Top 10 Into The Badlands Fighters, Ranked

Top 10 Into The Badlands Fighters, Ranked

Set in a post-apocalyptic future roughly half a millennium from today, In the arid lands tells the story of a world where people have lost faith in guns. This premise explains the focus on characters who are adept at martial arts, using hand-to-hand weaponry and archery skills to survive. It's like a medieval-themed fantasy, but set in the future. There is even a magical gift that grants superpowers in In the arid lands which adds a layer of fantasy to the setting.

As there are no weapons in In the arid landsThere's plenty of compelling hand-to-hand combat with highly skilled characters clashing regularly, making us wonder who's the strongest of them all. Divided into factions, the people compete for power and are accompanied by their loyal minions in their fight for dominance. The best thing is that the leaders themselves, despite being in power, never hesitate to get their hands dirty. Each main character in In the arid lands takes advantage of the moment to show off their combat skills, but some are clearly superior in their abilities to others.



Played by Ally Ioannides

Originally adopted by the Widow as her Regent, Tilda as a fighter undergoes significant evolution as the show progresses. She is initially easily overpowered by almost everyone she has to fight, who channels anger and physicality into their fighting style. It's impressive how she is able to defend herself against people who surpass her in size and strength, but when someone relies on her physical strength, she is often easily overpowered in the earlier episodes of the first season.

However, over time, she improves her reflexes to become even faster and more accurate, and by the end of the show, she is able to hold her own against groups of fighters, but as long as they are not any of the main characters. . Against a significant main character, she never fared well, and given the fact that she left her mother to pursue her own mission, We'll never find out how good she could have become if she had continued training with the Widow.



Played by Ella Rae Smith

Nix's sword skills remain largely unexplained because almost no backstory is offered about her life before joining Pilgrim's group or even how she joined Pilgrim. It's simply clear that she is a talented sword wielder who can hold her own against relatively important enemies. The most impressive martial arts feat, however, has to be the marksmanship with which she literally threw her swords into a cutter's chest once. In addition to her considerably impressive skills with fists and swords, Nix is ​​also a bearer of the gift. This supernaturally enhances your abilities.

From enhanced agility and reflexes to enhanced strength and endurance, her gift makes her an even more formidable foe. However, she cannot use it at will initially, and even later, she is limited by the basic limitation of the gift, which is terminated when someone gives Azran the command to "Peace be with you." She is managed to last a while in fights against MK and even Pilgrim when she figured out how to use it at will, but she's still far from the strongest character in the series.



Played by Aramis Knight

Sunny's MK colt is no stranger to melee weaponry. He is most commonly seen wielding his dual scimitars, which he does with ease, grace, and expertise. Although Sunny's training has made him a proficient swordsman, his masterful use of the bo staff is a consequence of training with the Abbotts. His fists are also no less than any weapon, as Sunny's training in hand-to-hand combat has also made him a competent martial artist.

MK's true strength is in its use of the present. While most gifted people harness their powers by cutting themselves, MK relies on an emotion that hurts more than an injury to exert his powers. In the first season, he even uses force powers that he never uses again during the rest of the show. While This seems like a blatant oversight on the part of the writersthere could be an explanation in the world for this. MK is fixated on revenge throughout the show, and this prevents him from realizing his full potential as a fighter.


The widow

Played by Emily Beecham

Always impeccably dressed, often in high heels, which makes her athletic ability even more impressive, Minerva is one of the best fighters in the world. In the arid lands. She defeated almost everyone she faced, whether with swords or just her fists. She is also adept at parkour, dodging flurries of blows, flipping tables and running along walls to gain a tactical advantage.

“She's killed almost everyone she's fought, but she's still not the most capable fighter in the series.”

In addition to her martial art, The Widow becomes even more powerful by being able to take advantage of the gift, which, in addition to improving all her abilities, also allows her to perform telekinesis, through a movement called push/pull strength. She's killed almost everyone she's fought, but she's still not the most capable fighter in the series. Nathaniel Moon, Sunny and Quinn are main characters who stopped her in hand-to-hand combat.


Moon Nathanael

Played by Sherman Augustus

Nathaniel Moon is one of the deadliest characters in In the arid lands. He literally left the barren lands after his nine hundred and ninetieth death to find peace. The tough former regent who later becomes the Widow's regent is one of the few characters who has stood his ground against the latter in combat. Of all the characters in the series who do not have powers until the final season, Silver Moon, as he is also known, is behind only Quinn and Sunny in fighting skills.

Of all the characters in the series who don't have powers until the final season, Silver Moon is second only to Quinn and Sunny in fighting skills.

Silver Moon is such a skilled swordsman that he withstood several talented fighters at once, and his fight against the Widow, in which he fought without one hand, was much more equal than it should have been, given his disability. The bionic arm it replaces has a blade and some hidden darts, but it disrupts his balance and negatively affects his combat abilities.



Played by Marton Csokas

Despite being terminally ill, Quinn is ridiculously skilled in hand-to-hand combat and practically killed the Widow once, in one of the most entertaining fight scenes in the entire series. The most powerful baron in the Badlands, he is surpassed in combat skills only by his regent Sunny. His physicality makes him an intimidating foe, but the scariest thing about him is that when he's not burdened by his health problems, he's practically invincible. Quinn hasn't lost a single sword fight against someone without the gift while operating at full capacity.

With an unrealistic pain tolerance resulting from his brain tumor, Quinn was stabbed a disturbing number of times and lived to tell the tale. Although he is not athletic like The Widow or Sunny because of his larger build, Quinn is still very agile, and landing a hit on him requires a lot of patience and skill. He is fast and always aware of his surroundings. Not the fairest of fighters, he often makes use of circumstances and his cunning to get what he wants, whether by cheating his way to victory or manipulating his enemies into fighting for him.



Played by Babou Ceesay

Self-proclaimed son of Azra and leader of the Totemists, Pilgrim is arguably as strong as Sunny or perhaps even stronger on his best day. An expert in martial arts, he has the incredible ability to fend off groups of fighters even when blindfolded! He's a convincing antagonist to Sunny, but his insane abilities and the ease with which he wins most of his fights feel borderline plot armor.

When wielding the power of the present, Pilgrim is practically unstoppable.

The Pilgrim's most frightening ability is, of course, the power to temporarily disable other people's connection to the present. This makes it an even scarier enemy because many of the characters who have the gift depend on it to survive encounters. Not only that, When he is wielding the power of the present, Pilgrim is practically unstoppable.even stronger than the Master because of how much he improves his martial art and overall physical ability. No one experiences the improvement of skills resulting from the gift like him.



Played by Daniel Wu

Regent of Quinn, Sunny is often considered the strongest character in In the arid lands. He is by far the most skilled hand-to-hand combatant. He's literally only been beaten or pushed back by people who have the gift, and Sunny is the only character to have beaten Quinn in one-on-one combat. Sunny's resilience makes him a formidable fighter because he never stops until he is literally knocked out or, as in his fight against Pilgrim, practically disemboweled.

Sunny faced off against every considerably important character in the series and basically came out victorious. Long before he could use his powers through the gift, he defeated the Widow in a fight. Nathaniel Moon couldn't get the best of him, three power-enabled Abbotts took a long time to take him down, and even Pilgrim barely defeated him until he was enraged by his powers. Sunny could very well be the strongest on the showbut he is still not invincible.



Played by Cung Le

The Abbott who leads a trio in their search for people with powers, Cyan is arguably the best fighter in In the arid lands. True, it took the help of two other Abbotts and all three had to activate their powers to achieve this, but Cyan is one of the few people to have defeated Sunny in combat.. His powers make him difficult to beat, but many of his abilities come from simply being a highly talented martial artist.

Although he often relies on his powers to win fights, Cyan is definitely a badass Abbott. His sword skills make him formidable in hand-to-hand combat, but add to that his ability to channel the gift to enhance his skills without having to cut himself, and he seems nearly impossible to beat. Furthermore, he can perform the deadly Five Poison Hand move this causes his enemies' bodies to slowly shut down, eventually killing them.


The Master

Played by Chipo Chung

Obsessed with the gift, Ada, also known as Master, dedicated her life to studying and controlling it. She finds people with the gift and trains them to control it for her benefit, but mainly with the intention of ensuring that it does not spread to sectors of society that she deems unworthy of powers. Not only is she adept at training others with powers, but she also has such a great connection to the gift that she possesses powers that go beyond combat, even being able to manipulate people's memories. And of course, she can control her powers at will.

Pilgrim, one of the Badlands' most capable combatants, could not defeat her until he deactivated her powers. She relies a lot on the present, but that doesn't mean she's useless without them. She doesn't even need to activate them to beat most characters in melee combat. It's only exceptional fighters like Pilgrim that make her confident in her abilities. But once she activates her powers, there is literally no one In the arid lands who can fight better than her.