the Vampire Diaries featured several unexplained plot holes, but this clever theory explains one of them. Adapted from the novels by LJ Smith, the Vampire Diaries followed two brothers, Stefan and Damon, who were in love with the same girl. All over the Vampire Diaries' eight seasons, it created several plot holes, and even in the end, it failed to answer all of them. It has been several years since it was closed, but they remain a favorite topic of conversation. While the show has provided some historical reasons behind the series' supernatural creatures, some things still need more exploration.
Several theories have tried to explain the Vampire Diaries' plot holes, with some making more sense than others. Seeing as some of these theories were created by fans of the series and not by the creators themselves, there is no way to know with absolute certainty whether they are correct. However, this does not mean that these THE Vampire Diaries theories do not have an element of truth to them.
The vampires on The Vampire Diaries were older than they acted
The vampires from The Vampire Diaries interacted with teenagers
One of the biggest unanswered questions in the Vampire Diaries This is why the centuries-old creatures of the night interacted with the teenagers. Most of the series' main characters, including Stefan and Damon, were friends with teenagers and even had romantic relationships with them. Stefan had left Mystic Falls years ago, but when he returned to the small town, he chose to become a high school student. His older brother, Damon, behaved the same way as Stefan. Damon ended up with Elena, and her best friend was Bonnie. They were both teenagers when they began interacting with Damon.
It is intriguing that the oldest vampires in the series, the The originals, who were a thousand years old, were often friends or enemies of the teenagers of Mystic Falls. Since vampires have lived for centuries, one would expect them to have the maturity and wisdom that comes with age. However, this was not the case with these supernatural beings in the Vampire Diaries. They not only interacted with school-age teenagers, but Damon and Stefan were sometimes equally immaturepetty and made the same mistakes that normal human teenagers would make.
Vampires are frozen at the age they reach
The vampires on The Vampire Diaries were stuck in their chronological age
Fortunately, a clever theory can explain this intriguing plot hole. The vampires in the Vampire Diaries were in the age group of 17 to 21 years oldwith some exceptions, of course. This made them teenagers or young adults at the time they were turned. When a human becomes a vampire, they are frozen at the age they transitionboth physically and psychologically. So if a human becomes a vampire at 17, like Stefan, he has the same level of maturity as a 17 year old boy.
There are, of course, vampires who transitioned at an older age. the Vampire Diaries. Rose, Finn, Lilly, and Elijah weren't teenagers or young adults when they became immortal, which explains why they were more mature than the other vampires in the series.
Emotional development in humans is linked to chronological age. Therefore, When a human transitions into a vampire, they stop agingthus becoming physically and psychologically stagnant at the age they reached. Despite having years of life experience, their brains have not developed beyond the age at which they become vampires. There are, of course, vampires who transitioned at an older age. the Vampire Diaries. Rose, Finn, Lilly, and Elijah weren't teenagers or young adults when they became immortal, which explains why they were more mature than the other vampires in the series.
Caroline was the only exception to this plot hole
Caroline became more mature as she aged
Interestingly, there are one vampire this theory doesn't apply to, and that's Caroline Forbes. Although Caroline transitioned into a vampire and stopped aging at 17, she not only handled being a vampire well, but also matured with age. While there were instances where Caroline acted like a typical teenager, for the most part she was one of the most emotionally intelligent vampires in the series. She is also one of the few vampires in the series who has had enormous character growth.
There are few moments in the series where Caroline was immature, and one of those moments was when she turned off her humanity.
When she transitioned into a vampire, Caroline has abandoned some of her worst human traits. As a vampire, she was organized, empathetic, and understanding. There are few moments in the series where Caroline was immature, and one of those moments was when she turned off her humanity. Strangely, even when her humanity was turned off, Caroline still had a level of control that other vampires in her position did not. Although most vampires in the Vampire Diaries she remained imprisoned and behaved like a teenager, Caroline graduated from college, became a mother and was a producer at a TV station.