This shocking theory connects Trap to three other M. Night Shyamalan films (and answers a big question)

This shocking theory connects Trap to three other M. Night Shyamalan films (and answers a big question)

M. Night Shyamalan Trap stood out for revealing the identity of its villain early and not having major twists, but to make it feel like another Shyamalan film, a theory links it to three previous films while answering a big question. M. Night Shyamalan's horror films and thrillers have become known for having plot twists and big reveals. It all started with The Sixth Sense in 1999, and since then, most of his films have had major twists, although not all of them have had the desired effect. Trap it was expected to follow that, but the difference is that it didn't have one.

Trap follows Copper (Josh Hartnett), who takes his teenage daughter, Riley, to pop star Lady Raven's (Saleka Night Shyamalan) concert. At the location, Cooper notices that there is an unusually high police presence and security filters, and he discovers that the entire show is a trap to capture a serial killer known as “The Butcher” – and Cooper is the Butcher. Below are Cooper's many tricks and quick thinking to avoid getting caught, during and after the show. Cooper was not easy to understand, but one moment, in particular, paved the way for a theory that links Trap to three other Shyamalan films.

1Theory Suggests Trap Is Part Of Shyamalan's Unbreakable Universe

An extreme close-up of Josh Hartnett's eyes with a red filter in Trap 2024

All over TrapCooper shows that he is a very intelligent man, proving why he has been so difficult to capture. Cooper comes up with different ways to bypass security filters and more (although some are almost unbelievable), and he manages to exit the show safely, privately revealing himself as the Butcher to Lady Raven and using her to escape without the police notice it. After Lady Raven alerts her fans on a live broadcast and runs away from Cooper, he returns home to confront his wife, Rachel (Alison Pill), who anonymously alerted the police about Cooper being the Butcher.

Rachel drugs Cooper with a piece of pie, causing him to hallucinate his mother, but it is actually FBI profiler Dr. Josephine Grant (Hayley Mills) who is speaking to him. Grant's SWAT team then shocks Cooper to incapacitate him, but Even though he's already drugged, he's still strong and even attacks one of Grant's men. Cooper is electrocuted again by Grant and another of his men until he finally falls and they can take him away - and yet, when they take him away, he is unharmed.

It was Cooper's incredible resistance in that scene that led to a Reddit user to share their theory about Trap being part of the Unbreakable universe. Shyamalan's 2000 superhero thriller Unbreakable introduced the public to a world where there are people with superhuman abilitiesbut they do their best to live a normal life. 2016 To divide was revealed to be part of the world of Unbreakable right at the end, and closing the trilogy was 2019 Glass. Trap could secretly be part of this world, but some details need to be polished.

What could Cooper’s “superpower” be in the trap?

Cooper may have some very special abilities

Trap 2024 Cooper being electrocuted

Perhaps the biggest detail that needs polishing in this theory is what exactly Cooper's “superpowers” ​​would be. In the aforementioned scene with the SWAT team, Cooper shows almost superhuman endurancebut he eventually succumbs to the effects of the tasers – however, the drugs in the pie should have had a stronger and longer-lasting effect on him, and yet, when he was taken away, he was perfectly fine. Cooper's superpowers could be strength and endurancewhich, combined with his high intellect and strategic mind, made him a huge threat and also such a difficult villain to capture.

Where would Trap fit into the Unbreakable Trilogy timeline?

Trapping the Unbreakable trilogy can be complicated

If Trap is really part of Unbreakable trilogy and Cooper has some superpowers, the next big question is when Trap could be set within the trilogy. The films in Unbreakable universe are defined in the order they were releasedstarting with Unbreakable. In it, David Dunn (Bruce Willis) and Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) were introduced: Dunn had superhuman strength and invulnerability (thus making him “unbreakable”), and Price had brittle bone disease, thus being the villain and the opposite of No.

The next one was To dividewhich introduced Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy), a man with dissociative identity disorder with 23 distinct identities, some more dangerous than others. Glass brought them all together, and they all met their fate - however, Price arranged for the footage of their fight to be streamed live to a private website, thus defeating the organization that wanted to suppress the existence of superhumans and kill them. At the end of GlassPrice's mother, Dunn's son and Kevin's only friend released the footage, exposing the existence of superhumans.

If set after Glassthis would explain why there was no mention of Cooper's superhuman strength and endurance, as everyone now knows that superpowered people exist.

Now, taking all this into account, Trap can be defined later Glass or between To divide and Glass. If set after Glassthis would explain why there was no mention of Cooper's superhuman strength and endurance, as everyone now knows that superpowered people exist, but it could also be set in a world where the existence of superhumans is not public knowledge.

This is why the SWAT team was unprepared for how difficult it would be to incapacitate Cooper, but the modern technology seen in Trap don't let it fit in To divide and Glass. If Trap is part of Unbreakable trilogy or not is unknown, but there was definitely something off about Cooper's resistance.

Source: Reddit.

Trap is a film by writer and director M. Night Shyamalan under his Blinding Edge Pictures banner. The film is part of an agreement signed with Warner Bros for him to direct and produce several films under his banner.

Release date

August 2, 2024


Josh Hartnett, Hayley Mills, Marnie McPhail, Vanessa Smythe, Saleka Shyamalan, Malik Jubal, Jonathan Langdon, Peter D'Souza, Ty Pravong, Kaitlyn Dallan