Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) was not one to hold grudges, but rather betrayal Star Trek: The Next Generation it hit Jean-Luc so hard that he remained upset for over 30 years. Although Jean-Luc Picard cared deeply for the crew members aboard the USS Enterprise-D, he remained emotionally distant from them. Picard dedicated his life to Starfleet because he truly believed in Starfleet's mission and did his best to uphold its ideals. Picard had to learn the hard way that Not all Starfleet officers shared his faith in the organization.
When Star Trek: The Next Generation began, Gene Roddenberry did not foresee major conflicts among the crew of the starship Enterprise. This rule was limiting from a storytelling perspective, but became more flexible as the show progressed. At the beginning TNG Season 5 A New Clash Character Joined Star Trek: The Next Generationcast, shaking up the team's established dynamics. Throughout his years as Captain of the Enterprise, Picard was assimilated by the Borg, tortured by the Cardassians, and regularly faced off against the omnipotent Q (John de Lancie), but no one irritated him as much as Ensign Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes).
Why Picard held a grudge against Ro Laren for 31 years in Star Trek
Ro Laren made his Star Trek debut in TNG Season 5, Episode 3, “Ensign Ro.”
Introduced in the aptly titled Star Trek: The Next Generation season 5 episode, 'Ensign Ro', Ensign Ro Laren was a different kind of Starfleet officer. Before joining the crew of the Enterprise-D, Ro was court-martialed and stripped of her rank after a particularly disastrous mission left eight officers dead. Many of the Enterprise crew weren't sure about Ro, but Captain Picard saw something in her. Soon after Ro was promoted to lieutenant, she took on the mission of infiltrating the rebel group known as the Maquis. She gained the trust of the Maquis, but soon became sympathetic to their cause.
When the time came to lure the Maquis into a trap set by the Federation, Ro sided with the Rebels and left Starfleet behind. With the Maquis, Ro said he found a place he felt he belonged, and his only regret was disappointing Captain Picard. Perhaps because Picard was also a rebel in his youth, he took Ro's betrayal personally. Picard formed in his mind an image of the great Starfleet officer Ro could be, and was devastated when she chose a different path, which he felt betrayed everything Starfleet stood for.
Bringing Picard and Ro together was one of the best Star Trek: Picard stories of season three
Ro returned in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 5, 'Imposters'
Star Trek: Picardseason 3 saw the return of Star Trek: The Next Generation original crew as they reunite with Admiral Picard for yet another adventure. After Admiral Picard and Captain William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) commandeer the USS Titan-A to rescue Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), Commander Ro came aboard to warn Jean-Luc about the Changelings' threat to the Federation. Picard still harbored anger over Ro's betrayal, but Ro pointed out that Picard wanted her to be someone she wasn't. Both Ro and Picard regretted losing years of friendship.
In a season full of strong stories, the confrontation between Ro and Picard was one of the best in Star Trek: Picardlast race. Not only was it nice to see the characters finally express their feelings to each other, but Ro also played a crucial role in getting Picard information about the Changelings' conspiracy. Tragically, Ro was killed leaving the Titan, but Picard recognizes that he finally saw her for who she was. Considering that characters regularly return from the dead in Star Trek, It remains to be seen whether Ro will appear again. Anyway, Star Trek: Picard provided a satisfactory conclusion for her Star Trek: The Next Generation story, resolving Jean-Luc's grudge with Ro.