Thor's new weapon permanently removes his vulnerability to magic

Thor's new weapon permanently removes his vulnerability to magic

Thanks to an epic new weapon, Thor is ultimately immune to magic - including that of his insidious sibling Loki. Marvel's God of Thunder has gone from strength to strength in the past couple of years, replacing Odin as Asgard's all-father and inheriting the immense power that comes with the role. However, Thor's new power comes with new enemies that test him to his limits and force him to adopt radical new tactics and weapons to survive.

At Al Ewing, Jan Bazaldua, Matt Hollingsworth and Joe Sabino's The Immortal Thor #15Thor absorbed the powers of Zeus, the evil leader of the Greek pantheon. While Thor defeated his mighty opponent by taking his powers, he finds himself corrupted by Zeus' wrath. Remember Zeus' golden lightning bolt, Thor decided to transform the power of God into a golden beltGive him the same upgrade without Zeus having access to his mind.

Thor creates new golden belt

The new golden girdle is named Yolgjörd, and is the second of three legendary weapons that Thor is prophesied to collect. The first was Tormod the Keen Edge - a supernaturally sharp ax that Thor forged from the metal of his original winged helmet.

Thor has forged Zeus' power into a new belt of strength

Thor's second legendary weapon makes him immune to magic

According to Thor, His new belt Yolgjörd uses Zeus' power to make him immune to magic. This is a major win, as many of Thor's biggest enemies - including his current antagonists Loki and the Enchantress - have used magic against him. Meanwhile, Enchantress has cast a spell over the land that dims Thor's wit when he visits, turning him into a clichéd parody of himself unable to face the mighty forces now arrayed against him.

This isn't the first time Thor has used a belt to enhance his powers. The story goes that Thor based his new belt on Megingjord - a gift from Odin that doubles Thor's strength and durability. It was using this belt that he defeated Thanos (later reconned as a high-powered clone of the original). The symbol of power is the ideal way to distort Zeus' controlling, power-hungry nature, which has been instilled in the ruler of the Greek gods since his recent rebirth.

Thor hits Thanos with his belt of strength

Thor's new weapons and powers are essential thanks to the return of the Utgard-Gods - the ultimate divine archetypes of which lesser gods than Thor as a mere shadow. The return of the Outgard gods is a turning of the cosmic wheel, leading to a shift in divine power and the rebirth of several major cosmic beings. This includes the Greek gods, who recently faced off against the Guardians of the Galaxy, being merciless conquerors who demand that all mortal beings bow before them.


Thor manages to defeat the Utgard-god Toranos by smartly sacrificing his powers to his enemy, forcing Toranos to live by the same 'worth' standard as Thor. However, their action also made it clear that Thor's current powers cannot do any harm to the Utgard-Gods, despite his All-Father status. As a result, Loki once again became Thor's enemy, setting him a series of challenges designed to make him capable of facing the Utgard-Gods, and also risking his life if he could not find the right answer to come out victorious. With the fight against Zeus threatening innocent, Thor uses his new powers as given by Yolgjörd to banish Loki from Asgard.

Thor chose the exact wrong moment to receive Loki's magic

Loki helped Thor evolve - now he's on his own

Loki's new Scald form

Banishing Loki is a huge mistake on Thor's partBecause they were the only person who cried as he could grow to receive the Utgard gods. While Loki did At the risk of Thor's life, they effectively warned him of the dangerous game they were playing very early on, asking Thor to trust them, even as his enemy. Unfortunately, Thor is done trusting someone who - time after time - has betrayed him and put others in harm's way. Unfortunately, it seems that Loki's banishment is just the beginning of a tragedy between the siblings, with the story ominously noted, “Loki has done too much to forgive in a short time, and Thor Believed He had a long one."

Thor's new immunity to magic may make him more powerful than ever, but it's also a silent rejection of Loki and all they have to offer. Thor has sworn to trust Loki as his enemy, but by banishing them from Asgard he has broken his word, and the consequences are likely to be dire—indeed, it's possible that either Loki or Thor will die before they get a chance to reconcile. . Thor fans will be on tenthooks to learn what next weapon completes his trinity of new abilities, as the supernaturally sharp Tormod ax and anti-magic Yolgjord belt continue Thors journey to become the most powerful god of Marvel.

Immortal Thor #15 is available now from Marvel Comics.