Throughout its 15 seasons on air, Bob's Burgers produced some incredibly hilarious quotes, and Regular Sized Rudy was the source of some of the best. The Fox animated series debuted in 2011, featuring almost 300 episodes and even releasing a film in theaters. Voiced by Brian Huskey, Regular Sized Rudy made his debut in the third season episode, “Carpe Museum,” and has been one of the series' standout characters ever since.
Easily one of the best characters introduced since Bob's Burgers Season 1, Regular Sized Rudy got his name because there was another Rudy at the nursery school (named Pocket Sized Rudy) and since then he has become a close friend of all three Belcher children. He has a very soft personality that fits in well with the other children and is often closely involved in all of Louise's schemes and plans. He may even be the closest friend Louise has outside of her own siblings.
"Just look at me."
Season 3, Episode 22: “Carpe Museum”
Regular Sized Rudy's first appearance came in the third season episode "Carpe Museum". His introduction comes when he joins Louise on a school trip to the Natural History Museum. The two escape to the closed Amazon Room and Bob goes after them. This quote from full-sized Rudy happens when Bob meets Rudy for the first time.
It's a hilarious moment when Bob asks the boy his name, and he says he's normal-sized Rudy. Bob just looks at him and says, "Regular-sized Rudy? Why do they call you that?"Rudy responds,"Just look at me,"to which Bob just says:"Um, okay."It's funny in the moment because it seems like people would figure out why he has that name, but it wouldn't be revealed until later. As it is, he was used to the nickname, and his nonchalance to the question was perfect.
"I'm loving every minute of it."
Season 3, Episode 22: “Carpe Museum”
In Regular Sized Rudy's first appearance in Bob's Burgershe ends up on a big adventure with Louise and Bob at the Natural History Museum. While they were exploring and evading security. Rudy was becoming more and more breathless. Bob makes little jokes about thinking he was out of shape until he saw Rudy's heavy breathing. Only when they reached a high point in the museum did he finally ask Rudy what was wrong. and the boy explained that he needed his inhaler every two hours.
Bob realizes that Rudy could die at any minute and Rudy simply tells them not to worry about him.
Bob freaks out and asks where it is and Rudy says it's in his backpack, and Louise confesses that she made him abandon it. Bob realizes that Rudy could die at any minute, but Rudy simply tells them not to worry about him and makes this comment. The moment was not only sweet, but also sad. It almost seems like Rudy can never have fun and probably has few friends, and even though he's going to die with his lungs failing, it was worth having this adventure with Louise and Bob.
"I'm at Tuning Nine and I'm feeling good."
Season 6, Episode 12: 'House Of 1000 Bounces'
In the season 6 episode, “House of 1000 Bounces,” Rudy is celebrating his ninth birthday. This birthday party includes a bounce house at their birthday party, but this turns into a crisis and the Belcher kids help save the day. This quote happens at the beginning of the episode, when Louise and her brothers arrive at the party with gifts and Rudy greets them with this strange rhyming quote, the one where he has to pause in the middle to take a puff of his inhaler.
The gift even helps deliver the joke when they give him a "holster for your inhaler" and then admit that it was supposed to be for pepper spray, but they realize it could work for any spray. The whole thing was a sweet moment with Rudy admitting how good it was, causing the Belcher kids some discomfort until the kids behind Rudy says their birthdays are on the same day and they also like holsters, allowing for a break in the humor before the kids realize the bounce house never showed up.
"I think I care."
Season 7, Episode 9: 'Bob Actually'
Regular-sized Rudy is such a good, kind-hearted person that when he's heartbroken, it's devastating to watch. In "Bob Actually", Louise thinks Rudy likes her romantically and is going to give him a Valentine's Day card and gift. Although she feels relieved to know that he likes someone else, she is also a little sad about it. This turns into friendly panic when she realizes he likes Chloe, a snobbish girl with an inflated ego who thinks she's better than Rudy.
This quote comes up when Louise has to tell Rudy that Chloe won't show up to meet him on Valentine's Day because she doesn't like him,"But, who cares, right??” Rudy's response was this quote, and it was very sad when he just looked down and admitted, "I think I care." While Louise tries to tell him to stop caring, it's impossible because Rudy is like that and why viewers have come to love him as much as they do. The moment even led to a kiss between Louise and Rudy.
"It was either that or help my dad fill the waterbed."
Season 10, Episode 15: 'Yurty Rotten Scoundrels'
In season 10 Bob's Burgers episode, "Yurty Rotten Scoundrels", Louise sees a missing poster of a cat with a reward offered. As expected, this leads Louise to enlist her friends, including regular-sized Rudy, to help her find him and come up with a plan to put him into action. However, things don't go so well when she's trying to find the cast at first, and she apologizes for wasting her friend's time. This leads Rudy to deliver a Bob's Burgers quote to let her know that's what friends are for.
It also shows that Rudy's home life is clearly not a place that makes him happy.
It's even funnier because Rudy admits his only other option besides helping Louise with that plan was to help his father fill his waterbed, which is bizarrely specific. It also shows that Rudy's home life is clearly not a place that makes him happy, and it makes it even sweeter to know that he considers his time with Louise to be the happiest times of his life, even if it's just trying to make a plan. to find a missing cast for some money (which they never get anyway).
"It broke my heart, platonically."
Season 13, Episode 3: 'What About Work?'
This episode from season 13 of Bob's Burgers There's a wonderfully sad quote from Rudy in regular length, but not one he actually said. Instead, this was all in Louise's imagination. Her thoughts spiraled out of control and she began to stress about what her future would be like. This happens thanks to a class assignment, and Louise's imagination sends her to a future that looks a lot like the old world of detective noir, where she and Rudy are "platonic roommates."
The entire episode has Louise responding to everyone about her “platonic friends and loved ones” and that includes her"platonic roommate Rudy." This quote even makes Rudy join in when he says, "WWe were supposed to live together as roommates and platonic friends, and then you ran away to Kathmandu. I had to break the contract and it broke my heart, platonically."It was ridiculous and over the top, but it was also something only Rudy would have said.
"And I'm Kate Bush."
Season 3, Episode 22: “Carpe Museum”
In Regular Sized Rudy's first appearance, he and Louise are paired up on a field trip to the Natural History Museum. They end up sneaking into a closed exhibit and hiding from security. Bob goes looking for them because he said he can't let them get lost and get into trouble. He sees them hiding in the bushes because of Louise's bunny ears and calls out to them. However, the two children decide to play and pretend they are talking plants.
Luisa responds: "Who is Luisa? I'm just a talking plant. My name is Leafy Greenbriar." After that, Rudy decides he wants to play along and says, "And I'm Kate Bush"referencing that he is also a plant. The fact that Louise comes up with a ridiculously made-up name to play on the idea that she is a talking plant and Rudy only names a pop star with "Bush" in his name shows the lack of creativity of boy and also his overwhelming innocence.
"It doesn't even matter that I'm allergic to chocolate."
Season 4, Episode 15: 'The Kids Rob A Train'
The Belcher children decide they are going to steal chocolate from a train when they end up in a different compartment than their parents. This is a wine train, with children allowed"but not encouraged."When they find out about the chocolate fountain, they decide they're going to find a way to get it, and then they meet normal-sized Rudy on the train (his dad brings his online dates there). The four work together, and this time, Louise's plan works perfectly and the children enthusiastically eat the falling chocolate..
All of this is fine until Rudy says this quote, and Louise realizes that he is so excited to be getting into trouble with her, that he once again seems to have no regard for his own safety. When she asks what will happen if he eats it, he begins convulsing and convulsing, which scares the children until Rudy admits that he is faking it and that chocolate only causes rashes on his back. This was a time when Rudy was having fun with his friends and really got over Louise.
"I kind of want to see how this ends."
Season 4, Episode 22: “World Wharf II: The Wharfening”
"World Wharf II: The Wharfening" is the second part of a two-part episode where Felix promises to kill Mr. Fischoeder and Bob and take them to the pier and tie them under the pilings so they will die when it is demolished. Throughout the second episode, Linda and the kids don't believe Bob is really in trouble, but when they discover the danger is real, they get in a rowboat to go look for him. Full-sized Rudy is with them, which is concerning based on the danger.
When Linda offers to send him home, he rejects the idea and says he's going with them because he wants to see how it ends. The joke after that is even better when Louise responds, "Oh, dear Rudy, you probably won't live to see the end."He simply responds by saying:"Oh," but his plan was to stay with his friends, even if there was great danger, because that's where he feels he belongs.
"It's okay. God saw it."
Season 8, Episode 18: “As I Walk Down the Shadow of the Ramps Alley”
This season 8 Bob's Burgers episode, Regular Sized Rudy is doing daring jumps on a bike ramp that is actually very low. However, each time he takes a leap, he becomes more and more impressed with himself. He even makes some fun jokes about heels, like when he said "You can serve a meal on this flight."However, the best quote came later when a new passive-aggressive neighbor named Alice moved the trash chutes, so the trash collectors took them.
Louise, full-sized Rudy, Tina and Gene go after her when Louise's tricycle gets stuck under the woman's truck. During the chase, Rudy sees another small ramp and jumps off. When he asks if they saw it, Tina looks confused and Rudy hilariously comments, "All good. God saw."It was just a brilliant little phrase in Bob's Burgers to show how proud Rudy was of such a small achievement, as he was on a mission to help his friends save Louise's tricycle.
Bob's Burgers is an adult animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard and starring H. Jon Benjamin, Dan Mintz, Eugene Mirman, Larry Murphy, John Roberts and Kristen Schaal. The series follows Bob Belcher and his family as they struggle to run their Burger restaurant in an unnamed coastal town.
- Cast
H. Jon Benjamin, Dan Mintz, Eugene Mirman, Larry Murphy, John Roberts, Kristen Schaal
- Release date
January 9, 2011
- Seasons
- Presenter
Loren Bouchard, Jim Dauterive, Nora Smith