like Thor Step down from the AvengersHe is replaced by another iconic Marvel god. Most recently, Thor was framed for the murder of supervillain Roxxon CEO Dario Agger, aka the Minotaur. At the same time, his enemy the Enchantress casts a spell that dulls his thinking while he is on the earthly plane of Midgard, turning him into a parody of the hero fans know and love. With cataclysmic events occurring in Marvel's pious sphere and his effectiveness now limited on Earth, Thor has made the difficult decision to stand down from the Avengers.
However, Thor is not leaving the Avengers without a god. In Jed MacKay and Valerio Schiti Avengers #18The team faces off against the ultra-powerful Hyperion, uniting with the X-Men to stop him from destroying Earth. In the aftermath, Ororo Munroe Storm Malls over the team's offer to join them, and Thor asks her to accept, stating, "Accept the invitation, Ororo Munro. Become, once again, an Avenger. Speak for your people. And ensure that a God of Thunder still rides with the Avengers."
Storm's star is very high on the rise in Marvel Comics, after her triumphant appearance in X-Men RedWhere she became the regent of Mars and the voice of Sol, representing the entire solar system in foreign affairs. Now, she's back on Earth, working to represent and protect mutantkind during their darkest hours, including making sure that world-renowned teams like the Avengers don't overlook the needs of Homos superior.
As well as replacing him, Thor has a secret reason why he wants to storm the Avengers...
Thor asks Storm to be the Avengers' resident god
Earth's mightiest heroes need the queen of mutants
While Storm was once considered a powerful mutant, She is now worshiped as a goddess by groups in Kenya and Wakanda, and has discovered her family's connection to ancient magic. Her powers have gone from strength to strength, and fans have seen how strong she actually is in these Sin of evil event, where she is reborn as a goddess with complete control over cosmic weather. In Marvel's mainstream continuity, she continued to experiment with her powers, developing the ability to flatten entire armies with air pressure and lead a storm through space to destroy the unbeatable sentinel known as Nimrod.
Storm has also proven herself worthy of Thor's hammer Mjolnir on several occasions - most recently, in Immortal Thor #4She joined a group including Beta Ray Bill and Jane Foster, who passed the hammer between them in order to provide Thor with pious back-up against the ultra-powerful Toranos. Although Storm doesn't have the exact same power over weather as Thor, she certainly qualifies as a Marvel god and will be crucial to the Avengers not missing a step when Thor Odinson resigns. However, Thor isn't just keeping his team embroiled in his drama — in fact, He knows that there is a very specific reason why the Avengers will need a god...
Thor knows more than he's letting on
The Avengers need a god because Thor's brother is coming
In the latest Thor comics, Marvel fans learned that the cosmic wheel has turned, unleashing ancient gods who long ago left the material realm. The first such 'Utgard-god' was Toranos, whom Thor found no way to beat with power alone. Instead, he had to hand his powers over to Toranos, essentially tricking him into victory. However, it gets even worse, with Thor's mother Gaea warning him that The eldest brother Atum comes and cannot be beaten. What's more, Gaea doesn't want him to be—mankind's abuse of nature has turned her against them, and she's willing to see humanity go extinct unless Thor can broker some sort of new understanding.
Thor didn't tell the Avengers how dire the situation was, probably because as the All-Father of Asgard and Gaea's son, he sees the new enemies as his responsibility. However, it's clear that the rise of the ancient gods is on his mind as he asks Storm to ensure that the Avengers continue to have a god on their side - not just someone who can control the weather, but someone tied to divine power. which may soon threaten the whole of humanity.
Storm joining the Avengers is a historic moment, as a pious mutant hero takes her place in Marvel's premier team. however, Thor Don't just want to Storm on the Avengers To guarantee them firepower - he knows that Earth's mightiest heroes will need their own god to survive the cosmic chaos that comes to them.
The Avengers #18 is available now from Marvel Comics.