XCOM 2 was first released in 2016, but even in 2024 it's still one of the best turn-based strategy games on the market. This title was followed by two mini DLCs that added small bits of new content. However, the big update came a year later with the War of the Chosen DLC, adding three new enemy bosses to fight throughout the game and three rebel factions integrated into the story.
Since XCOM 2developer Firaxis released two major games in XCOM: Chimera Squadand the saturated Avengers Marvel's Midnight Suns. The first occurs on the positive timeline of XCOM 2 where humans and aliens now live in an uneasy peace. However, although this game retained aspects of its predecessor, it had more tactical, puzzle-like mechanics. Midnight Suns was a complete departure from the norm, and while it was a critical success, it failed to garner the sales to see the main DLC released and only received the pre-planned character packs.
A beautifully crafted strategy game
XCOM 2 It may not have as much to manage as other strategy games, but it more than makes up for it in many ways. In terms of story, this game follows the bad ending of its predecessor where the aliens won and kidnapped the player/Commander. Once free, the Commander must unite the world's different rebel factions and stop the Elders before his plan is completed. This story has been enhanced in the DLC with the addition of three more rebel groups: scavenging Reapers, ADVENT defector Skirmishers, and Psionic Templars.
Combat and combat systems XCOM 2 They are also top notch. The harder difficulties presented an unrelenting challenge to those who wanted it, while the lower-tier options were just the right pace for learning the game or enjoying the story. War of the Chosen improved this by adding the three Chosen which had to be actively fought to avoid a brutal attack that would bring the game to an instant end. The various classes of soldiers and numerous XCOM Alien variants with different abilities keep the game fresh without any two missions feeling the same.
While taking up a position and shooting a target with occasional skill use may not be demanding, XCOM 2 feels right. Stronger positioning is a crucial part of all of this, as each playstyle has its pros and cons that balance each other out. The equipment upgrades are also substantial to the point where it seems like the resistance could reasonably win this battle of overwhelming odds.. If XCOM 2 There is a problem: much of the story can be paralyzed to the point where the player is so powerful that the missions seem unbalanced until the last ones.
A large part of what kept XCOM 2 popular and recent for so long are the community's amazing mods, ranging from campaign changes, new enemies, soldier classes, items, and quality of life additions. One of the most popular is the Long War mod. This giant mod changes the entire game setting to one that should take years to overcome, rather than a few months. It is one of the ultimate tests of patience and skill in the community.
For those who like to have more variety in soldier classes, the options are almost endless. The simplest option is to opt for full classes that are added to or replace those in the base game. The most advanced mods for this are RPGO and Amalgamation. The first turns characters into blank slates that can be edited with experience and fill various roles on their way to becoming super soldiers. Fusion is a little more faithful to the base XCOM 2 but it differentiates itself by giving characters three or four random class specializations, with hordes of specs to choose from.
Another popular area in the modding community is new enemies. These range from new aliens to different branches of the ADVENT forces. However, mods like this are often extremely powerful, which means they are for those with experience. Good suggestions for mods like this are Bio Legion, Frost Legion, A Better ADVENT, Requiem Legion and MOXC. For those who want a more balanced challenge, There are also a variety of third-party raider factions that can appear to fight both sides.
Overall, despite being eight years old, XCOM 2 It's still an amazing sci-fi strategy game. Everything from the game and the community itself helps make up for its few flaws and extend its longevity. While many in the fandom are curious about a sequel, as was teased at the end, no news has come. Due to poor sales of its most recent releases, Firaxis may not have the ability to do so now. Regardless, even a XCOM 3 come out, XCOM 2 will remain one of the best turn-based strategy games.