A mystery that has remained unsolved for more than 30 years in The Legend of Zelda implies that Link and Zelda might actually have a shocking connection in a game. Link and Zelda's characters can vary greatly between Zelda titles, as well as their relationship before and during the game. Many titles see their versions of Link and Zelda meeting for the first time, but some games feature deeper connections that are part of their respective backstories, including details that aren't always immediately obvious.
There are still many mysteries The Legend of Zeldaranging from small oddities to bizarre stories that hint at a larger, unseen picture. For example, the Aspect of the Ancient Hero armor from Tears of the Kingdom implies that the first hero to fight Calamity Ganon was not actually a Hylian, and may have been descended from the Zonai in some way, but no explanation for the strange appearance Link gains from this has been given. There are many other strange details like this found throughout the franchise, many of which may never be fully explained.
This is a link to past dialogue that remains a mystery
Link's uncle's last words imply that Zelda could be Link's sister
When Link finds his uncle dying at the beginning of A link to the pasthe is on a mission to protect Princess Zelda. However, Link's uncle's last words in the 1992 SNES game have been a topic of debate for years: “Save the Princess… Zelda is yours…” Although Link's Uncle cannot finish this final sentence, its construction is certainly evocative. While there are many possible ways to end this sentence, the most intriguing of all is undoubtedly the theory that Link's uncle was trying to tell the young hero that "Zelda is your sister."
Of course, this would be a dramatic twist if it were true, although ALTTP never confirms whether Zelda is secretly one of the Link's few known family members. Despite the clear potential for a revelation created later by this moment, it never happens. It's also important to note that the same sentence could also be ended with words like "responsibility", which would emphasize Link's duty to the princess. However, the dramatic weight of Zelda being Link's sister keeps this possibility more appealing to many fans.
Notably, the original Japanese version of this scene offers no clarity as to what Link's uncle intends to say, other than to continue to suggest some sort of association between the hero and the princess. The only difference is that in Japanese his dialogue can be translated as “You are the princess...” Similar to the English version, this sentence can end with “brother” or something like “final hope” with equal plausibility. In addition to changing the subject of the line, the English translation is very faithful.
Could Zelda really be Link's sister in ALTTP?
Link's Uncle suggests a plausible scenario
A link to the past makes it extremely clear that Link and his uncle are descendants of an order of Knights who have protected the Hylian Royal family for generations. It is plausible that such a knight could become close to a family member they protect and have children togethereven in secret. It also wouldn't be inconceivable for these children to be separated and raised separately, as Link and Zelda would be in this scenario. As such, the two being brothers is at least possible.
Link's uncle's last words alone are too vague to be considered decisive evidence, and the game no longer provides hints that indicate the two might be related.
On the other hand, there is the undeniable fact that There is no concrete evidence to support this theory. Link's uncle's last words alone are too vague to be considered decisive evidence, and the game no longer provides hints that indicate the two might be related. Link's uncle really could simply intend for Link to fulfill his family's duty as a Knight of Hyrule. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that there will be any further clarification on this minor issue Legend of Zelda mystery.
It is worth noting that A link to the past is not the only game to have given rise to a suggestion that Link and Zelda are related. The two were also theorized to be brothers in Ocarina of Timealthough the reasoning for this is even less grounded in canonical fact than ALTTPmystery itself. THE OoT The theory is based primarily on the fact that there is little known about any of the characters' parents, and ultimately suffers from a general lack of evidence. Furthermore, the fact that these are clearly different Link and Zelda makes it irrational to draw direct parallels.
Why This Zelda Mystery Has No Clear Solution
There is no conclusive evidence either way on ALTTP
Ultimately, the inaccuracy the relevant dialogue and lack of a follow-up reveal make it impossible to be sure what the true meaning of Link's uncle's final words is. And unless developers publicly comment on the matter, it will likely stay that way. Another way to wrap up the mystery would be new dialogue or other content in a future remake of A link to the pastbut such a remake has already been released without additional clarity, despite making significant changes to the scene in question.
In the 2002 Game Boy Advance version of A link to the pastLink's uncle's last words have been changed to remove any implication of Zelda having a deeper connection with Link. Instead, he simply asks Link to rescue her, calling it his family's destiny to do so. Strangely, though, the original dialogue is found elsewhere. When the shapeshifting Blind the Thief impersonates Link's Uncle in the new Palace of Four Swords, he re-enacts the original SNES version of the death scene. And, once again, the true meaning of this is unclear.
The Legend of Zelda: a link with the past presents an unusual mystery with no clear resolution but infinitely intriguing possibilities. There's a tantalizing suggestion that their versions of Link and Zelda are siblings, but at the same time, nothing really comes of it. In the end, the true extent of their relationship will likely remain one of the film's many unsolved mysteries. The Legend of Zelda. Of course, this lack of resolution may be disappointing to some, but it also allows people to freely develop their own personal interpretations of the game's story.