This article contains mention of animal murder.
Spoilers for Chaos Season 1 Ahead!
Chaos Season 1 may have broken hearts everywhere by killing off Dennis the Cat, but one minor detail proves that the pet may yet be saved in Season 2. Reimaging Greek Mythology, Netflix Chaos Thrives because it incorporates the salacious, tragic and taboo parts of beloved stories. Although most of the series leans in the dark comedy tone, some moments stand out as emotional rather than funny. Chaos The end of season 1 includes one of the most devastating moments.
After Zeus calls a meeting, he announces that he will punish each of the gods for their betrayal. For most of them, this means rationing the Meander water, but Prometheus gets an extra cruel punishment on top of that. Zeus kills his cat, Dennis, an act that breaks the hearts of viewers who have become attached to him. While Denis' death has major implications for both Zeus and Dionysus, death does not have to be permanent. A moment in the first episode of Kaos offers hope that Dennis the Cat may return to life in season 2.
The significance of Dennis the Cat's death in Chaos season 1
Zeus killing Dennis at the end of Kaos season 1 speaks to his lack of humanity
One of the biggest twists in Chaos Season 1 is that Zeus was born as a human rather than a god. This new background explains many aspects of his behavior, especially his killing of Dennis the Cat. Despite his bravado, the God of Thunder's human past makes him deeply insecure. His selfish personality and need for control may have developed as a reaction to his previous lack of power. As such, Zeus cannot allow Dionysus to love anyone else, including a cat. Without the young god's full attention, the god of thunder would have less of an ability to manipulate his son.
Rather than seeing love as a positive and beneficial force, Zeus sees any human emotions as a liability that can harm him and his family.
moreover, The moment when Zeus kills Dennis the cat can be seen as a rejection of his last ounce of humanity. Earlier in the series, Prometheus reminds Zeus of the power of love, trying to change the way he sees his family and the humans he rules over. However, Zeus fervently rejects the idea. Rather than seeing love as a positive and beneficial force, Zeus sees any human emotions as a liability that can harm him and his family, and he tries to force this idea on Dionysus by killing Denis.
Ultimately, Zeus' plan backfired, giving Dionysus a strong enough reason to work against his father. He no longer worries about his father's approval because of the betrayal. Instead, he wants revenge because his father ripped away the one being he loved more than anything else.
Prometheus' Hint Story in Kaos Episode 1 shows the key to saving Dennis
Zeus brought his dog back to life with the power of love
Zeus killing Dennis the Cat moved him from an unlikable bully to an outright villain with no mercy for anyone but himself, and nothing Chaos Introduces in season 2 may change that. However, there is hope that Dionysus and the audience's heartbreak over losing Denis will not be permanent. In the first episode of Chaos, Prometheus reminds Zeus that he once brought his dog back to life with the power of his love. This scene may be the key to Dionysus saving Denis Chaos Season 2.
Zeus seems to have a low capacity for love, which may have been the more he was a god. However, it seems unlikely that even in his best years, the god of thunder loved his dog more than Dionysus loved Dennis the cat. He had no duty to take care of Denis, but Dionysus fed him, adopted him, carried him around in a bag, suffered him, introduced him to everyone and gave him so much love. He treats the cat as his baby rather than as a pet. If anyone has enough love to revive their pet from the dead, it's Dionysus.
Dennis the Cat's death raises questions that Kaos Season 2 needs to answer
Chaos Season 1 did not explain how the afterlife applies to animals
While Prometheus' story about Zeus' dog offers hope for Dennis the cat, it also opens up many questions that Chaos Season 2 needs to answer. This scene provides zero details about how Zeus raised his dog from the dead. It is unclear whether he went to the underworld like Orpheus in Chaos Season 1 or if he used some sort of necromancy ritual. These are the biggest questions the next season needs to address if they're going to continue Dennis' storyline:
How did Zeus raise his dog from the dead?
Is there an afterlife for pets?
Where is Dennis the Cat's soul?
How would Dionysus retrieve it?
Do the gods consume the souls of animals too, or just humans?
Considering the hashtag #JusticeForDennis started popping up on social media posts related to the show, there's a clear passion for the beloved cat. Hopefully, creator Charlie Covell will take this into consideration when they write the script for the next season and bring Dennis back.