It's been a year since bleach: Thousand-year blood war Part 2 has ended, and Part 3 will begin soon. As Part 3 begins to dig into the climax of the story arc, it is sure to be an exciting and action-packed return for the beloved series.
Thousand-year blood war Part 3 is highly anticipated, both for some incredible moments in the manga coming up, as well as the hopes that the new adaptation will expand on the original, offering insight into issues that the manga only lightly acknowledges. Fans are also hoping that some of the more convoluted elements of the story will be streamlined, ultimately creating a better overall experience than the manga offered. Here's everything a fan needs to know to tune in and watch Thousand-year blood war Part 3 as soon as it airs.
When will the new episode of thousand-year blood war part 3 release?
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War produced by Studio Pierrot, based on the manga by Tite Kubo
New episodes of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War will be released exclusively on Hulu in the US. it. and on Disney Plus outside the US. US, both requiring a subscription. Episode #1 of Thousand-year blood war Part 3 is scheduled for release on October 5, 2024With subsequent episodes set to release every Saturday after that. An exact release time isn't available yet, but if it's anything like Parts 1 and 2, the new episode should be released around 7:30 Pacific Time / 10:30 Eastern Time. Episodes will initially only be available in Japanese with subtitles. An English dub has been confirmed, but no information is available on when it will debut.
What happened in the finale of Thousand-Year Blood War Part 2?
Squad Zero has a showdown with Yhwach's elite
In the latest episode of Thousand-year blood war Part 2, Squad Zero faces off against Yhwach and his elite guard, the Schutzstaffel. Yhwach empowered his elite guards further by performing the Auswhalen, stealing power from and killing many of the Quincy Sternriters fighting in the Soul Society to redistribute it. Squad Zero set up one-on-one matches with each of Yhwach's elite guard, isolating them from one another so that they could not help each other. However, Squad Zero faces surprising resistance, and the cages that separate them are destroyed.
Ichibe, the leader of Squad Zero, fought Yhwach himself, pulling out his Zanpakuto's ultimate power (something that predates "Bankai") to aid in defeating the villain. Ichibe removed Yhwach's name and renamed him Black Ant, reducing his power to that of an ant and allowing him to easily defeat Yhwach. The other members of Squad Zero performed ritual suicide to unlock a blood seal on Senjumaru Shutara's bankai, allowing her to use her incredible power to create pocket dimensions in which Yhwach's Schutzstaffel would be trapped, presumably forever.
The fight seemed to have ended in victory for Squad Zero, but appearances can be deceiving.
Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3, Episode #1 Unlock Yhwach's Ultimate Power
Jehovah uses his writing for the first time
It's hard to say what exactly will happen in the first episode of part 3, because Senjumaru didn't use her bankai in the manga, and the fight was different. What is known is that the title of episode #1 is "A", referencing Yhuach's writing power, the Almighty. This suggests that the story will quickly rejoin where the manga is at this point, revealing what Yhwach is truly capable of for the first time. Suffice it to say, the tables are about to be turned on Squad Zero, and it bodes poorly for the heroes.
When last they were seen, Ichigo and his friends were on a craft launched by Urahara and headed to the Soul King's Palace, with the goal of helping with the battle against Yhwach. In the current circumstances, however, one may arrive too late to be of any help. With only Ichibe and Senjumaru left, the situation is certainly dangerous, and if Yhwach's elite guards manage to escape from Senjumaru's prison, they may not be able to stop them. The trailer seemed to have a new fight scene of Uryu vs. Senjumaru, so they are far from finished.
Given the way that part 2 ended, the first episode of part 3 of Thousand-year blood war is bound to be an exciting one, with even fans of the manga not sure what exactly to expect. It will certainly set the tone for the rest of Part 3, so what's about to unfold Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War is incredibly important to move forward.