Despite Tim BurtonBecause the Winona Ryder films are not explicitly connected, they have paved the way for a variety of theories that find possible connections between them, such as the one linking two of Winona Ryder's most beloved characters, Burton. Thanks to his mix of fantasy, horror, gothic elements and comedy, Tim Burton has become one of the most popular filmmakers of his generation, and there is always anticipation surrounding his projects. Some of Tim Burton's films have become classics and he has built his team of frequent collaborators over the years.
Tim Burton's most frequent collaborators are composer Danny Elfman and actors Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, but there are some whose performances, although not in many of his films, were enough to leave an indelible mark. This is the case of Winona Ryder, who, at the time this article was written, was part of four Tim Burton films: Beetle juice, Eduardo Scissorhands, Frankenweenieand Beetle juice Beetle juice. Ryder played some of the most beloved characters in Burton's films, and one theory brings two of them together, although some details play against it.
Kim Boggs Could Have Been Lydia Deetz's Grandmother
Winona Ryder's first collaboration with Tim Burton was on the dark fantasy comedy Beetle juicein 1988. Ryder played Lydia Deetz, the teenage goth daughter of Charles Deetzwho moved into the Maitlands' house in Winter River, Connecticut, with her father and stepmother, Delia (Catherine O'Hara). Lydia was the only living person who managed to see the ghosts of Barbara (Geena Davis) and Adam Maitland (Alec Baldwin), with whom she ended up forming a relationship and becoming close friends. Lydia described herself as “weird and unusual” and had an affinity for all things dark and mysterious.
Beetle juice it was the first proper look at Burton's storytelling and visual style and was a critical and commercial success. Burton and Ryder teamed up again two years later in Eduardo Scissorhandswhere she played Kim Boggs. Eduardo Scissorhands is the story of the title character (played by Johnny Depp), who was created by a lone inventor but was never completed, leaving him with scissors instead of hands. Edward was found by Peg Boggs (Diane Wiest), who took him home with her, and there she met Kim, with whom he fell in love.
Although Lydia and Kim are two completely different characters, a theory shared in Reddit suggests Kim is Lydia's grandmother. At the end of Eduardo ScissorhandsKim, now a grandmother, is revealed to be the elderly woman at the beginning of the film telling Edward's story to her granddaughter. The author of the theory suggests that the granddaughter was a young Lydia, who was fascinated by the story of Edward and his grandmother, and this is how her love of all things dark and gothic began.
Edward Scissorhands' time setting is unclear
There are conflicting clues about Edward Scissorhands' time setting
It is understood that the scenes with an elderly Kim are set in the year Eduardo Scissorhands was released, i.e. 1990. However, the rest of the movie's time setting is never specifiedand it is difficult to deduce when this could be defined, as there are several clues, albeit conflicting. The appearance of the houses, the clothes worn by the Boggs' neighbors, their hairstyles, and their telephones are just a few details that suggest Eduardo Scissorhands happening in the 1950s, but others, such as VCRs, aerobics classes and others, are reminiscent of the 1980s.
This inconsistency and mystery in defining the time of Eduardo Scissorhands can benefit the theory.
The truth is that none of the settings would be accuratesince even though it was set in the 1950s, Kim looked much older than she should have. This inconsistency and mystery in defining the time of Eduardo Scissorhands it could benefit the theory, as it would be easy to set it whenever it's most convenient to make Lydia the granddaughter, but it could also play against the theory and debunk it completely.
This Tim Burton theory creates another connected universe in his films
There is already a Tim Burton shared universe theory
Assuming the theory about Lydia and Kim's parentage is true, this would create another connected universe within Tim Burton's films, as it doesn't fit into the main one. There is a popular theory that brings together The Nightmare Before Christmas, Frankenweenieand Corpse Brideas they are believed to tell of the life and afterlife of a dog and its owner. Clearly, neither Beetle juice nor Eduardo Scissorhands fits this theory, but they could in another connecting this last and Sweeney Todd.
Also shared on Reddit, theory suggests Edward's inventor was a big fan of Sweeney Toddso he based Edward on him – from the very pale skin to the messy black hair. In a twisted twist, the scissor-handed Edward began making a living cutting hair, much like Sweeney Todd (without killing his customers to turn them into pies). The fact that Lydia and Kim are related could be added to this theory as another level of connection between Tim Burtonof films, but ultimately it is up to each viewer to decide whether these theories make sense or not.
Source: Reddit.