Since then Elden Ring Shadow of the Erd Tree DLC was released this year, more and more hidden surprises that many people probably never noticed are emerging, revealing just how deep developer FromSoftware goes with this game's lore. Whether through new items, equipment, NPCs or completely new and elaborate areas, Shadow of the Erd Tree is packed with details that contribute to the extensive tradition for which the Soulsbourne epic is famous. One specific DLC item exemplifies how much thought and attention to detail is put into this universe.
THE Golden Braid
talisman is a new item in Shadow of the Erd Tree expansion that can be found in the Shaman Village in Shadowview, and gives the player a significant increase in Holy damage negation. While it may seem like just another very useful talisman to use against the final boss in Elden RingDLC, The lore and foreshadowing behind this item has been in development since the game's release. See how the Golden Braid talisman proves the game's depth, which follows its interconnected and sprawling lore.
The Golden Braid Talisman Proves Elden Ring Was Ways Ahead of Him
Looking closely at Marika's statue shows the true depth of Elden Ring lore
With a keen eye, it's possible that players have noticed an important but small detail regarding the Golden Braid since the beginning of Elden Ring. Of all the symbology spread across the Middle Lands, the statues of Marika are some of the most attractive and one of the first the Tarnished will encounter. At the start of each journey, Tarnished will find themselves at the Precipice of Anticipation, the starting area where a Grafted Scion must jump and kill them. As players descend into the area, they will notice a large statue of Marika that the Scion is hiding behind.
If players manage to get a good look at the statue before being killed by the powerful enemy, they will notice that Marika's left braid is cut down the middle. This braid is actually the one that Tarnished will be able to equip as the Golden Braid talisman in the Shadow Realm later on. According to the Golden Braid item description, this braid was loosened like a "offering to grandmother," a mysterious character of great importance to those from Vila Xamã, like Marika.
"A braid of golden hair, loose. Offering from Queen Marika to Grandmother.
What was her prayer? Your desire, your confession?
There was no one left to respond and Marika never came home."
-Golden braid item description
These statues of Marika will be a common sight for the Tarnished throughout their journey into the Midlands and the Shadow Realm later on. Paying close attention to the various forms Marika takes on these statues, her braid is different depending on the location players find the statue. The implication here is that these statues were erected at different points in Marika's timeline in Elden Ringand these locations and periods in its history offer a depth of possibilities regarding the story of the game itself.
The description of the braid also raises many questions regarding the origin of the Grandmother and its meaning to Marika. A statue of Avó can be seen in Vila Xamã where Tarnished finds the Golden Braid, and they will notice that she also has two braids, similar to Marika before her braid was cut off as an offering. Many fans of Elden Ring Tradition is curious as to the implications of this strange and invisible character, why exactly Marika was forced to cut her braid as an offering, and what power or benefit the braid provides her grandmother.
Elden Ring's lore and history still have a lot to offer
The golden braid is just the tip of the Erdtree
Marika's missing braid is a small detail packed with many implications about the Middle Lands, the Shadow Realm, Marika's children, her ultimate fate, and much more. This level of depth makes players wonder if FromSoftware planned Golden Braid from the beginningor whether it was intended to add depth to a previously mysterious detail. Attention to these nuances will leave Tarnished wondering how deep the lore goes and what else the story has to offer. What else has FromSoftware been hiding in plain sight and what does it mean for Elden Ring tradition and narrative?
These are the complexities and mysteries of Elden Ring that keep Tarnished exploring the Middle Lands time and time again. The Golden Braid is a small part of Marika's elaborate backstoryand the character herself is just one of countless others, each with vast interconnected stories, symbols and stories of their own. Whether players are on their first journey, want to start their next journey, or are finally diving into Shadow of the Erd Tree expansion to Elden Ring For the first time, pay attention to the little details that are hidden in plain sight.
Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtree
Players venture into the dark realm of the Shadowlands to face new biomes, dungeons, and formidable bosses. Guided by the enigmatic Miquella, they face the terrible Messmer the Impaler and discover the dark secrets shrouded under the influence of the Erdtree, presenting new weapons, magic and challenges.