Tom Holland's Uncharted movie forgot the most important thing about the games, but the sequel can fix it

Tom Holland's Uncharted movie forgot the most important thing about the games, but the sequel can fix it

Tom Holland's live-action Uncharted Movie leaves a vital part of the source material's lore, however It is not too late for Uncharted 2 To correct this error. There were some differences between the 2022s Uncharted And the games that inspired it, which led to mixed reviews despite the project being incredibly profitable. The adaptation failed to honor many parts of the source material, as far as writing an original storyline rather than recreating one of the many established stories of the game series.

Although Uncharted 2 Has yet to be fully confirmed, comments from certain members of the cast and crew suggest that an announcement is imminent. Additionally, Mark Wahlberg's report of being told to "Start growing [his] moustache"is a strong indicator that the sequel's script is not only potentially complete but also much more faithful to the games. If so, The speculative sequel has the opportunity to introduce some very important parts of the Uncharted Franchise's World Building That the 2022 effort refused to confirm.

Tom Holland's Uncharted ignores the supernatural elements of the game

The 2022 Uncharted movie failed to include any of the monsters from the source material

From the first Uncharted game, the franchise made a statement that it was still much more than the competitors' action/adventure genre company. instead, 2007s Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Made the decision to include zombies In a blow twist to the end of the story. Later installments also brought more monsters into the fold. Similar properties, viz Indiana Jones And Tomb RaiderHas flourished when embracing the supernatural, so it is perhaps not that surprising that Uncharted Would do the same. What is a little confusing is the fact that the movie of 2022 completely omitted this particular facet.

Holland Uncharted Made himself an incredibly grounded opponent to the games by instead choosing to turn away from the existence of zombies.

Holland Uncharted Made himself an incredibly grounded opponent to the games by instead choosing to turn away from the existence of zombies and other monsters in the new branch of the franchise. The undead may still technically exist in the world of the movies, but not featuring them in the first installment suggests the live-action adaptation doesn't plan to include the more fantastical element of the Uncharted Formula. Only time will tell if Uncharted 2 Will change course.

How Uncharted 2 can bring in the game' supernatural twists after a grounded first movie

The Uncharted games give the upcoming sequel a brilliant compromise

Uncharted Movie Trailer Tom Holland

It's not too late for Holland's Nathan "Knight" Drake and Wahlberg's Victor "Sully" Sullivan to meet the nightmarish villains first witnessed in the source material. That said, the movie is a slightly more glossy version of the story told in the video games. As such, if the Supernatural parts of the franchise are to work in the movies, Sony will need to get creative. Suddenly adding zombies to the mix can get a little wild. Thankfully, the later games have provided a perfect middle ground.

The supernatural parts of the formula began to fade as these Uncharted Games went on. Instead of Nate running into real monsters like the zombies from the first game, they ended up being people in costumes.

The supernatural parts of the formula began to fade as these Uncharted Games went on. Instead of Nate running into real monsters like the zombies from the first game, they ended up being people in costumes. Even later than that, they tease the comeback of real Fantastic Beasts only for them to be Nate's hallucinations. If the movies are careful about dipping into the world of the supernatural, misdirects such as those used in the games can be a brilliant way to include versions of the terrible villains.

Why Uncharted 2 and beyond may continue to intentionally avoid monsters

It's another Naughty Dog adaptation that's already very monster-focused

There are two very important reasons Uncharted 2 And other potential movie sequels may outright refuse to include supernatural beings. The first is strictly from a business perspective. Making a profitable movie is not always a sure thing. Of course it helps to have big names like Holland Wahlberg involved, but it still doesn't guarantee that a film will make money. Sony managed to make an Uncharted Adaptation which, on a budget of around $120m, made (according to Box Office Mojo) over $407m. so, Straying from an approach that has already proven successful may be seen as an unnecessary risk.


The other reason may relate to another live-action adaptation made with source material from the same game studio as Uncharted. Naughty Dog, the company responsible for making these Uncharted Games, also made The last of us. The latter is much more closely related to the presence of the undead. As such, adding them to the Uncharted Movies can make both projects seem too similar. In short, the Uncharted Movies are easier to separate from The last of us As they are now.

Source: Box Office Mojo