This important deity from Baldur's Gate 3 is strangely not an option for clerics in BG3

This important deity from Baldur's Gate 3 is strangely not an option for clerics in BG3

Many experienced players Baldur's Gate 3 You'll know that a lot of content has been cut from the game since its early access. An example of this is how there were originally more options for those playing as clerics to choose from in terms of a deity to worship. Most of these choices made sense, as in early versions of the game the available gods included the Dead Three and Shar.

Considering how the game's main plot involves working against the Dead Three, and how a worshiper of Shar would create complications in the story between Shadowheart and the player, Larian made the right choice in removing them as options. However, many expressed confusion over the removal of other deities. In other words, Silvanus could have been the perfect choice for Nature domain clerics, but there's a content-heavy deity in Baldur's Gate 3 who appears to be the real missing cleric patron.

Umberlee is not a worship option for clerics in BG3

Umberlee was cut despite having a large presence in the game

In Baldur's Gate 3When creating a cleric character, players can choose one of 20 deities to worship. Some of them are limited to certain races and origins, and most of them have little presence in the game. However, a deity has a large presence in the gamebut strangely cannot be chosen as an option for clerics to worship: Umberlee, who the player can be introduced to as early as Act 1, upon finding a slum dedicated to her left on the beach outside the nautiloid.

In Act 3, Umberlee is shown to have a more tangible presence than the other cleric deities in the House of the Water Queen, which is implied in several secret encounters. There is a hidden way to be blessed by Umberlee by placing an item in an offering chest found in the area, as shown in toy houseYouTube video. On the other hand, underneath the temple, players can locate a cave on the southwest side of the cliff - if the player decides to steal from this area, they can hear Umberlee's rare angry voicewho then summons Sahuagin to attack them.

If players decide to steal from the basement beneath the Water Queen's House, Umberlee will no longer bless the party.

When compared to other deities that do not have custom areas or items, Umberlee seems like a much better choice for clerics to feel more involved in the storyhaving a full temple to visit along with a set of themed armor, a cape and two tridents available for purchase. There is little content in the rest of the game that involves interacting with followers of certain gods other than Bhaal, so not including Umberlee in the list of cleric deities was a huge missed opportunity. It's no wonder many players expressed disappointment with her lack of presence.

Who is Umberlee in Baldur's Gate 3 lore

Umberlee is the chaotic and evil goddess of the ocean, currents and storms

Umberlee statue in the House of the Water Queen, Baldur's Gate 3

As the goddess of the seas, Umberlee is known as Wavemother, or Mother of the Deep. Her presence in Dungeons and Dragons goes back to its first edition - she is a chaotic and evil deity who is often worshiped more out of fear than respect. She is known for not particularly caring about her followers, so if there was an option for clerics to worship her, it wouldn't affect any important missions involving her devotees. If her decisions negatively impacted the player, it could be explained under the guise of her being cruel and dismissive.

Umberlee is the patron deity of the Kuo-Toa and Sahuaginwhich can be found in Baldur's Gate 3. The Sahuagin are believed to do his bidding, which implies their presence in the Iron Throne mission, where the aggressive Sahuagin are found in the underwater prison, along with some of Umberlee's followers who are being held prisoner. When searching the submersible, players may find some notes that suggest a priestess of Umberlee trained them to protect the Iron Throne, but they are still aggressive towards the player trying to free the Water Queen's followers.

In the original Baldur's GateThe Temple of Umberlee is involved in a rather notable side quest. There was also an area of ​​the game called Sahuagin City, which was an underwater city found near the Underdark. In this game, the The Sahuagin were portrayed as fully autonomous and complete people, just like any other race in history. Dungeons and Dragons. Some of these characters were clerics, which makes it even stranger that Umberlee isn't available to clerics in Baldur's Gate 3as it proves that the clerics of Umberlee were part of the tradition of Baldur's Gate from the beginning.

How Umberlee as a cleric deity could work

Umberlee was built for the Tempest domain subclass

In 5e Dungeons and Dragons, Clerics of Umberlee take the Tempest Domain subclass. This is one of the cleric subclasses already available in Baldur's Gate 3and is perfectly suited to Wavemother. The Destructive Wrath ability that comes with this class fits well with Umberlee's devastating power as the goddess of the ocean, waves, and sea wind. A Storm sorcerer and a Storm domain cleric from the Umberlee multiclass would be an incredible and powerful combination with accurate knowledge.

There are many cases in Baldur's Gate 3 whereby certain subclasses can unlock exclusive dialogue - for example, if a character is a Cleric of Tyr multiclassing into Paladin, then they can summon the false paladins at the start of Act 1. With interactions as specific as those already in the game, a cleric of Umberlee would certainly have some unique dialogue in the House of the Water Queen and recognize your fellow worshipers. This route could take followers under the temple to give players a warmer welcome rather than becoming aggressive if they decide not to leave.

Fortunately for players who want to become Clerics of Umberlee in Baldur's Gatemany have created mods to allow others to finally choose Umberlee as their patron deity. With the release of Mod Manager in Patch 7 now a while ago, these mods are more compatible with the base game than ever before. However, many potential content, such as bonus interactions with other Umberlee worshipers, may not be viable for some time. Players can only hope that a Cleric of Umberlee becomes playable in the future of Baldur's Gate 3.

Source: Toyhouze/YouTube