Tommy Oliver is promoted to Red Ranger in ZeoA Power Rangers Season that proved one harsh truth about the legendary Green Ranger. Arguably the greatest character in the franchise, Jason David Frank's Tommy joined the show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1, Episode 17, "Green with Evil: Part I." It didn't take long for Tommy to become a fan favorite, with the character continuing on the show way past the producers' original plan for the Green Ranger. Tommy's run as the Green Ranger was only the beginning of his Power Rangers Legacy.
in Great morphine Season 2, after losing his Green Ranger powers, Tommy was given the White Light and became the White Ranger. The show has run out Ziuranger Footage to use for the Green Ranger, which is why Tommy's new form has to come from a different sentii entirely - Dairanger. This was also when Tommy became the leader of the Power Rangers, replacing Jason. Given that Jason was about to be written out of the show, it made sense for Tommy to become the new leader of the team. when MMPR Transition to ZeoTommy became the new Red Ranger.
Power Rangers Zeo proved that Tommy was not fit to be a Red Ranger
Tommy was a great character but not a great red ranger
Tommy becomes the Red Ranger in "A great start,” an episode that marked a new era for Power Rangers. After three seasons use Ziuranger As the foundation for Great morphineIt was time for Power Rangers To reinvent yourself with new costumes and zords. Zeo Covered Chouriki Sentai Ohrangerwhose initial lineup included Red, Blue, Green, Pink and Yellow Rangers. Given that this was a little different from the usual Great morphine Lineup, some changes have to be made. For example, Adam went from Black Ranger to Green Ranger, and Tanya replaced Aisha as the Yellow Ranger.
Power Rangers Zeo Team |
Character |
Color |
Tommy |
Zeo Ranger 5 Red |
Adam |
Zeo Ranger 4 Green |
Rocky |
Zeo Ranger 3 Blue |
Tanya |
Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow |
Cat |
Zeo Ranger 1 Pink |
Trey of Triforia / Jason |
See Gold Ranger |
The biggest change, however, was Tommy becoming the Red Ranger. While the White Ranger was the leader of the Great morphine team in seasons 2 and 3, he was technically a sixth ranger. when Zeo Initially, the team only had five members. In other words, Tommy now had to become a proper leader - the Red Ranger around whom the team would be formed. Compared to his White Ranger run, Tommy has to be a more traditional leader than the Red Ranger in Zeo. unfortunately, Zeo Was one of the least interesting phases of Tommy's Power Rangers History.
Audiences loved Tommy, and it only made sense for the show to make him the End Ranger eventually.
Always striking first and asking questions later, Tommy was ready for any fight but not necessarily a great leader. As a character, Tommy Oliver naturally drew too much attention to himself because of how popular he became. in Great morphineTommy was the reformed warrior who now found a place in the world alongside his Ranger friends. however, in ZeoTommy is framed as the sole protagonist, often spending too much time in the spotlight. Meanwhile, audiences loved Tommy, and it only made sense for the show to make him the End Ranger eventually.
Power Rangers Turbo confirmed that Tommy was not meant to be a Red Ranger
Turbo was better once the new case came in
Given how much the Red Ranger role means in Power RangersI'm glad that a character as iconic as Tommy got to be one. That said, Turbo was the final confirmation that Tommy Oliver was not meant to be a Red Ranger. The first half of Turbo - the one before the introduction of the new cast - is widely regarded as one of the worst phases of the show. Repetitive and almost a parody of itself, Turbo was a reminder that Power Rangers Need something new. In the middle of the season, the actors' contracts were not renewed, and a new cast was brought in.
The fact that Turbo Was much better once TJ, Cassie, Carlos and Ashley were introduced as the new Red, Pink, Green and Yellow Rangers confirmed the biggest problem with the first half of the show. After following the Great morphine/Zeo crew for several years now, audiences have grown tired of seeing the same characters go through the same things every week. Tommy's character in particular stuck. After such an interesting development in Great morphineIt seemed like Power Rangers Didn't know what to do with Tommy for most of Zeo And Turbo.
Tommy worked better than the outsider
Tommy Oliver worked much better as the sixth ranger - the extra member of the team who stands out from the rest due to his costume and powers. The Green Ranger was the first Extra Ranger in the franchise and set up a trope that would be used several other times. Lost GalaxyS Magna Defender, Lightspeed Rescues titanium ranger, Time Forces Quantum Ranger, and Dino Thunders White Ranger are just a few examples of characters who were introduced as antagonists and later joined the heroes. Although this trope originates from Super Sentai, its success in Power Rangers Traces back to Tommy.
Power Rangers Movies/Shows Tommy Oliver appeared in |
Movie / Show |
Release date |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers |
1993 |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie |
1995 |
Power Rangers Zeo |
1996 |
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie |
1997 |
Power Rangers Turbo |
1997 |
Power Rangers Wild Force (cameo) |
2002 |
Power Rangers Dino Thunder |
2004 |
Power Rangers SPD (Cameo) |
2005 |
Power Rangers Super Megaforce (cameo) |
2014 |
Power Rangers Super Ninja Style (cameo) |
2017 |
Tommy was reckless and not a great strategistEspecially compared to characters like Billy or Jason. That's why he worked so well as an extra ranger, someone who would do what the other rangers wouldn't. Interestingly, while the White Ranger was the leader in MMPR Seasons 2 and 3, he essentially worked as an extra ranger due to the available Sentai footage. The White Ranger is based on a Dairanger character, while all the others Great morphine Costumes came from Ziuranger. This is why the White Ranger rarely interacted with the others in battle.
The Black Ranger from Dino Thunder was the perfect role for Tommy
Dino Thunder Black combined the best things about Tommy
yet TurboTommy would return for a cameo in Wild Force as part of the "Forever Red" crossover. It is interesting as one of the largest Power Rangers Episodes of All Time celebrated Tommy's legacy as a Red Ranger, with the character using his Zeo Ranger V-Red forms alongside all the other veteran Red Rangers. Two years after Wild Force, Jason David Frank returned to the franchise with a recurring role in Power Rangers Dino Thunder. Now a high school teacher, Tommy accidentally became the mentor of a new team of Rangers.
After being the "Zordon" of Dino Thunder For a couple of episodes, Tommy suits up again in "Back in Black." Dino Thunders Black Ranger combined everything great about Tommy Power Rangers. He was both a late addition to the team and an experienced figure who would guide the younger heroes. Tommy is not the leader in Dino Thunder - Red Ranger Connor was - but that didn't stop him from being a great mentor. Tommy's experience even helped the Rangers deal with the evil White Ranger, whose story mirrors the original Green Ranger arc in many ways.