In Scream 3Sidney, Gale and Dewey are targets of a third wave of Ghostface murders – the difference is that, on this occasion, killer Roman Bridger was acting alone. Given the complexity of his crimes, this situation has always confused some fans. However, one fan theory potentially explains how Roman was able to succeed as perhaps the franchise's most ambitious assassin to date.
Roman's unmasking in Scream 3 the ending is a dramatic moment that immediately raises questions. The number of attacks featured in the film, as well as the apparent logical inconsistencies, suggest that – regardless of what the ending suggests – Roman was never just a solo operator. One theory suggests that not only did Roman have help, but that his accomplice was none other than that accomplice, none other than Angelina Tyler, the actress who plays Sidney Prescott in the film. Stab film. Despite her seemingly innocent personality, there is plenty of on-screen and behind-the-scenes evidence to support this claim.
Angelina Tyler was originally believed to be Ghostface's second killer
Early scripts saw Angelina as Roman's accomplice
The biggest evidence of Angelina being Roman's accomplice is that it was in the original Scream 3 history. Initial drafts for Scream 3 I saw Angelina Tyler written to be Ghostface's second killer, and some reports say the change to make Roman the film's only Ghostface killer came very late in production. The team also filmed the initial death in several takes, one with one killer and the other with two.
Having Angelina as a Ghostface assassin would have made the character much more interestingas well as explaining some apparent inconsistencies with her character. Angelina's beautiful facade looked very fake. It almost seemed like she had something to hide – a problem that the film never satisfactorily resolved. Confirming her as one of the killers would have explained this undeniable awkwardness and made Roman's big reveal much more realistic, since it seems impossible for him to have orchestrated all the attacks.
One theory suggests Roman killed Angela to get all the credit
Roman would have wanted all the credit for himself
Although the film seems to rule out the possibility of Angelina being a killer, an internet theory explains how she could still canonically be Roman's accomplice. The theory suggests that she was Roman's girlfriend, and they planned the Scream 3 together, but Roman killed her to take all the credit for himself. This theory would make more sense, as It would have been difficult for one person to achieve everything Roman did alone. Even Kirby references this in Scream 6, giving congratulations to Roman for his ambition, as he was the only Ghostface to work alone.
Angelina was impressionable when she slept with Milton to get the lead role in the Stab films.
Murdering Angelina would suit Roman's character and motivations very well. His narcissism would demand that he receive all the credit, leaving little room for a companion. Furthermore, he is manipulative enough to force Angelina to join him. He influenced Billy Loomis to commit the horrible acts in Scream. It is not unreasonable to suggest that he could have pulled a similar trick on Angelinaalthough the film never confirms this.
Angelina may still be alive
The character's death may have been a trick
Another popular fan theory is that Angelina wasn't killed in the final act of Shout 3. Instead, she was spared by Roman, and her death was just a red herring, like what Billy and Stu tried to do in the first Scream film. The proof that gives rise to this theory is the Scream trilogy DVD box set. The box comes with a list of all the victims from the three films. However, Angelina is not listed. It wouldn't be the first time a character was presumed dead, only to return in the future Scream installment.
Kirby Reed was stabbed Scream 4, and viewers believed she had been dead for 12 years until she was brought back Scream 6. So, it's possible that Angelia survived the attack on Scream 3 and it's still out there, waiting to come back and strike again in the future. Whether she returns or not, these theories provide some insights and explanations as to why Angelina's character felt so underdeveloped and how Roman was able to carry out all the attacks alone.