Today's Connections Hints and Answers for October 5, 2024 (Riddle #481)

Today's Connections Hints and Answers for October 5, 2024 (Riddle #481)

If you struggle to dissect today's Connections puzzle, you may need to examine your guesswork to ensure that you are headed in the right direction. This often happens when you try to analyze the words as if you were x-raying them, and for me, this also means that I happen to Scan the puzzle and guess wrong. To avoid this blunder, check out these hints and tricks to improve your puzzling day.

If you like Connections And still want to do more puzzling, you should try the daily Mini crossword Riddle. It is a smaller portion of the traditional crossword with the same clues you are familiar with. This makes it a Fun puzzle to solve in a short timeWhich makes it easier and less frustrating. Once you've completed it, you can add another victory to your day and feel good about your streak.

Today's connections category hints

October 5 #481

X-Ray in Connections Categories October 5

After you've looked over and maybe tried a guess or two of your own on today's puzzle, you may have come here in search of some hints. We have some for you that Should help you evaluate the categories and do some deductive reasoning. Today's puzzle has some odd words in the last two categories, and it can be hard to tell them apart, which is what the clues are for.

  • One category is about how a certain type of food is prepared.
  • One category is about a type of clothing.
  • One category is about things you find at a certain type of doctor.
  • One category is about random items that have become mainstays.


Once you've looked at the clues, you can evaluate whether you need more help or not. If you decide you do, we have All the category names are ready and waiting In the table below.

A yellow Connections game bar

Steak cut

A green connections game bar

Types of underwear

A blue connections game bar

Involved in a dentist visit

A Purple Connections game bar

Brands that have become generic terms

Today's connections answers

October 5 #481

X-rays in connections answers October 5

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar

Steak cut





The most popular words of this category include T-BONE and FILET, which are also the biggest signposts to what this category can be. I had also heard of a SKIRT steak before, but I had to figure out what the last one was. I had already solved the next category, and I was Pretty sure none of the other words are steak options. Fortunately, this meant that I was able to find hangers fairly quickly and easily, but I had to look up what kind of steak cut that was next.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green connections game bar

Types of underwear





I guessed this category first, because there was a category like this in a connections puzzle before. Once I saw BIKINI and HIPSTER, I felt like I was on the right track. The remaining two words, THONG and G-STRING, are more obvious to add at this point. That made it easier to Make one correct guess and eliminate four words from the remaining categories. It's always funny to me how this can make the puzzle both easier and harder, depending on the words that remain.


Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue connections game bar

Involved in a dentist visit





There are many reasons not to enjoy going to the dentist, and not many of us do. And while the sink, toothbrush and X-RAY may happen at every visit, you best hope the drill isn't added every time. This category proved harder because I thought it might be bathroom essentials, like a Q-tip or chopstick, Instead of things at the dentist. I certainly don't have a drill or x-ray in my bathroom, which threw me off and made a nice checkerboard pattern on my results screen.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A Purple Connections game bar

Brands that have become generic terms





There are a lot of Brands that have become household names for items which are used all the time. Kleenex is very popular, but in this case there are other things. XEROX may not be used much, but CHAPSTICK and Q-TIP are items I have in my house and was aware of. At first, I didn't recognize what the category was supposed to be, but that made it difficult. JACUZZI was one that I didn't realize was also a brand name and that can make it hard to figure out.

Other games like connections

After you finish this puzzle, you can move on to one of the other puzzles listed below. For those of you who love numbers more than I do, The Nerdle puzzle can be a fun one to try to solve.


June 12, 2023


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