Tommy Sultan of 1000 lb sister reveals major new life goal amid weight loss

Tommy Sultan of 1000 lb sister reveals major new life goal amid weight loss

Tommy Sultan from 1000-lb sister Reflecting on yourself and embracing your growth after dropping 500 pounds. Her obesity impacted her life for the worse, preventing her from being active, making new friends, or reaching any meaningful milestones. It also leads to various health issues, including difficulty breathing and lipedema. in 2021, A life-threatening incident opened Tammy's eyes and she is determined to improve. She lost enough weight to qualify for bariatric surgery, further adding to her weight loss. Since 2024, Tommy has lost 500 pounds, transformed into a new person.

1000-lb sisterTammy Slaton posted a video about embracing her growth amid her extraordinary weight loss.

Tommy Has used social media to share updates with her fans. Recently, she posted a video about "Embrace growth." she said, "For a long time, my friends were my family. Watching my show helped me realize I wasn't good to them." Tommy acknowledged all her past mistakes and wrongs.

She said her new goal is to manage her anger issues By making the right changes. Tommy said, "Here's to self-reflection, growth, and embracing the journey ahead," Stating that she is focused on recognizing the areas of improvement in her life to become the best version of herself.

What's Next in Tammy Slaton's Weight Loss Journey?

Tommy wants to make an effort to be more kind to her family

Tammy ended her caption with her goal: She wants to embrace her journey and let it shape her into a better person. Tommy's immediate goal is to be better to her family while focusing on her mental health. She probably wants to get over her lingering anger issues And her insecurities. She wants to treat her family right by becoming the best version of herself. Tommy may also undergo skin removal surgery to take her transformation to the next level. The procedure will make you more confident and bring more happiness to your life, uplifting your mood.


Tammy's new post reveals that she has become a better person. She is no longer the bitter woman who never listened to her family, but on the contrary, a mature lady who understands others and does not jump to conclusions. Tommy matured after losing weight and became more empathetic, and Her last motivational words showed this change. The 1000-lb sister The cast member hopes to show her 782,000 Instagram followers that her goal is to understand her mistakes and redeem herself by becoming the best version of herself. She hopes to follow through with her plan.


Tommy Sultan


July 27, 1986 (age 37)

Place of Birth


Marital status


Highest weight

720 pounds

Current balance

220 pounds

Pretty far gone

500 pounds

Tommy is already the best she's ever been. Her new goal is valid, but she shouldn't try too hard to achieve it just to make a statement. People have already forgiven her for her past mistakes. Her past behavior is mostly due to her bigger size. Tommy's support system wants to see her live a happy life And enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Hopefully, these 1000-lb sister Star can move on from the past, find a new partner and stay true to her new lifestyle and diet.

Source: Tommy Sultan/ Instagram