Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #12!A beautiful moment between these Flash And his wife proves once and for all that their love is as strong as Superman and Lois Lane's relationship. Over the past year, Wally West and Linda Park-West have drifted apart, but they finally reunited in a moment that will tug at any fan's heart.
in The Bottle #12 By Simon Spurrier, Ramón Pérez and Vasco Georgiev, the Flash family travels in the Speed Force to save the Flash while Linda manages to psychically communicate with Wally.
Linda told her husband she was lost after giving birth, and Abra Kadabra made things worse by using tech to rob her of her positive thoughts and feelings. But the feelings appeared as a being known as the Resident and found the bottle when he was at his lowest. The two hug each other as Linda promises the Flash she will always find him wherever he is.
The Flash and Linda Park-West finally reunited in a tear-jerking moment
The entire Flash family did the deed after being targeted by the Arc Angles. As part of a conspiracy to isolate Wally West and weaponize him, the Arc Angles hired Abra Cadabra and gave him tech to change Linda's mind. Soon after the birth of her and Wally's son Wade, Linda began growing colder and more distant. It wasn't just post-partum depression, as Kadabra was constantly playing frequencies to alter Linda's mental state. While Kadabra worked Linda, The Arc Angles Manipulated Flash in the Gallery of MomentsEmpty his mind and turn it into their perfect weapon.
When Wally was in the gallery, he started to lose his connections to his friends and family. But the resident always stayed by his side, asking Wally to never forget those who love him. The revelation that the Resident was a physical manifestation of Linda's love and positive feelings for Wally is a beautiful one. All the while, it seemed like Flash and Linda were at one of their lowest moments. But they are always together and Linda never lets Wally suffer alone. This moment is As beautiful as any moment in Superman and Lois Lane's history.
Flash and Linda have exactly what Superman and Lois have
It's hard to compare relationships, especially one as perfect and idyllic as Clark and Lois. But Wally and Linda have been through just as much as these two have and nothing can shatter their love. Not death, not a universe-wide reboot, and not even a conspiracy orchestrated by incomprehensible beings. The love between the Flash and his wife is strong enough to weather anything and that's hard to come by in comic books. Superman And Lois may have the most famous relationship but don't doubt that for a second Flash And Linda's is just as strong.
The Bottle #12 is available now from DC Comics.
The Flash #12 (2024) |
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