Today's Connections Hints and Answers for October 22, 2024 (Riddle #499)

Today's Connections Hints and Answers for October 22, 2024 (Riddle #499)

Instead of bingo, you'll be looking to create four rows of pastel colors if you win today's Connections Riddle. This can be difficult to achieve if you don't know what to look for and Three of the categories today can be a little difficult to differentiate If you are missing vital information. It may take some patience, but you can get through the puzzle if you move with caution instead of too quickly.

If you like to play word games, you may like to find the daily Mini crossword Riddle. It has all the fun of the bigger version with the advantage of being much smaller. The puzzle will Always be a 5x5 grid with clues for each column and row. If you carry out the right words, you will have a full-in square with the satisfaction of figuring out what the clues were alluding to.

Today's connections category hints

October 22 #499

Vikings in connections categories October 22

If you want to be successful today Connections Riddle, you may need a Here are some tips to help you formulate a successful plan to do this. There are words in each category that can easily be mistaken for another, Which can make it easy to guess one word And lose the puzzle quickly. To help prevent the wrong guesses, we have some hints for you that should reduce it. If not, keep scrolling for spoilers.

  • One category is about things that are often expensive
  • One category is about verbs that describe how a person plans things
  • One category is about the names of four special vehicles
  • One category is about four names of things that incorporate the name in their design


If you're looking for the spoilers here, you can find them all below. We will start with Just give you the category namesBefore you continue in all the answers for each one.

A yellow Connections game bar

brand name

A green connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A Purple Connections game bar

Games where you say the name of the game

Today's connections answers

October 22 #499

Vikings in Connections answers October 22

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar

brand name





This is not the first category I got today, mainly because DESIGNER could easily belong with a whole lot of words in this puzzle. It took me a while to sort out what belonged where, but this was the second category I managed to sort out. What helped me do so was Looking at luxury and high-end, which in turn led me to HAUTE And eventually back to DESIGNER. Although it was difficult, it was not as impossible as it might have felt due to some of the overlapping words in the puzzle.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green connections game bar






Likewise, this was the third category I got, because originally I thought designer and engineer belonged together, along with mastermind. Although I was mostly right, I had to think about it in a different way to see the verbs instead of nouns. Once I did, I like being able to Make a greater distinction between these words and similar onesBefore adding in CONCOCT and HATCH as the last two additions. DESIGNER was able to cut due to not being a verb like the rest, which finished this category.


Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue connections game bar






My dad would probably get this one before me, as someone who has been involved with NASA much longer than I have and for much longer than health. However, I got the last one, mainly because I have words like PIONEER and VOYAGER with ENGINEER and DESIGNER in the first place. Also, GALILEO was a name and I thought it might belong to MARCO POLO in a separate category. Although there are no other obvious proper names, I thought it might go with VIKING or VOYAGER to talk about people who are leaders in their fields, but it was actually about spacecraft.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A Purple Connections game bar

Games where you say the name of the game





As someone who has played most of the games and knows that UNO ends relationships when it gets too competitive, I actually got this category first. it It is the UNO that helped meBefore I saw BINGO and remembered playing a lot of MARCO POLO in the pool every summer - which was much more dangerous than it should have been. TAG was the last but by no means least one added in, mainly because it was hiding among much larger words.

Other games like connections

Finishing up today, there are many other puzzle games to try. The word game is one of them, and it's a challenging but rewarding game to experiment with every day.


June 12, 2023


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