There's only one way that Joey King's real ugly end will actually make it to Netflix

There's only one way that Joey King's real ugly end will actually make it to Netflix

Netflix started the story of Tally with the sci-fi movie UglyBut there's only one way that the character's true ending is likely to ever reach the screen. The 2024 movie is based on the first book by author Scott Westerfeld Ugly series, which has two direct sequels, nice And SpecialWhich will hopefully make it to Netflix one day too. But, while Special Westerfeld, who occupied Tally's time as a protagonist, brought the character back for his spinoff novel series, thus continuing her story. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that these will ever be adopted.

yet Ugly, lovely, And Special took storm the I.A. Book world, Westerfeld continued his exploration of his dystopian world with Extras (2007), set several years after Tally successfully spread the fair-head cure around the world. While Tally is no longer the POV character, she, Shay, and David make an extended appearance. then, In 2018, Westerfeld began publishing his Imposters SeriesSet about 20 years later Special. The four books follow a new protagonist, but in the final installment, Young bloodsTally reappears.

Netflix would have to make 8 movies to finish Tully's Ugly Story

The story in Uglys extends far beyond the waistline (but it's still involved)

Tally as a beauty in uglies

The sequels to the Ugly Series reveals that Tally, who was transformed into one of Dr. Cable's supersoldiers in SpecialFlee into the wild after the spread of the cure (along with David) with the primary goal of protecting nature from the awakening of humanity. Extras And these Imposters Series see this through, and every time Tally appears, it is with the intention of protecting the planet from greed and war. This becomes more extreme in the last book of Imposters, Young Bloods when Tali is forced to use nuclear weapons to stop AI from taking over the world (so become a war criminal yourself).

Of course, all this is a long way away from the events of Netflix Ugly. In order for Joey King's version of Tally to ever make it to the screen, a total of eight movies would have to be adapted - and that's not likely. Ugly was a huge success on Netflix, claiming the top spot for movies in the US An eight-film sci-fi series would be an expensive endeavorEspecially since Westerfeld's spinoff books have never been as popular as Ugly. Still, there is a way these stories could be adapted one day.

An Uglies TV show would be the only way to fully adapt Scott Westerfeld's books

An extended animated series would be perfect

ugly-book-cover and tally-joy-king
Custom image by Debanjana Chowdhury

with these Ugly Movie finally released, it can certainly be hoped that nice And Special Will be adopted one day. however, The stories in Extras, Imposters, Shatter City, Mirror's EdgeAnd Young bloods Might be better suited for a TV show. The Imposters Series, in particular, is very politically aimed since it focuses on a much more traditional dystopian society (since the beautiful lesions have been gone for 20 years and people have returned to hoarding wealth). With so much to explore, the longer format of a TV show might be the best way to proceed.

If Pretties and Specials perform well enough, maybe Netflix would greenlight an animated TV show as a continued adaptation of Westerfeld's work.

yet, A live-action TV show may still be too much of a financial riskSo Netflix can take a route that it has already hashed out with past originals - an animated series. The streaming company has done something similar with The Witcher Franchise to excellent effect, so it is not out of the realm of possibility. Of course, such a thing would depend on the success of any future Ugly Sequel movies. If nice And Special Perform well enough, maybe Netflix would greenlight an animated TV show as a continued adaptation of Westerfeld's work. Then, the full ending of Tally (and perhaps even more) could get small screens.