This movie repeated the Sixth Sense twist, ending two years later and no one saw it coming

This movie repeated the Sixth Sense twist, ending two years later and no one saw it coming

Warning: This article contains a murder and suicide topic.

The Sixth SenseThe twist is one of the most well-known of all time, but when The others was released two years later, it surprised audiences with the same twist. That was impressive, as many people know The Sixth SenseThe ending is shocking, even without seeing the film, which is about a boy named Cole who tells his therapist that he can see dead people. M. Night Shyamalan's plot twists have become an expected standard in his films, and The Sixth Sense made him a household name. However, despite being a scarier film, The others attracted less attention.

The others It has often been considered one of Nicole Kidman's best films. Kidman plays Grace Stewart, who lives in a remote country house with her children, both of whom are sensitive to light. When three people arrive, all looking for work, Grace hires them as maids, but strange things soon begin to happen. Because Grace's children are photosensitive and cannot tolerate direct sunlight, the family sees darkness as their safe place, while light is portrayed as dangerous. This is one of The others' more interesting details, which are as memorable as its gruesome ending.

The others have the same sixth sense plot twist

The Others' Twist Ending Turns the Entire Film Upside Down

Nicole Kidman's character and her daughter in The Others

When Grace and her children make contact with the people she calls.”the intruders", she discovers that they are living people performing a séancetrying to contact them. The end of The others shows that Grace and her children are all dead, with Grace suffocating them both with a pillow before ending her own life. This is the same twist as The Sixth Sensein which Bruce Willis' character realizes he is dead, as a result of the murder-suicide of his troubled patient. That said, while The Sixth Sensethe twist effectively ends the film, The Others the story is not over yet.

The others is a ghost story told from the ghosts' point of view. This unique twist turns the entire film upside down, introducing the idea that the ghosts are actually being haunted by the living. This is especially clear in the terrifying séance scene, which shows a typical horror movie séance from a new perspective, forcing the audience to sympathize with the ghosts. Rewatching The others even shows its more sinister characters in a more sympathetic lightwith the spooky team afraid to reveal their true nature to a character they know to be a killer.

Why Others' Horrible Twists Work

Both The Sixth Sense and the others dropped hints that their protagonists were dead

The housekeeper and the housekeeper in The Others

While The Sixth Sense and The others has the same twistIt's not surprising that the public doesn't realize this. The Sixth Sense tells a simple story, with the therapist helping the boy accept his abilities. On the other hand, The others it's much more complicated. It features tropes from the best ghost story movies, and the many mysteries surrounding the house distract the audience from the truth. Even though viewers had guessed that the family had been murdered, Grace seemed to be the least likely person to commit the act. The others gave regular tips.

The othersas The Sixth Senseit gives hints about the true nature of its main characters, but they're harder to spot among the other scary moments. Bruce Willis' character can't open a door The Sixth Sensewhile Grace discovers she can't leave her house. The Sixth Sense suggests that the therapist is dead just by showing Cole interacting with him, while The others repeatedly references the way characters died. Grace, who shot herself in the head, suffers from migraines, while the children repeat "stop breathing"during a game.

The premise for others is one of the most disturbing horror plots of all time

The Others' Ending Has A Terrifying Final Moment

On its surface, The others is a classic gothic ghost storywith typical haunted house tropes. Grace is understandably terrified and seems to want nothing more than to protect her children, so when it's revealed that this fragile, scared protagonist is a family annihilator, it's a very disturbing moment. The film's premise was so disturbing that even Nicole Kidman briefly dropped out of filming The otherssaying it gave him nightmares. It's rare for a horror film to feature parents murdering their children, and even rarer to feature the person as a sympathetic character.

The Sixth Sense against The others




Rotten Tomatoes Critic Rating

The Sixth Sense


M.Night Shyamalan


The others


Alejandro Amenábar


Grace is still a fragile and unpredictable character at the end of The othersjust starting to accept his new life. This is a completely different resolution than The Sixth Sensewhich ends with the therapist finding peace and his spirit departing the earth in a flash of light. As the housekeeper tries to reassure Grace that most "intruders"are peaceful, Grace refuses to accept this, telling the children that"this house is ours." The ending implies that Grace will be a malevolent ghost, establishing The others ready for an even more disturbing sequel.