Old man Elliott (Aubrey Plaza) shared some details about the future in My old assand some of them were big surprises and big events. In My old assElliott (Maisy Stella) was visited by her future self. The two obviously had a lot to talk about, but most of the conversations boiled down to the older Elliott encouraging himself to be more involved in his family life and avoiding Chad (Percy Hynes White). Although Chad and Elliott's family was the focus of the film, the elder Elliott also had some very interesting things to say about the future.
Some of the things old Elliott talked about when mentioning the future would affect all the characters in My old assand even the whole world. Others, however, were much more focused on Elliott's life, friends, and family. Even though his revelations are far-reaching, the future of My old ass it has had some important developments and has changed a lot since the present day. The 10 biggest revelations about the future of My old ass would send absolute shockwaves through Elliott's life.
Some rich guy bought Maude Island off my old ass
Most of the city around Elliott's house has been privatized
One of the first things old Elliott revealed to his younger self after appearing in the forest was about the location of the camp. The Older Elliott also revealed that Maude Island, the island where Ro and Ruthie took Elliott camping, will be purchased by "some stupid rich guy." The elder Elliott also mentioned that it used to be a fun place to hang out, which indicates that whoever buys Maude Island will close it to the public.
Surprisingly, the fact that Maude Island was purchased by a private citizen also fits into one of the My old ass'other plot points. Later in the story, Elliott's father reveals that they are selling the family cranberry farm because they received an offer too good to pass up.. It appears that there has been a trend in the area around Maude Island and filming locations for My old ass of rich people buying properties around the lake.
Elder Elliott suggested that the future of my old ass does not contain chemicals in food
The elder Elliott said she missed the taste of chemicals in her food
The older Elliott first appeared to her younger self around a campfire, so she decided to roast a marshmallow. When the older Elliott took her first bite of marshmallow, she commented that she missed the chemicals, which could be a hint that food in the future will be almost entirely organic.. While it's possible that the older Elliott chose to eat more organic foods, the fact that she chose to eat a marshmallow as soon as she arrived in the past indicates that the lack of chemicals in her diet was not by choice.
No matter how it happened, the fact that old Elliott is missing chemicals paints an interesting picture of what the future of My Old Ass holds.
It is not entirely clear why the future of My old ass would not have chemicals in their food. Some of the other things the elder Elliott mentioned later in the film may indicate that climate change has had an impact, and it may be that the resources of the future have gone to growing food rather than manufacturing it. No matter how it happened, the fact that the elder Elliott misses the chemicals paints an interesting picture of what the future will look like. My old ass safe.
Aubrey Plaza's Elliott Loses Pinky Finger Due to 'Tequila Accident'
The older Elliott used his toe as proof, forgetting it hadn't happened yet
Initially, the older Elliott was afraid to reveal too much about the future to her younger self, to avoid spoiling something or taking the surprise out of life. One thing she revealed in their first conversation, however, was that Elliott would end up losing his little toe in the future.. The older Elliott was trying to prove that she was the same person as Elliott and used some of the scars she had as proof. She forgot when she lost her little toe, however, and revealed very early on that Elliott would have a "tequila accident."
The elder Elliott didn't explain exactly what a tequila accident is, but it sounded like a very interesting night. It also highlights one of the main themes of My old assand something the younger Elliott herself said. Near the end of My old assElliott said that being young and dumb is what allows people to enjoy life without constantly worrying about the consequences. The lost toe and tequila accident prove that even though they can end in disaster, stupid adventures are worth having.
Maddie Ziegler's Ruthie Divorces and Remarries
Elliott lost his pinky finger at Ruthie's second wedding
One of the other things that old Elliott's story about losing his little toe inadvertently revealed was the fact that Ruthie would eventually get divorced and remarried. The older Elliot said she had the tequila accident in "Ruthie's second marriage", which indicates that she had a first marriage at some point before. My old ass didn't reveal who Ruthie would marry, but the fact that she would marry again in the future was a big surprise.
Notable Maddie Ziegler Movies and TV Shows |
Title |
Paper |
Music |
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Mia Reed |
Henry's book |
Cristina |
West Side History |
Velma |
Even though it's a throwaway line, Ruthie's future divorce and second marriage help reinforce a great message of My old ass. The older Elliott's character has a lot of regrets that she lives with, and in many ways, she doesn't live up to Elliott's expectations for her own future. Part of the message My old ass is that even if the future brings more pain than anticipated, it's still worth experiencing. Ruthie probably never planned to get divorced, but her second marriage made lasting memories.
Elliott is still a PhD student at 39 in my old ass
The elder Elliott didn't say what she was studying in graduate school
Much to the younger Elliott's dismay, the elder Elliott revealed that he was working toward a doctorate in the future. The older Elliott didn't reveal what she was studying as she wanted to preserve some of the surprise for her younger self, but the difference in reaction shows just how big a revelation it was for the younger Elliott.. This also matches with My old ass'The theme of the future doesn't always go as we plan, given young Elliott's dismay at still being at school at 39.
Old Elliott's graduate studies also suggest an interesting part of the My old ass' future. Even though there seems to be a lot of things wrong with the film's future, old Elliott could still receive a higher education. What makes it even more surprising is another detail she revealed about the future and how dangerous it could be.
The Elder Elliott Suggested the Future Has No Salmon
Elder Elliott encouraged Elliott to eat salmon “while they’re still around”
Another food-related prediction the elder Elliott shared with her younger self was the fact that salmon no longer existed. On your first phone call, Old Elliott asked what the family would have for dinner, and when she speculated that it was salmon, she said, "Ugh, I miss salmon. ANDin all this now while it's still around." The lack of salmon seems to be even more proof that the future of My old ass has been affected by some type of devastation, possibly climate change. Higher global temperatures would help explain why salmon would disappear in the future.
Interestingly, Former Elliott's throwaway lines, like the one establishing that the salmon has disappeared, paint a surprisingly bleak picture of the future. Much of her daily life appears to have been directly affected by climate change or some other type of hardship, and many of the things she took for granted as a teenager seem to have completely disappeared. This matches with My old ass's theme of enjoying the present and not letting life pass you by, but it also makes the future feel quite dystopian.
Sirens ring regularly in my old ass's future
The older Elliott treated the siren as a normal thing
Salmon populations are not the only reason the future of My old ass It looks dystopian. One of Elliott's conversations with herself ended abruptly because the older Elliott heard an air raid siren and had to hide in her basement.. Although it seemed like a frantic situation, Old Elliott didn't seem particularly surprised by the siren either. The future of My old ass appears to need air raid sirens quite regularly, but it is unclear what the sirens were for.
It's possible that the older Elliott simply lives in a place where tornadoes are common, which would explain why the siren didn't surprise her and why she had to go to the basement. However, the fact that she didn't simply tell young Elliott that she had to go because of a tornado suggests that something worse happened in the future. It could be another symptom of climate change, or the older Elliott could live in a place that experiences violence, such as attacks or bombings.
Elder Elliott says “nobody can have three kids anymore”
My old ass's future looks like a dystopia
Perhaps the most convincing evidence that the future of My old ass It's a dystopia was another throwaway line old Elliott said. During one of his phone calls, Elliott said he wanted three children and a wife, but the elder Elliott laughed at that and said no one else was allowed to have three children.. This is a pretty radical policy that could have been put in place for a number of bad reasons, like climate change or war.
This, along with the air raid sirens and signs of global warming, indicate that the future of My Old Ass may even be a dystopia of sorts.
Placing a limit on the number of children people can have isn't entirely unheard of, but it's generally not a good thing. For example, China implemented a one-child policy that for years limited the number of children a couple could have, and caused a series of unintended consequences and problems (through NPR). If the elder Elliott also lives under a restriction on how many children she can have, that's a very bad sign for her future. My old ass. This, along with the air raid sirens and signs of global warming, indicate that it may even be a kind of dystopia.
Penelope Disick Created a Transcendental Meditation Retreat
Child Reality TV Celebrity Grows Up to Become an Entrepreneur in My Old Ass
One of the happiest things old Elliott revealed about the future concerned Penelope Disick, daughter of Keeping Up with the Kardashians stars Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian. Younger Elliott was unable to recover for a few days, and older Elliott revealed it was because she was at a retreat called Hubbya, created by Penelope Disick.. According to Older Elliott, Hubbya was a "transcendental meditation"back off.
What it does My old ass' reference to Penelope Disick even more fun is that she was 12 years old in 2024 when the film was released. The older Elliott was obviously talking about the future, but it's still a funny reference to mention a celebrity child's future as an entrepreneur. Whether Disick actually becomes a businessman in real life or not, My old ass seems to have confidence that she will do great things as an adult.
Chad dies sometime in my old ass's future
The elder Elliott wanted to spare the heartbreak of Chad's death
The biggest revelation about the future in My old asshowever, it had nothing to do with the world at large. In the final moments of My old assThe older Elliott revealed that the reason she wanted the younger Elliott to avoid Chad was because she would fall in love with him, and he would die soon after.. The older Elliott mentioned that there was nothing Elliott could do to save Chad, and she was trying to spare her the suffering and tragedy of his untimely death.
The older Elliott revealed that the reason she wanted the younger Elliott to avoid Chad was because she would fall in love with him, and he would die soon after.
Old Elliott's warnings about Chad and his ultimate fate are a big part of the story. My old ass. Young Elliott's decision to love him anyway and not waste time worrying about when he would die helped show that it is better to live in the present than to be anxious about the future or regret the past.. That's a great message, and the fact that My old ass used time travel in such an inventive way to deliver it proves how good a film it is.
Source: NPR