Thousand-year bloody war finally delivers the fight the manga never managed

Thousand-year bloody war finally delivers the fight the manga never managed

Warning: Contains spoilers for Bleach: A Thousand Year Blood War.One of the main twists Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War it was Uryu betraying Ichigo's group to join the Wandenreich, and from then on, the series went to great lengths to provoke a fight between Ichigo and Uryu. Uryu has always been the closest thing Ichigo has had to a rival, and with Uryu now working for the villains, their inevitable fight would be the perfect payoff to their dynamic.

When the Bleach the manga finally got to Ichigo and Uryu's fight, what happened was a very short confrontation that was mostly just pointless dialogue before ending abruptly, none of which justified all the build up given to their fight over the years. Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War season 3, episode 4 adapted the same point, but unlike the manga, Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War gave Ichigo and Uryu's fight the action and depth it deserved to have in the manga. The anime has made great strides to improve on the manga, and Ichigo and Uryu's fight is the best example yet.

Bleach: A Thousand Year Blood War gives fans Ichigo vs. Uryu has been fighting for years in the making

Ichigo and Uryu's fight has finally arrived

Ichigo and Uryu in the third ending

In both Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War 3rd season and the Bleach manga, while Ichigo's group did what they could to help Ukitake preserve the King of Souls by summoning Mimihagi, the process was interrupted by Uryu, further reinforcing that he was now on Yhwach's side. Ichigo continued trying to tell Uryu that Yhwach would destroy the worlds, only to be shocked to hear that Uryu was fighting with Yhwach well aware of this; from there, the Bleach manga had Uryu shoot Ichigo from the Royal Palace, probably until his deaththus ending their fight.

Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War had the same development as the manga, with Ichigo still questioning Uryu's motives until he was shocked by Uryu's willingness to go along with Yhwach's plans to destroy the three worlds. Unlike the manga, however, Ichigo and Ury's confrontation is not interrupted by the Schutzstaffel, as they have a small fight with Orihime, Chad, and Ganju, nor does Uryu immediately shoot Ichigo out of the Royal Palace. Instead of, Ichigo and Uryu had a proper fight that took up most of Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War episode #30 runtimeand the content of this fight was great to see.

How the Bleach Anime Made Ichigo Vs Uryu Better Than the Manga Ever Could

Bleach anime makes another big change to the manga

One thing is for Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War to give Ichigo and Uryu a proper fight, but the specific way they were portrayed also went above and beyond. In general, Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War Season 3 Episode 4 portrayed Ichigo and Uryu's fight with much better choreography than BleachFights are known forwith the two using hand-to-hand combat and techniques that were underused in the manga, such as Blut, Licht Regen, and Getsuga Jujisho. It seemed like they were both trying as hard as possible, and the accompanying animation made it even better.

Between the two, however, Uryu benefitted the most from the anime's take on things, as he Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War finally revealed Uryu's Vollsterndich during his fight with Ichigo. Uryu's Vollsterndich was briefly teased when Uryu received a power-up against Senjumaru, and in his full form, Uryu commands a legion of drones that fire powerful lasers that can team up to launch an attack nearly on par with Getsuga Jujisho. Uryu's Vollsterndich, especially, added a lot of variety to the fight, and was great for both fans of the anime and those who were disappointed by the manga.

Bleach: The thousand-year bloody war finally proves who is stronger between Ichigo and Uryu

Who won Ichigo and Uryu's fight?

Ichigo's Getsuga Jujisho misses Uryu

Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War it did a lot to make Ichigo and Uryu's fight feel as big as possible, and in doing so, it also definitively proved who was stronger. Ichigo quickly overpowered Uryu at the start of the fight, but refused to kill Uryu because of their friendship, and even when Uryu used his Vollsterndich, Ichigo, despite overpowering Uryu's strongest attack, purposefully missed hitting him with Getsuga Jujisho. Ichigo missed two clear chances to take down Uryu, so Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War finally clarifies that Ichigo is stronger than Uryu.

Of course, something that complicates things is how Uryu was also holding back. Uryu never used his Schrift, The Antithesis, to reverse phenomena as seen in Uryu's fight with Senjumaru in the season premiere, so Uryu restricting his abilities makes it less difficult who won between him and Ichigo than one might imagine. That being said, Ichigo held back not only because he didn't kill Uryu, but because he didn't use skills like his Bankai or his new Hollow form, so Ichigo probably still had the advantage even if Uryu didn't use Antithesis. complicate things.

Whatever the case, thanks to Ichigo holding back so much, Uryu delivered a decisive blow that tore through Ichigo's flesh and caused him to fall from the Royal Palace, just like in the manga. Ichigo losing another fight might be disappointing on the surface, but at the same time, Ichigo losing to Uryu simply because he couldn't hurt his friend is perfectly in line with Ichigo's character in Bleachand it's a much more satisfying conclusion than what happened in the manga and Uryu simply dominating Ichigo in their fight.

How will Ichigo and Uryu's fight affect the rest of Bleach's story?

Will Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War continue to change the manga's story?

Ichigo is defeated by Uryu in episode 30

Although Ichigo and Uryu's fight ended in the same place as the manga, the anime's approach devoted much more time to its characters and the dynamics they share, and with how thoroughly Uryu tried to break up with Ichigo, Bleach: Thousand Year Blood WarIchigo and Uryu's opinion on the fight could lead to much greater tension between them in the final stages of the story.. Ichigo and Uryu have a final confrontation before the final battle with Yhwach, so this would be the likely place for any kind of heightened tension to arise.

Another thing to consider is how Uryu was portrayed in the fight. Uryu's feats of strength against Ichigo with and without his Vollsterndich are better than anything he had in the manga, and with everything that happened in the Season 3 premiere still unexplained, Ichigo and Uryu's fight could be further proof that Uryu has a greater role in the Bleachthe final battle. Whatever the case, Ichigo and Uryu's fight is yet another case of how well Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War has been improving the manga and it certainly won't be the last example of that.

Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War releases new episodes on Saturdays on Hulu.