Top 10 Trick Pokémon, Ranked

Top 10 Trick Pokémon, Ranked

THE Pokémon The games have over a thousand unique and beloved creatures that players can find and collect. Fighting these monsters is fun and also a real test of players' skills, but there are some Pokémon that require more strategy than others to use correctly. These specific Pokémon are known as trick Pokémon and there are a wide variety for players to choose from throughout the games.

Gimmick Pokémon stand out mainly because their battle forms generally differ from most other Pokémon. This is often because they have a unique ability that emphasizes a specific battle mechanic or style, such as utilizing the weather or switching between different forms. Although there are many Pokémon cheats, only a few can be considered the best of the best.


Zorua and Zoroark

Foxes that create cunning illusions

First introduced in Generation 5, Zorua and Zoroark are two fox-like Pokémon with the incredible ability to change shape. Using their Illusion ability, they are able to look like the last Pokémon in the player's party that is not an egg or has already fainted. This allows the opportunity to trick an opponent until the illusion finally wears off, especially if the enemy tries to attack with Psychic-type moves.

The only downside to Zorua and Zoroark's ability is that the illusion will disappear the moment they take damage. This means that the opponent can only be fooled for so long before they discover the truth about who exactly they are fighting. Despite this, it is undeniable that Zorua and Zoroark's trick is very effective and fun to use.



Deflecting opponent's attacks

Wobbuffet is a rather unassuming Pokémon at first glance, but its trick can be incredibly useful if used correctly. This Pokémon is unique due to the fact that Does not know any moves that directly attack the opponent. For example, Safeguard prevents Wobbuffet from being inflicted with certain status conditions, while Mirror Coat deals twice the amount of damage the opponent deals with a special attack.

Despite the fact that many players may not be accustomed to a moveset like Wobbuffet's, it can be extremely useful with the right strategies. With enough planning, players can turn your opponent's strategies against them and deflect any damage back. Players will just need to make sure Wobbuffet isn't KO'd before any of these strategies can be used, which can be difficult due to his extremely low Speed ​​stat.



Lasting successes with ease

Mimikyu is a beloved Generation 6 Pokémon best known for wearing a costume reminiscent of the series' iconic mascot, Pikachu. It's this same costume that contributes to Mimikyu's unique gimmick. Your Disguise ability allows you to withstand a blow without taking any damage.which is quite similar to the Substitute move, but with the only difference being that players don't end up wasting a turn when setting it up.

This skill is particularly useful because prevents Mimikyu from being knocked out immediately at the start of a battle. Even better is the fact that if knocked out, Mimikyu's ability can be used again once she is revived. This means that players can easily find ways to use this trick to their advantage multiple times if they have enough revives in their inventory to bring Mimikyu back.


To spread

Copying the opponent's last move

Rather than having a unique ability, Smeargle's gimmick relies entirely on its signature move, Sketch. While this attack alone does no damage, it has the advantage of allowing Smeargle to copy the last move used by the opposing Pokémonthus allowing Smeargle to use the move for himself. This means that players have the potential to have Smeargle learn an incredibly powerful move that it would never normally learn on its own.

While Sketch can be incredibly useful, There are certain movements that it is not possible to copysuch as Transform, Explosion or Metronome. Despite this, such a trick is still incredibly useful, as long as the player is careful to copy the right move at the right time. If they can do this, it will certainly be an interesting challenge for any player who wants to try using Smeargle in their group.



Switching between forms every turn

An adorable Generation 8 rodent, Morpeko stands out mainly because it has two forms: Full Belly and Hangry. Morpeko begins each battle in his Full Belly form, which is represented by his yellow fur and cheerful appearance, and makes his signature attack, Aura Wheel, an Electric type. At the end of each turn, it switches to Hangry form, which is known for having purple fur and an angry expression, and the Aura Wheel transforms into a Dark-type move.

Aura Wheel is already particularly useful due to the fact that each use increases Morpeko's speed stat for an internship. The constant switching of types, however, adds a unique challenge that can also be particularly useful, as the player can potentially deal effective damage with any form depending on the opponent they face. When used correctly, players can take advantage of Morpeko's multiple forms to potentially gain the advantage in battle.



Changing typing based on opponent's attack

Kecleon's trick is not only a clever nod to its design inspiration, but it's also a very useful mechanic that players can utilize in battle. With Kecleon being based on a chameleon, its ability, Color Change, causes its type to change to the same type as the opponent's previous attack. This means that if a Fire-type move hit Kecleon, it would transform from a Normal-type to a Fire-type after that turn.

Having Kecleon change type during battle can provide the player with a potential advantage at the right times. Depending on the type of attack hit, Kecleon's weaknesses and resistances will also change, meaning he can take much less damage when switching types. As useful as this is, players will need to make sure their opponent doesn't have a specific move that could target any of Kecleon's new weaknesses after its change, providing a more interesting challenge than before.


Cast form

Changing forms depending on the weather

This adorable artificially created Pokémon was first introduced in Generation 3 as the first Pokémon to fully utilize the weather mechanic. Depending on whether there is rain, bright sunlight, or hail, Castform is able to transform into a different form with a unique elemental type, each being equally adorable. In addition to this change in appearance, its signature attack, Weather Ball, also changes type to match the weather outside.

This is a particularly useful trick, as it means that Castform can not only find a way to deal with super-effective moves for certain types, but also resist certain attacks with the use of a single move. Unfortunately, if the opponent also has a move or ability that can change the weather, Castform's form will change again. This can provide the opportunity for the opponent to gain the upper hand if Castform is unable to change the weather in time.



The player can choose between five shapes

Rotom is a small Electric/Ghost-type Pokémon that has the ability to transform into five alternate forms. of the player's choice. Unlike Eevee and its eight Eeveelutions, these forms are not evolutions and can be exchanged at any time as long as the appropriate items are available.

Rotom's five different shapes resemble different electrical appliances, including a refrigerator, a lawnmower and a washing machine. Each of these changes Rotom's typing to remove the Ghost typereplacing it with Water, Grass, Ice and so on. If the player is fighting an opponent that uses specific types that it doesn't match up well against, then switching Rotom to one of these other forms will easily help them gain the advantage.



Immunity against many attack types

One would think that Shedinja is a rather weak and unassuming Pokémon at first glance, but its trick is actually surprisingly useful in most battles. His signature ability, Wonder Guard, prevents him from being damaged by any moves that aren't super effective against him. Considering your typing is Bug and Ghost, is able to withstand more than half of typing that currently exist in the Pokémon games, making it almost untouchable.

However, Shedinja is not completely immune, as it can still be hurt by five specific types of Pokémon. Given the fact that Shedinja only has one point of total health Regardless of your level, a super effective hit is sure to knock you down. Should players decide to engage in battle with a Shedinja, they need to make sure that their opponent will actually be unable to hit it in order to ensure a smart path to victory.



Transforming into your own opponent

As one of the franchise's most iconic Pokémon, Ditto is best known for being able to transform into the opponent it faces. The Transform move allows Ditto to copy his opponent's appearance, type, attacks, abilities, and stats while maintaining his original level and health points. Considering how useful this attack is in allowing players to use their opponents' strengths against them, this easily makes Ditto the best gimmick to use in the game. Pokémon games.