Today's Connections Hints and Answers for September 26, 2024 (Riddle #472)

Today's Connections Hints and Answers for September 26, 2024 (Riddle #472)

In today's ConnectionsThere are a few things you'll need to know to get the puzzle right the first time. Only you Get one chance with these Connections Riddle dailyWith four guesses to get it right. This makes it important to try to get a few correct guesses, which can be difficult if you don't have any information to go off of. To help you get the correct guesses, we have some clues to use.

If you want another puzzle, why not try a classic like this one Mini crossword puzzle? The mini version of this puzzle is a nice way to pass a few minutes every day with All the great things you love about the classic puzzle in a short amount of time. It's bite-sized and cute, with great cultural trivia and just a few words across each other.

Today's connections category hints

September 26 #472

Beans in Connections Categories September 26

Today's puzzle is a bit tricky, with many words that can go in places they shouldn't be. What makes that a little harder is that Most of these words are similar nouns, with only one category of verbsThat can make puzzles a little more challenging. With that in mind, here are four clues to help you solve the puzzle:

  • One category is about anything you would find on a wall
  • One category is about making more
  • One category is about customizations for a specific type of beverage
  • One category is about four words that often follow a singular one in a sentence


If you still need an extra nudge, especially for the last category, the category names can often give you everything you need. Here are all four:

A yellow Connections game bar

Decorative edge

A green connections game bar

Increase, in a way

A blue Connections game bar

Specifications for a bartender

A Purple Connections game bar


Today's connections answers

September 26 #472

Beans in Connections Answers September 26

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar

Decorative edge





For this category, narrowing it down to the exact combination can be a bit tricky. All of them Have a lot of home improvement vibesAnd I thought for a moment that WAX and MOUNT might belong with TRIM and BORDER. STRAIGHT can also be an edge or type of edge, so I thought that might belong here too. However, this is not the case in today's puzzle, and it is more specifically about the edges than home improvement types.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green connections game bar

Increase, in a way

Grow up




The category doesn't make much sense to me, even looking back now. "Increase" seems to be a bit of a stretch For mount and wax. The best I can come up with is that mounting something increases the height that it sits in, and waxing adds a surface and increases its weight a little. That's probably why they added "in a way," but it feels more underhanded than usual for this level category. It would make more sense if it was in a harder category, but it is what it is.


Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue Connections game bar

Specifications for a bartender





As a coffee barista, I am much more aware of coffee customizations than alcoholic ones, which made this category a little harder. VIRGIN is probably the biggest clue as to what the category is supposed to beWith DRY is one of the more popular customizations in general culture knowledge. I wasn't aware that NEAT was a possible customization, but looking at the rest of the words, I don't see anything else that I would recognize as a possible customization. Connections I want to learn more about alcohol, apparently.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A Purple Connections game bar






This is one of those category types that becomes much easier as soon as you see the category name. It is often the most scattered and difficult to piece together without this knowledge, but knowing that you are looking for words after "string" would be a lifesaver. As I have to solve the puzzle without this, I found recently that Trying to think of phrases associated with words in the puzzle is an excellent way to parse them out on your own. In this case, cheese and theory are the biggest hints for me.

Other games like connections

If you want more crossword puzzle goodness then look at these Mini crossword and solving the puzzle, Crossword is an excellent way to combine a lot of different types and interests of puzzle. Instead of one word, you must Find two that intersectJust like in a crossword puzzle.


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