Today's Connections Hints and Answers for September 8, 2024 (Riddle #454)

Today's Connections Hints and Answers for September 8, 2024 (Riddle #454)

There are some hard-to-define categories in today's Connections And a lot of crossover in the two easier categories. It may be easier to solve the two harder categories first, although the last one is a little strange, the words stand out more than the others. However you choose to solve this one, we have hints and spoilers for you to get you to the end.

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Today's connections category hints

September 8 #454

Edge in connections categories September 8

Getting the right answers depends on getting the categories right, or at least guessing close enough to understand what the editor is going for. This can be difficult if one or more of the words bleed into each other. Here are four clues for today's puzzle:

  • One category has to do with baking
  • One category is about an organ that does its job
  • One category is about a specific title
  • One category is four words that share a second word in a phrase


If those clues aren't enough for you, you can keep scrolling to see the category names for today. This will be very helpful in picking apart the two easier categories and being able to sort out which words belong to which one.

A yellow Connections game bar

Verbs in a cake recipe

A green connections game bar

What a heart does when excited

A blue connections game bar

Community titles

A Purple Connections game bar

___ boys

Today's connections answers

September 8 #454

A beach in connections answers September 8

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar

Verbs in a cake recipe





The thought I always came back to was that preheat and bake mean we should be looking for words on an oven. When that was fruitless, I looked at POUND, BEAT and THROB, which of course kept leading me to get the "one off" clue and make it much harder for myself.

Frost would be a major clue here, if you realized it had to do with cake frosting and not it's cold outside. I should have clocked it easier, my grandmother does nothing If not bake cakes.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green connections game bar

What a heart does when excited





As stated, I already had pound, pump, and trob together, but with BEAT as opposed to RACE. A Heart beats fast when excitedSo this is not necessarily a wrong answer but it is wrong for this puzzle. The main problem was that RACE didn't seem to belong with the grouping, and it took me a while to see the connection.


Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue connections game bar

Community titles





This one actually felt a lot easier than the previous two. The words are distinct and are not verbs, for one, and it is much easier to find these Religious title bond between them. I probably have an advantage there, taking several religious studies classes, but it still feels like this one stands out as the easier category for today for multiple reasons.

Most people are at least vaguely aware of the existence of a pope and pastor, and the remaining two are really the only options that make sense.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A Purple Connections Game Bar

___ boys




Pet shop

This category may not be easier than the first two, but I think the words are more distinct. You can Exclude most of them belong to a different category because they are not verbs As the first two categories are, and it is all that is left when the community words are removed. That said, many of the references will be obscure to younger audiences unless their parents introduce them to some of them.

Other games like connections

After thinking about your nostalgia and wondering about the obscure references you'll introduce your kids to, you can check out a puzzle below with more obscure trivia:


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