There's only one way for Pirates of the Caribbean 6 to beat its unfortunate 4-movie streak

There's only one way for Pirates of the Caribbean 6 to beat its unfortunate 4-movie streak

Pirates of the Caribbean 6 has been confirmed to have been in development since 2018, and Disney's next action/adventure film faces an uphill battle in overcoming the franchise's problems. Since 2017 launch Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No TalesThere hasn't been much confidence about the future of the franchise. Dead men tell no stories holds an audience score of 30% on Rotten Tomatoes and was also not praised by many critics. In fact, the Pirates of the Caribbean the franchise has been on a downward spiral since the original film was released in 2003, something POTC6 needs to change.

Since the launch of Dead men tell no storiesThere were different plans proposed for the sixth Pirates of the Caribbean film. At a certain point, a reboot starring Margot Robbie seemed to be gaining tractionbut it ended up being cancelled. In March 2024, producer Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed that Pirates of the Caribbean 6 is still in the works and revealed that it would indeed be a reboot. However, if a sixth Pirates of the Caribbean If the film is to do better than the previous four entries in the franchise, some changes need to be made.

Pirates of the Caribbean 6 should move away from the original story to break its 4-movie trend

Disney shouldn't continue to rely on the same Pirates of the Caribbean characters

In 2003, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was a resounding success, which surprised many, considering it was a film based on an amusement park ride. Without considering, The Curse of the Black Pearl box office and positive reviews guaranteed sequels. Gore Verbinski, director of the first film, returned to direct two sequels: Dead Man's Chest and At the end of the world. Although reviews for these two films weren't as positive as the first, fans still loved them because they continued (and eventually concluded) the captivating story that began in The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Pirates of the Caribbean movie title

Domestic Box Office

Rotten Tomatoes critic score

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl



Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest



Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End



Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides



Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales



However, while At the end of the world provided a satisfying conclusion to the series, Disney decided to make two more Pirates of the Caribbean films. 2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and the aforementioned Dead men tell no stories continued the critical downward trajectory because Disney relied on many of the same characters from the first three films to bring audiences back to theaters. While Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), and Elizabeth Swan (Keira Knightley) are beloved characters, they were already given satisfying character arcs in the original three films.

How did the original actors receive such satisfying conclusions at the end of the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's Endincluding them in two more Pirates the films only served to tarnish the legacy of the original three films. Furthermore, its inclusion seemed to many like a Disney's superficial attempt at fan service. Therefore, if Pirates of the Caribbean 6 wants to be more successful than its predecessors, it needs to introduce an entirely new set of characters in a new adventure.

A fresh start is the only way Pirates of the Caribbean 6 can recapture the magic of the original

The possibilities for Pirates of the Caribbean 6 are endless

Jack Sparrow, Will, Barbosa and Elizabeth in the poster for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Starting from scratch, the next Pirates of the Caribbean the installment can simultaneously set legacy characters and stories aside and allow newcomers to the series to succeed on their own terms. Part of the problem with sequels to the series is that the new characters were overshadowed by Depp's flamboyant Jack Sparrow. Completely cutting Sparrow and other regular associates is the best way for Disney to finally catch a break and start properly planning for the future,

Since many details about the next Pirates of the Caribbean 6 are still unknown, it has also been theorized that Disney may want to remake The Curse of the Black Pearl with a new set of actors. This shouldn't be the case either, since remaking the original would only lead audiences to constantly make comparisons between the two. The Curse of the Black Pearl It's already an exceptional film and its story doesn't need to be told again. Instead of, Pirates of the Caribbean 6 needs to head out into open waters and tell a new story that will intrigue a new generation of fans.


Jerry Bruckheimer Films


Walt Disney Studios Films


Craig Mazin, Ted Elliot