Thor just broke his relationship with Loki so badly, Marvel may not be able to fix it

Thor just broke his relationship with Loki so badly, Marvel may not be able to fix it

ThorThe All-Father moved one step closer to his destiny by absorbing the powers of Zeus, but in the process, the God of Thunder Turned against his own ideals and his beloved sibling, Loki. Thor's horrific betrayal of Loki, called part of his duty to Asgard, may have just doomed the Ten Realms permanently.

Immortal Thor #15 - Written by Al Ewing, with art by Jan Bazaldua - Finds Thor's preordained fate set in stone by his mother, the elder god Gaea. Until now, it was assumed that Thor would become the champion that Gaea predicted would save humanity from itself. However, in one act of short-sighted cruelty to Loki, Thor may have just proven himself unworthy all over again.

Thor banishes Loki from Asgard, disturbed by Loki's schemes.

For the crime of irritating the All-Father one too many times, Thor had completely overreacted and permanently banish Loki from Asgard, an act that may have just doomed humanity.

Thor's banishment of Loki may have irrevocably fractured their relationship

Immortal Thor #15 - Written by Al Ewing; Art by Jan Bazaldua; Color by Matt Hollingsworth; Lettering by Joe Sabino

Thor chastises Loki for making Thor endure the trials of worthiness.

as of Immortal Thor #15The king of Asgard failed his final test - showing mercy - by unleashing his righteous rage against Loki for putting him through the trials.

Killed by the goddess Nyx, Zeus was soon after reincarnated, as gods are known to do, but returned attached with a malicious disdain for life on earth. It was later revealed that Zeus's violent destiny was foretold by Gaea, who allowed the Greek god to grow and demonstrate to a worthy god the correct path to take when Gaea returned to roam the earth. After learning of Gaea's prophecy, and her wicked elder god siblings that Thor and Loki are spiritually descended from, Loki devised a plan to test their brother's wit, endurance and mercy.

After completing his first trial, Thor is next seduced by Loki to engage the Dark Zeus in battle, absorb Zeus's Eternal Thunder, and receive Loki's second trial. While Thor succeeded once again, He also accepted the cursed mark that Geo had left on Zeus, which would initiate the return of Taranos, the first of all Thunderers aka Utgard-Thor. However, as of Immortal Thor #15The king of Asgard failed his final test - showing mercy - by unleashing his righteous rage against Loki for putting him through the trials.


Thor's wrath could have doomed much more than just Loki

Immortal Thor #15 - Available now from Marvel Comics

Thor Will come to learn that he not only betrayed his loving sibling, but also the whole earth.

In a heartbreaking twist, Thor turns against Loki, who, before the God of Thunder stole Zeus' lightning, was told that they were accepted by Thor entirely, for all their good and their evil. But with the power of an Elder God flowing through his veins, Thor turns against his promise and his sibling, banishing Loki from ever looking at the golden gaze of Asgard ever again.. All the while, Loki faces their All-Father's judgment with a smile and a grave warning:

"Consider your next edict most carefully, All-Father. Speak not hastily." Or anger There may be consequences. "

As Loki fades away, thrown into the wrath of the King of Asgard, a cold winter's wind brushes past Thor's back as the "wheel turns" one more time. As Gaea had predicted, and Loki had already understood, Thor had failed his final trial. When the time comes for Gaea to pass her judgment on Earth and decide if humanity is worth living, Thor will not be their champion. Loki understands this, and Loki is eager to protect Thor's ego Thor Will come to learn that he not only betrayed his loving sibling, but also the whole earth.

Immortal Thor #15 (2024)

The Immortal Thor #15 cover, Thor flying high above the golden city skyline of Asgard.

  • Writer: Al Ewing

  • Artist: Jan Bazaldua

  • Colorist: Matt Hollingsworth

  • Writer: Joe Sabino

  • Cover artist: Alex Ross