Tigerlily Taylor's Secret First Marriage Exposed (Who Was Her First Ex-Husband Before Darren?)

Tigerlily Taylor's Secret First Marriage Exposed (Who Was Her First Ex-Husband Before Darren?)

90 Day Engagement: Before the 90 days Star Tigerlily Taylor married Adnan Abdelfattah in season 7 but was also married twice before her fancy Jordanian wedding. Tigerlily is a certified handwriting expert from Frisco, Texas. She met the 22-year-old model Adnan on Instagram. Tigerlily has just been divorced from a controlling ex-husband, and it's not really the right time for her to find a new husband. However, Tigerlily and Adnan soon started chatting and became so close to each other that, Just after four months, they decided to get married.

Tigerlily did not marry Adnan after flying to Amman and meeting his family and enjoying the breathtaking locations of the country. Instead, Tigerlily and Adnan got married the day she landed in his country. Ednan is a follower of Islam, which forbids him to be in the same room or go on a date with an unmarried woman. He convinces Tigerlily that it is best to get married on Day 1 itself so they can legally spend time together as husband and wife. Adnan threw a lavish wedding party for his wife. Adnan is currently living in the US with Tigerlily.

Tigerlily married Darren in June 2013

Tigerlily was pregnant with Darren's child

Tigerlily Taylor in 90 Day Fiance Throwback Photo with Black Hair and Kids

Tigerlily spoke very negatively about her first marriage Before the 90 days. She said she was 31 when she met a man and became pregnant with his child. They decided to get married, and the man made sure Tigerlily got everything she wanted when it came to everything money could buy. She felt trapped in the marriage because she was under surveillance all the time and was not allowed to have friends. Starkism Revealed that Tigerlily was married to Darren, who is the Chief Executive Officer at Tidel. They got married on June 28, 2013.


Tigerlily's ex-husband was eight years older than her. They welcomed their first baby together in November 2013. After Finn was born, Tigerlily and Darren Became parents for the second time to his son Roux in February 2017. Tigerlily has decided to keep her kids off social media and off television to respect their privacy. Tigerlily's divorce took four long years to be finalized. Tigerlily home-schools her children, and it appears that she and Darren have joint custody even though she hasn't talked about it.

Tigerlily married Adam Azulai in June 2011

Who is Adam Azulai?

While Tigerlily shared quite a few details about her marriage with Darren on 90 day fianceShe never mentioned that Darren was her second husband! Tigerlily was also married once before Darren, according to InTouch. She must have been in her late 20s at the time. According to the report, Tigerlily's first husband's name was Adam Azulai. She filed for divorce from Adam in June 2011. Legal documents from the publication confirmed that Tigerlily and Adam have no children together. The divorce was finalized a few months later. No further details about Adam have been revealed.

Why is Tigerlily hiding her first marriage on the show?

Ednan knows?

Tigerlily and Adnan's storyline has already revealed that there is no transparency in their relationship. They never discussed how many kids they would have or how Adnan would be dividing this time between the US and the United States. it. and Jordan before they got married. Tigerlily may have talked about her first marriage, but Tigerlily probably never mentioned her first marriage or Adam in public, since the marriage was inconsequential to her. It remains to be seen What Adnan thinks about becoming someone's third new husband At the age of 22.

90 Day Engagement: Before the 90 days Airs Sundays at 8 PM EDT on TLC.

Source: 90 day fiance/tube, Starkism, InTouch

A deeper look into the lives of couples established in 90 Day Fiancé, 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days is a reality TV/documentary series that follows potential spouses from a foreign country and their lead-up to their journey to America. The show documents the early days of the relationship across the ocean and the K-1 visa process required for the spouse to live in the new country. Couples struggle with culture shock, language barriers and the opinions of friends and families as they prepare to take the final leap.

Release date

August 6, 2017


