This Infinity Nikki player has a top tip on how to find dew, as the leaves help show the way

This Infinity Nikki player has a top tip on how to find dew, as the leaves help show the way

There are many things for players to do Infinite Nikkiincluding trying to collect thousands of small floating purple globules containing inspiration dew. Collecting these dews and purifying them with Nikki's purification ability can help get Kilo the Cadenceborn beautiful new clothes, so even if players aren't looking to 100% the game, many are still on the constant hunt for these items. hidden. Their small size and unusual positioning can make them difficult to find, although hundreds of them are hidden in each area.

Often when Nikki comes across one of the large bouncing leaves found in the open world, there are some of these inspiration dews high in the air, only accessible by using the leaf trampoline. However, players cannot see the dew until they reach the top of the jump, and If the purple orbs are behind them, you may have to turn around a lot to see that they exist.

Reddit user Inquire recently shared a tip they discovered that makes this a little simpler. Jumping into the leaf from the tip of the leaf will often place Nikki facing the dew of inspiration after she flies, saving players from unnecessary headaches and even the very real possibility of motion sickness. This is especially useful when players are specifically hunting for dew as one of the things to do after finishing the current story and are therefore doing a lot of these jumps together.

Bouncy Leaves Can Take You to Infinity Nikki-Inspired Dews

It can be a useful guide so you don't have to spin around in the air

Although the trick is not guaranteed to always work, Screen speech confirmed that, at least in the Florawish area, most of the time facing the tip of the leaf and jumping to the back of the leaf will line Nikki up on the first try. There are some leaves that have more than one set of dews that can be reached from one leaf, so it is still a good idea for players to check them out in some situations.

Various commenters on Inquit's post, such as taothe, piichan14and even the writer of this article admit to feeling queasy as they pan the camera mid-jump in an effort to find the dew of inspiration. Therefore, This seemingly small piece of advice can be extremely helpful.

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Future Skills Outfits Can Also Help Find Inspiration

The first trailers for Infinite Nikkifrom before the game was released, it included several other ability outfits that players currently have access to, including the possibility of a detective outfit that helps Nikki look for those hidden dews of inspiration. If this outfit comes in a future update, it could also be an awesome game-changing addition for players hunting those little purple orbs. I spent a significant amount of time exploring the open world of Infinite Nikki to try to find more dew to give to Kilo and I'm still hundreds short.

Part of the popularity this game enjoys is due to the wide variety of objectives that players can focus on. One day someone may choose to explore and seek inspiration, while another day they may be advancing the story or competing in the Mira Crown Styling Contest. With so many things to focus on, little tips like this one about bouncing leaves can make a big difference for players in Infinite Nikki.

Sources: Inquit/Reddit, taothe/Reddit, piichan14/Reddit