Memories in Alden ring Allow the Tanished to wield the powers of their namesake, and are obtained when defeating their respective boss. The Tanished can bring them to Finger Rider Enya in the rotable stop to claim his rewards. with 26 unique reminders In Elden Ring, it can be difficult for players to know which rewards are more valuable than others.
Usually, players will select the option that best suits their current build. However, there will be times when both rewards match Tanished's build or neither of them do, which makes selecting the right choice even harder. with a Limited number of duplication methods For Remembrances, players must carefully choose which Remembrances to prioritize in Alden ring.
Remembrance of the Black Blade
Debuff bosses' HP
The Remembrance of the Black Blade
Offers or the Maleketh's Black Blade
Colossal sword or the Black blade
incantation. Both options are incredibly powerful, because each of them can damage the destined death, which will Debuff enemy HP by 10%. The Tarnished can obtain this reminder by defeating Maliketh, the Black Blade near the end of the game in Farum Azula.
While Maliketh's Black Blade can only be reliably used on a Strength/Faith build, the Black Blade incantation is a fantastic spell for all Faith builds. I personally have gotten much more use out of the incantation than the weapon. Because the Destined Death debuff wears off, it's best to Use it as a finisher rather than an openerAs it will sip the boss' rest 10% HP. Use the incantation at close range to maximize damage output.
Reminder of the shadow sunflower
Perfectly balanced faith/strength weapon
The Reminder of the shadow sunflower
offers these Shadow sunflower blossom
Colossal weapon or the Land of Shadows
incantation. Land of Shadows leaves a lot to be desired, Take up two memory slots and dealing insignificant damage compared to other more effective incantation options. However, the Shadow Sunflower Blossom is one of the best new Strength/Faith weapons in the game, considering how high it scales with both stats.
The Shadow Sunflower can be claimed by defeating the Scadutree avatar. With its unique multi-hit skill, Shadow Sunflower Headbutt, it can easily break the poise of most enemies and bosses. Any Strength/Faith user should immediately take this weaponAs they certainly won't be disappointed.
Reminiscences of the Wild Train Rider
The Drill Skill
The Reminiscences of the Wild Train Rider
offers these Sword lance
Heavy thrusting sword and the Blades of stone
sorcery While Blades of Stone is a decent option for Intelligence users, as it can deal massive amounts of poise damage in rapid succession, most enemies can easily dodge the spell before it can be fully cast. In contrast, the Sword Lance's unique skill, Spinning Gravity Thrust, is incredibly powerful and Can even be removed and infused into other weapons. The memory book is received from Commander Gaius.
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incantations |
Talismans |
Wonderful physics |
While attached to Gravity Magic, an Intelligence-based magic class, Spinning Gravity Thrust actually performs best with a blood infusionAs each tick of damage the drill builds up a bleeding proc. This setup is one of the best build options for New Game Plus, as Bleed can easily get through the host's HP even with high damage negations. Use in tandem with multi-hit talismans such as these Nasty winged sword insignia
To boost damage as much as possible.
Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen
Highest Scaling Intelligence staff
The Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen
offers these Carian Regal Scepter
And these Rennal's full moon
sorcery While Rennala's Full Moon does excellent damage, it falls short compared to its counterpart, Ranni's Dark Moon, which also applies Frostbite build-up. The Carian regal scepter, however, is the Best Glintstone Staff for Pure Intelligence Sorcerers As it has massive intelligence scaling with no downsides, unlike Lusat's Glintstone staff
That increases PHP cost by 50%.
The Carian Regal Scepter is also the best staff to cast Moon Sorceries with, as it provides a 10% damage boost. The staff also comes with these Spinning Weapon Skill
Which is underrated as a stager tool. The only downside of the Carian Regal Scepter is that most players will not be able to use it when they first purchase it, because It requires a whopping 60 Intelligence to manage.
Remembrance of a God and a Lord
Incredibly overpowered Ash of War
The Remembrance of a God and a Lord
Offers three unique Remembrance Rewards, these being the Great Sword of Radan (Lord)
The Greatsword of Radahn (Light)
And these Light from Mikaella
incantation. As dazzling as it is, Mikvella's light of incantation is not practical to use in most situations, As it takes incredibly long to cast. Both greatswords of Radahn share the same moveset, their only differences being the unique skill they have. The memory is received from the promised consort Rodahn.
Comparing the lord and light swords, the great sword of Radahn (lord) comes out on top as its skill, Promised Consort, hits several times for thousands of damage and has incredibly high poise. Radahn's Greetsword (Light) has the skill Lightspeed Slash, which only hits twice and for significantly less damage. The Promised Consort skill is absurdly powerful in PVP and can often combo enemy players for their full HP bar if used correctly.
Reminder of the Impaler
Amazing successive hit weapon
offers these Spear of the impeller
And the Messmer's Orb
Incantation, which is acquired after defeating Mesmer the Impaler. The spear of the impaler is one of the best new dexterity weapons in Alden ringBoasting a phenomenal unique skill and a large amount of fire damage. The Messmer's Assault skill has three partsThe first is a projectile, the second a successive barrage, and the third a massive area-of-effect slam.
I recommend duplicating this reminder with one of the coffins in the Land of Shadows, as both of these rewards are too good to pass up.
The Mesmer's Orb incantation requires 60 Faith to use, but at this point in the DLC, most Faith players will be close to or have achieved 60 Faith. Although this skill is not as good in PVP as the spear of the impaler, using it in PVE is another story. With its massive radius, Messmer's Orb can be used to Instantly wipe out large groups of enemies Or to divide HP from enemies weak to fire.
Remembrance of the Blood Lord
Mohg's spear is still absurdly powerful
The Remembrance of the Blood Lord
Offers Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
And these Bloodbone
incantation. While Bloodboon is all but a useless incantation, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear does everything Bloodboon does and more. Being One of the few strength/arcane weapons in Alden ringMohgwyn's Sacred Spear fulfills its purpose as a bleeding machine.
The spear is unique Bloodbone Ritual Skill
is both an area-of-effect successive blood attack While also acting as a Bloodflame buff To boost the spear's damage even further. Not to mention, this weapon has the large spear moveset, which means it has an incredibly powerful sprint attack with successive hits. This weapon was, and will continue to be, one of the best arcane armaments in the game.
Remembrance of the blasphemous
Heal with each hit
The Remembrance of the blasphemous
offers these Blasphemous blade
Greatsword and the Ricard's rancor
incantation. Rykard's Rancor is a split stat sorcery, meaning It requires a great amount of faith and intelligence to castWhich is unrealistic for most players in the Volcano Manor stage of the game. And when the other option is the Blasphemous Blade, the all-around best PVE weapon in Alden ringIt's hard to defend Rickard's rancor.
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incantations |
Talismans |
Wonderful physics |
The Blasphemous Blade has incredibly high Strength and Faith scaling, which is a perfect slot for one of the best stat combinations in the game. His unique skill, Taker's Flames, Can heal the tanned on successful heatWhich is an incredibly rare trait for a weapon to have. His fire damage is also classified as magma damage, which means Taker's flames can be boosted by the Talisman of the Dread
. With the sheer number of ways you can build into the Blasphemous Blade, it's no wonder it's stayed as powerful as it has for so long.
Remembrance of the mother of fingers
Cast incantations and sorceries
The Remembrance of the mother of fingers
offers these Stick from the big next
Glintstone stick and the Looking fingers
Colossal weapon, which was acquired from Metir, Mother of Fingers. Both of these options are quite powerful, but the staff of the great next does something that no other catalyst does Alden ring Can do. It can cast both sorceries and incantationsThat opens up a whole world of combo potential.
While the Staff of the Great Beyond will never do as much damage as other high-scaling Glintstone staffs, the utility it can provide on New Game Plus playthroughs is not to be scorned. Before Shadow of the Earthtree, players had to manually switch to another catalyst in combat to cast a different type of magic, That can add up to a lot of downtime between attacks. The stick of the big next mitigates this problem completely, especially with the memory slots Alden ring are organized.
Alden memory
Versatile weapons for farming and bosses
The Alden memory
Offering the Sacred Relic Sword and Marika's Hammer, the Ladder is one of my personal favorite weapons in the game. However, as powerful as Marika's hammer is, I would recommend taking the Sacred Relic Sword first as well It is the best weapon in the game for farming runes. Having this weapon is incredibly life-changing after finishing the game, as it becomes incredibly easy to stock up on runes in the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of Grace outside of Mohgwin Palace.
Because it is so effective for farming runes, the Sacred Relic Sword allows the Tanished to fully stock up on any upgrade materials they may need to upgrade new armaments and spirit ash, as well as purchase any leftover goods from the traders around the lands between . Make sure to get this weapon before jumping into New Game PlusAs it is quite easy to make it back to Mohgwin Palace on a new run if the Tanished Go White Mask Varré's questline. With all the reminder rewards in hand, players can feel confident in their arsenal for New Game Plus and PVP in Alden ring.
Video Credit: Raggaming videos/Waifu only/Fextralife/ YouTube