Today's Connections Hints and Answers for September 7, 2024 (Riddle #453)

Today's Connections Hints and Answers for September 7, 2024 (Riddle #453)

You will need to filter out the noise and choose the best answers in today's Connections Puzzle, which has many interconnected words that you must divide into different categories. Today's puzzle is a bit tricky, with words that may be in multiple categories. To prevent this, we have put together some clues that may help you decipher the puzzle, and some spoilers for those who need them.

If you want to get more out of your puzzling time, you might want to look at the NYT Letter boxed Riddle. It has an interesting challenge to try String together up to five words by using up each letter around the box. I find that it is a higher difficulty for the way my brain works and I tend to overthink it, but the brain exercise is worth it if you can get into the rhythm.

Today's connections category hints

September 07 #453

A mustang in connections categories September 7

If you are looking for a few hints to help you, we have four clues to help you decipher what the various categories might be.

  • One category is about editing
  • One category is about a sport that does not involve horses
  • One category is about purchases for a small pet
  • One category is about horses but not in a sports-focused way


If you're still trying to figure out where the words should go, you can check out the box below to see what the category names are.

A yellow Connections game bar

About to transform an image

A green connections game bar

Things used in golf

A blue connections game bar

Aquarium purchases

A Purple Connections game bar

Logos with horses

Today's connections answers

September 07 #453

Two Mustangs in Connections answers September 7

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar

About to transform an image





Your success with this category is likely determined by your familiarity with various photo editing tools. That being said, most people can and do Transform images on their phones without the use of heavy softwareSo you may be familiar with the terms.

Trying to successfully scale an image is probably the hardest thing to do without software, but CROP has an association with horses and polo, which can cause you to guess wrong if you miss this category.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green connections game bar

Things used in golf





The unfortunate part about this category is how those unfamiliar with it may see a lot of the terms as possible polo terms, leading to some confusion and crossover with words like CROP and MUSTANG. Even COACH could be a potential word added to those in a horse category. However, DRIVER and TEE may help you resolve the differences and Keep you on the golf track for this category.


Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue connections game bar

Aquarium purchases





These words may seem unrelated at first glance, especially if you don't think of TANK as a synonym for aquarium. However, filter and pump go together, and racks are a must-have in any Fish home you plan to make.

Just think carefully about placement and maybe don't get too big of rocks if you don't want to wake up to your favorite GP dead under a rock one morning. Not that I would know from personal experience.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A Purple Connections game bar

Logos with horses





As it turned out, MUSTANG and POLO are together but for completely different reasons than you would think it should. Brand logos are always interesting to pick apart, and Making your logo a horse usually tends to keep people's attention. That said, I would never have thought of the COACH logo as a horse, because typically you only see the word or the double C. But you learn something new every day.

Other games like connections

Come to think of it, I've never really associated GODIVA with a horse either, but they also don't use their full logo on everything they sell and I rarely buy ultra-premium chocolate. Perhaps my lack of consumerism is the problem. In any case, if you want to keep considering the nature of capitalism and just enjoy a different puzzle, check out one of the fun ones below:


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