This PlayStation classic should get a Bluepoint remake next (and it's not Bloodborne)

This PlayStation classic should get a Bluepoint remake next (and it's not Bloodborne)

Recently, there have been some strange choices for remasters and remakes for the PlayStation 5with Sony turning to its recent hits rather than its old classics. The last PlayStation remaster was Horizon Zero Dawn and while both the original game and its sequel were huge successes, the remaster struggled in comparison. ONE Horizon Zero Dawn remastering always seemed like an odd choice, given that the original game still looks great and can be played on all the same platforms that its remaster can, and it's now clear that it was the wrong choice.

Instead of remastering/remaking games that don't need extra love, PlayStation could put the currently silent Bluepoint games to work on a title that players want to remake. Bluepoint is known for remaking titles, and although it started with the Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collectionthe Shadow of the Colossus remake was what put the studio on the map with its incredible visuals. THE Demon Souls The remake established the studio as a developer with a talent for great visuals, and another remake of the title could maintain the momentum for another hit, possibly for the PS6.

Sly Cooper deserves a BluePoint remake

Sly Cooper performed well on PS5

Cunning Cooper is one of the cult classic franchises in the PlayStation's vast library of titlesbut it hasn't seen much love since its fourth game was released in 2013. A trilogy was made between 2002 and 2005, which was later remastered, but a new title hasn't been made in over ten years, and the series has largely been abandoned. Cunning arrived on the PS5 via the PlayStation store, available for free to PS Plus subscribers, and performed well despite being an emulated version of the PS2 version rather than a remastered PS3 version.

There is clearly enough appeal for Cunning Cooper to get some Bluepoint love, especially since its last two titles, Shadow of the Colossus and Demon Souls, both had a reputation greater than the player base. Cunning Cooper is in this same category, and a Bluepoint remake with incredible visuals would be a title that many would visit due to the series' reputation as one of the best classics on the market. It could even start a kind of renaissance for the Cunning Cooper franchisein case PlayStation wants to bring it back.

A question that could present itself with a Cunning Cooper remake, especially with Bluepoint games, is the stylized, cel-shaded aesthetic. Bluepoint has just shown that it can create ultra-realistic games, and although it has remained faithful to the artistic design of the original titles, realism is the goal of its remakes. The studio may consider it a challenge to make a stylized game more expressive than ever before, but meeting that challenge would prove that it can do more than just realistic aesthetics. It would help the studio with another classic if it decided to go that route.

PlayStation needs to remake more of its classics

There are many games to choose from

Jak and Daxter Precursor Legacy - Jak crossing his arms with Daxter on his shoulder

If Cunning Cooper is not seen as the best move for Bluepoint, even with its success on the PlayStation store, there are too many classics to choose from rather than producing something similar to another Last of us redo. If PlayStation wants to continue building on its current success, one God of War remake of the trilogy could be the right move to give those who have only played the Norse Saga a look at the young, angry Kratos. These games are intended to feel more realistic, and in theory would be squarely in Bluepoint's wheelhouse.

Another PS2 classic who could receive Bluepoint treatment is Jake and Daxterthat, as Cunning Cooperalso appeared on the PlayStation store. It is also stylized, but not to the same degree as Cunning Cooper it is, and it has the reputation one would expect from a title worthy of a remake. Jake and Daxter is another title that has remained dormant for some time despite how beloved the original titles are, and while Naughty Dog is busy with its other IPs, Bluepoint could begin work on a remake.

Titles from this era or earlier should be what PlayStation should look at for their remakes and remasters. Different Horizon Zero Dawn Remasteredthese games could really benefit from a proper graphical update, as enough time has passed for them to look dated. Classics like Jake and Daxter and Cunning Cooper, They haven't gotten much love in a long time, despite their dedicated fans asking for anything in the form of remasters, remakes, or new entries. A remake for these would feel more like PlayStation listening to its audience rather than trying to squeeze more money out of a current franchise.

Why Bloodborne needs something other than a remake

A remake wouldn't work on PC

The Bloodborne Hunter on a red background with red smoke surrounding him

When it comes to discussing PlayStation remasters and remakes, Transmitted by blood is a title that almost always comes up, and for good reason. FromSoftware titles have long been a hot topic, and the studio has won two GOTY awards with Sekiro and Elden Ringwith the possibility of winning another with Shadow of the Erd Tree, and many have asked Transmitted by blood on PC. Unfortunately, a Bluepoint remake probably isn't what would bring the game to PC.

Transmitted by blood needs a remaster, director's cut, or some kind of new edition to come to PCbut if Demon Souls proves something, a Bluepoint remake specifically won't be coming to Steam. Bluepoint has shown that it can work very well with a FromSoftware game, updating the studio's unique artistic design, but with the Soulsborne titles having such a strong presence on PC, it needs to come to this platform. A Bluepoint remake won't do that, but some kind of remaster or just a good port would, and that's what Transmitted by blood need instead.

With the PlayStation 5 era being defined by its cinematic single-player titlesas God of War Ragnarök, The Last of Us Part 2, and Spider-Man 2, it makes sense that Sony would want to push this forward with its remakes and remasters. If Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered proves anything, however, is that the strategy is not working, and Playstation You should look at your classics. These games have a dedicated fan base, a strong reputation, and enough time between their release and now to warrant a remake, with Cunning Cooper in particular, standing out as a good choice for a substantial upgrade.