Tom Hanks He was involved in some of the most beloved and highest-grossing films of recent decades, consolidating himself as one of the biggest attractions and most recognized names in Hollywood. However, choosing the best-rated films from the star's catalog is not as easy as one might think, and the results are certainly not as obvious as expected. The best Tom Hanks films are the ones that allow the actor to delve into his most charming and charismatic performances – and four specific films stand out more than most.
Although his career began in blockbuster comedies such as Big and Turner and Hoochthe actor has branched out into several different genres over the years. He has probably found greater success in family dramas such as Forest Gump and Castawaybut he's also tackled some much darker roles in projects like Saving Private Ryan and Road to perdition. Additionally, Tom Hanks has starred in many underrated children's films: including The Polar Express and widely admired Disney Toy Story franchise.
Tom Hanks' four highest-rated films are all Toy Story films
The franchise gave him the most successful projects
Watching Tom Hanks' highest-rated movies on Rotten tomatoesthere is a single franchise that appears at the top: Toy Story. The original two installments score 100%, while the third film drops slightly to 98% and the fourth to 97%. These are incredible soundtracks that really show how consistent and beloved these films are, proving once again that Tom Hanks' popularity is not restricted to a single genre. These are just voice performances, but they are among some of his best work to date.
THE Toy Story the series has some of Pixar's all-time best sequels, so it's not too surprising to find them so high on this list - but the fact that they top Hanks' entire remaining filmography is undeniably surprising. The actor starred in some of the most recognized works of the 20th and 21st centuries, winning Oscars for his performances in Philadelphia and Forest Gump.
Tom Hanks' other top-rated films couldn't be more different from Toy Story
The rest of their catalog is totally different
After four Toy Story films, the list of Hanks' highest-rated films becomes completely different. Other entries in the top 10 include Catch me if you can, Apollo 13and Captain Phillipsall with completely different tones and serving a completely different audience. These are darker films with mature themes and disturbing social commentary - quite the opposite Toy Story.
This achievement proves once again why Hanks has managed to build such a successful career over the years: he never sticks to one genre, but tries new things and almost always finds success doing so. Tom HanksThe '90s movies helped him build the reputation he has today, but since then, he's just used his fame to try new and experimental things that have clearly worked wonders.