This little-known 2012 sci-fi series offers hope for Amazon's Mass Effect TV show

This little-known 2012 sci-fi series offers hope for Amazon's Mass Effect TV show

Although the recently announced showrunner of Amazon's Mass Effect show doesn't have much Science fiction experience, their underrated 2012 web series teases a promising adaptation of Bioware's iconic games. Mass Effect has a good chance of being one of Prime Video's best shows if it's done right, and the showrunner quietly and unofficially auditioned to play the space opera more than a decade ago.

Mass Effect showrunner Daniel Casey is perhaps best known for writing the script for 2021 Fast and Furious 9. Although it is reliable Fast 9 proof Casey is more than capable of breaking into established franchisesIt's still a bit worrying that the film is so different from what Mass Effect will end up being. THE Mass Effect The games are hard science fiction and therefore use almost all of the genre's conventions. Although Casey's work in Fast 9 didn't particularly prepare him to create one of the best video game adaptations of all time, another of his previous projects does.

Daniel Casey's YouTube Drone Series Proves He Can Do Sci-Fi Well

Casey was one of the writers of the 2012 Drone

Casey helped write the scripts for all four episodes of drone - stylized as Dr0ne. The web series aired weekly in 2012, uploaded to YOMYOMF's YouTube channel. Although the premise of the show is not the same as Mass Effectand, there are several elements drone This would go perfectly with Mass Effect'stone and general aesthetics. So Casey can take advantage of the quality of drone when working on your Mass Effect adaptation - although the latter requires much more thought and a much more layered plot.

Casey's limited filmography offers just one more example of his science fiction expertise. 2018 Relative is visually aligned with what Mass Effect could be - at least vaguely - but the film failed financially and also critically. Hopefully Daniel Casey's work on drone is more influential Mass Effect what Relative and. Otherwise, Casey's choice as Mass Effectthe showrunner will seem quite misguided in retrospect.

Amazon's Mass Effect adaptation will likely have a much bigger budget than the drone

Drone looks great for a four-part web series

The cast of Mass Effect, including Shepard, Garrus, Wrex, Tali and Liara

drone It looks every inch the sci-fi production it aims to be, but the nature of the studio making the show means the budget couldn't have been that high. The CGI shots weren't very extensive, but the ones presented looked great and the practical effects were equally brilliant. The program budget shows how well drone became even more impressive and suggests that Mass Effect will be even better considering how much money Amazon will likely invest in adapting the source material into live-action Science fiction show.