No Way Home featuring Brock and Venom. Brock was briefly transported to the MCU, where he enjoyed some cocktails at a beach resort. But before he was taken back to his own reality, a piece of Venom was left on the counter. This piece was left behind in the MCU.

However, at the beginning of Venom: The Last Danceappears to contradict or replace this scene with Brock returning to his own universe before dropping a piece of Venom goo. Of course, things get complicated with a film and intellectual property that operates under two studios that agree to split the profits. The MCU has every right to maintain the symbiote story in some form, but it's possible they'll simply rectify this development to pursue other stories that don't have the same complicated ownership issues.


What happened to the piece of poison captured at the beginning of the film?

Strickland capturing Venom in Venom The Last Dance

As stated above, the beginning of the Venom: The Last Dance sees Brock and Venom return to their reality before a piece of Venom is left behind on the top bar. Despite the bartender seeking out the goo, hinting that he will become a more important character, General Rex Strickland sweeps in and captures the symbiote in a tube. They also take the bartender in for questioning. However, the bartender is not seen again until the post-credits scene, where he is again seen near the Venom symbiote.

This suggests the possibility that this character played by Cristo Fernández, who also appears in the popular Apple+ series, Ted Lasso. The character is not named in the film, but Fernández could be the next host of Venom at SSU. However, it's difficult to know if this is the plan for SSU going forward, or if this hunk of Venom will be seen again in some other capacity in the future.


Why was Venom: The Last Dance so obsessed with shoes and feet?

Venom saying goodbye to Eddie Brock in Venom The Last Dance

A recurring theme of Venom: The Last Dance were the abundant references to shoes. Eddie Brock seems to constantly lose shoes in the film, and despite being given a pair by a new friend or stolen from a drunk partygoer, he never seems to be able to hold on to a pair for long. This was never part of the other films, so it's hard to imagine why it suddenly became so important in this final entry. One Redditor came up with an interesting theory about why this could happen:

It's likely that this was more of a joke than some kind of deep thematic message, but it's impossible to ignore the emphasis they put on the film's programs. It's also possible that there was a scene that acted as a kind of payoff for this moment, but that didn't make it into the final version, despite all the previous references still being included in the film.


Who was the man who commanded Strickland from the shadows?

Strickland chasing symbiotes in Venom The Last Dance

Throughout the film, Rex Strickland comes into contact with a shadowy figure who appears to be in charge of Area 55. At different points, Strickland seeks permission and guidance on what his orders are, so evidently this figure has a lot of power. However, at the end of the film, they are never shown directly and their purpose remains unclear. But there was something interesting in the film's credits that might hint at who it is.

In the credits, a strange inclusion is that of actor Reid Scott, who played Dan Lewis in the previous two Poison films. Dan is the new partner of Brock's ex, Anne Weying, played by Michelle Williams, and he appears to be a silly, kind-hearted, sweet man who does his best to help Eddie, who he feels sorry for. Scott was listed in the credits for Poison 3although the character never appeared, as Dr. Dan Lewis. When looking at the shadowy figure and hearing his voice, it's clear that it's the same actor, but it's unclear whether this means Dan Lewis was hiding big secrets or if the studio is simply using the actor as a placeholder.


Will SSU still crossover at some point?

Michael Keaton's Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Jared Leto's Morbius

Five films later, SSU still hasn't had the characters crossover in a meaningful way. Previous Poison the films had brief references to Spider-Man; the Morbius the film had the main character pose as Venom for a joke, and the post-credits scene in Morbius saw Michael Keaton as Vulture meeting Morbius. However, none of this resulted in a significant crossover six years after SSU's inception.

Venom seemed to be the center of SSU, but with that character now potentially retired, or needing to be reintroduced in a new capacity with a new host, the possibility of crossover seems further away than before. However, the shadowy figure's inclusion seems to hint at a setup for a Sinister Six film at some point. But, this has also been suggested since the beginning of SSU, and there have been no solid announcements or plans for carrying out such a project.


Who will free Knull from Klyntar?

Knull with his head bowed in Venom The Last Dance

The rules surrounding the Codex in Poison 3 were a bit confusing, as a symbiote bonded to a deceased person and revived should form a Codex. However, the Codex is invisible unless the symbiote's full form is exposed, and the symbiote does not need to remain connected to its host to keep it alive. As a result, the Codex appears to be just a weird mechanic to break Knull out of his prison on Klyntar. But with this powerful villain's setup, it remains to be seen who breaks Knull out of his cell.

Several symbiotes have been shown to live on Earth, with one variety trapped in the secretive Area 55. Any of these creatures can find a host to attach to and revive from death, or potentially die while they are trapped, allowing them to bring them back to life. Of course Knull needs to break free at some point, and the only way out is through a Codex, but what's stopping him from creating a new symbiote, sending them to Earth to kill someone, and then teaming up to create a Codex?


Are the other symbiotes on the run or are they heroes?

Symbiotes in the vision of Venom The Last Dance

At the end of Venom: The Last DanceVenom is joined by a host of other symbiotes who bond with human hosts and form an incredible team of symbiote superheroes. Together they fight for humans, defending themselves against terrible monsters. Some of these symbiotes even lose their lives protecting humans, but after this spectacular sacrifice, where do they leave the humans and the military that previously held them hostage?

Now that they have escaped their cages and Area 55 has been destroyed, are they running to maintain their freedom or are they being seen and treated as heroes? It is possible for these symbionts to continue working alongside their hosts if they are treated fairly. Their heroic acts should not be forgotten, but the way humans respond to these powerful creatures may not reflect their typical humanitarian responses.


Will Dr. Payne return now that she has a symbiote?

Juno Temple as Dr. Payne speaking to Orwell in Venom The Last Dance

Dr. Payne was undoubtedly one of the most important characters in the film. Played by Juno Temple, her backstory is revealed and she is established as a highly intelligent, compassionate and curious woman with a thirst for knowledge about the symbiotes. Having suffered an accident as a child that left her without the use of her left arm, Dr. Payne relied more on her mind to make a difference as a scientist.

At the end of the film, Dr. Payne teams up with a symbiote that not only restores functionality to her arm, but also imbues her with incredible speed and lightning powers. It doesn't seem like Dr. Payne would be quick to part with her new powers, so is it likely that she will return in future SSU films? And if so, how and when will it appear next?


Where is Spider-Man while the events of the Venom films take place?

Split image of Venom in the water smiling with Spider-Man from Amazing Spider-Man 2 looking down
Ollie Bradley custom image

The only SSU film to include Peter Parker was Lady Teia. The film is set in 2003, and a baby is born to the brother and wife of a close friend of Cassandra. The baby is then named Peter Parker. This prequel establishes that Peter Parker is alive at SSU and, having been born in 2003, he is likely an older teenager when the contemporary film, Poisontakes place in 2018. But since the comics usually show Peter gaining powers as a child, in middle school or high school, they've probably already had powers for years.

This begs the question: where has Spider-Man been this whole time? Yes, Poison 3 is predominantly set outside of New York City, but the first two films are not. It seems unlikely that the web-slinger wouldn't have encountered the Venom creature, especially since he's been linked to Eddie for a year. Venom made a lot of noise in New York, and Spider-Man was supposed to be fighting crime and honing his talents, but the two never met in person. Venom: The Last Dance.

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