Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump Reunion Movie Proves It's Good, A Sequel Never Happened

Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump Reunion Movie Proves It's Good, A Sequel Never Happened

Here It's Tom Hanks Forest Gump reunion film, but the film's release proves that it's good that a Forest Gump sequel never happened. Although Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis have collaborated since Forest Gumpwith the duo working Castaway, The Polar Expressand 2022 Pinocchio remake, Here This is the first time that Tom Hanks, Robin Wright and Robert Zemeckis have worked together since the 1994 classic. Here may not be a good Forest Gump sequel, the film's performance proved that it might be a good idea to think that Forrest Gump 2 never happened.

Since then Forest Gump was released in 1994, many fans of Robert Zemeckis' film were clamoring for a sequel. However, one has not yet happened. Although a second film has been discussed in the past, with a story even planned, Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis have not made it. Forrest Gump 2. Hanks and Zemeckis agreed that the story proposed for Forrest Gump 2 it was unnecessary, with them deciding to leave the original as is. This was probably a good decision based on Robert Zemeckis' career trajectory with the release of 2024 Here.

Here's another misstep from Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis after Forrest Gump

Continuing a two-decade downward trend

Here was finally released, and the film turned out to be another huge misstep for Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis after Forest Gump. Here was plagued by negative reviews, being panned by almost all critics. At the time of writing this article, Here has 36% in Rotten tomatoeswhich is incredibly low for an actor like Tom Hanks. Here It was also a box office failure, grossing just $5 million in its opening weekend against a budget of $50 million.

While HereThe company's performance is the continuation of a trend that has lasted 20 years, it is still sad to see. Here is just the latest entry in a series of failed collaborations between Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks. The pair started strong, with Forest Gump and Castaway both being critical and commercial successes that solidified them as a powerful team.

Since Castawayhowever, things didn't go so well. 2004 The Polar Express and 2022 Pinocchio remake both reunited Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis, with their critical performances showing how far the mighty have fallen. Robert Zemecki's career has shown a downward trend since his first successes with films such as Back to the future and Who Framed Roger Rabbitwith his most recent films being failures like Welcome to Marvin and 2020 The witches.

A Forrest Gump sequel likely wouldn't have corrected Hanks and Zemeckis' recent track record

That would have only made things worse

Despite the potential for a Forest Gump With the sequel being emotional, it's likely that a second film wouldn't have fixed Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis' recent track record. Zemeckis's failures in recent years have not had to do with anything beyond the director's control. Instead, most critics point to Zemeckis' prioritization of technology over story as the director's fatal flaw. This can be seen in films like The Polar Express, Beowulfand Welcome to Marwenall failing due to the prioritization of innovative technology over good filmmaking.

Furthermore, things only got worse for Forest Gump in the years since it was released. The critical reception of Forest Gump has gotten worse as time has gone on, with some pointing to problematic issues and the overly positive vibe the film is trying to convey. While one Forrest Gump 2 could have been a huge hit in the late 1990s or early 2000sIt's too late to try to do that now. ONE Forest Gump the sequel in the 2020s might seem sad, and there's no way it could have lived up to the original's popularity after Hanks and Zemeckis' recent performances.

Here's Still Better For Hanks And Zemeckis Than A Forrest Gump Sequel

At least it was something original

Although the film was not a critical or commercial success Here is still better for Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis than Forrest Gump 2 he would be. Here is at least trying something new, and while it's not well executed, the film's camera angle trickery is imaginative. It serves as a strong, compelling hook, something some of Zemeckis' other tech pursuits lack. Digging up old franchises often carries with it a negative stigma, something that would only serve to further harm Hanks and Zemeckis.

After decades of talking about how unnecessary it is Forrest Gump 2 and, the announcement of a sequel would have left fans of the original immediately skeptical following Zemeckis' recent departures. While Here didn't work out, audiences were at least willing to give Hanks and Zemeckis a chance, a kindness they probably wouldn't have offered if they were making Forrest Gump 2. Forrest Gump 2 it would also only serve to highlight the original film's problems, something that has the potential to retroactively worsen Zemeckis' situation.

Does the reception here make a Forrest Gump sequel more likely?

A sequel probably won't happen yet

Now this Here reunited Hanks, Wright and Zemeckis again, one of the biggest questions looming has to do with whether this makes a Forest Gump sequence is more likely. Much of the conversation around Here had to do with Forest Gump meeting, leading many to wonder why a proper meeting Forest Gump the reunion has not yet happened. It is possible that, if Here were a big success, it could renew interest in Forrest Gump 2 in the modern era of legacy sequels and reboots.

However, since Here was a critical and commercial failure, it is unlikely that the film was a success Forest Gump sequence is more likely. While one Forest Gump the sequel would undoubtedly make more money than Here Due to how iconic the first film is, the poor track record of Hanks and Zemeckis' collaborations will leave audiences and studios skeptical, something that Here it only reinforced it. Here It's probably the closest we'll get to a Forest Gump sequel unless something major changes for the actor and director.