There might be a good reason why it's so easy to trick Springtrap in FNAF 3

There might be a good reason why it's so easy to trick Springtrap in FNAF 3

Five Nights at Freddy's 3 introduces series villain Springtrap, aka William Afton, for the first time in the flesh, or at least a little in the flesh. Despite being the main source of evil in FNAF, Springtrap is surprisingly easy to trick in the game. However, there may be a very good and horrible reason why players can trick Springtrap so easily.

Set in a horror attraction inspired by Freddy Fazbear Pizza restaurants of the past, players take on yet another security job. The turnaround for FNAF 3 and that players only need to manage one animatronicalong with faulty security and ventilation systems. The killer who started it all, Springtrap, stalks the halls of the haunted house and players have to do everything they can to keep him away from the doorless office. The biggest tool in the player's arsenal is a simple audio signal of a child speaking, which attracts Springtrap if used strategically.

FNAF fan theory explains why it's easy to fool Springtrap

The only animatronic in the third game

It may seem strange that players can distract one of the game's most cunning characters. Five Nights at Freddy'sis with a simple noise generator repeatedly over the course of a few nights. A fan theory posted by a Reddit user Súbita_Negotiação71 resolve this issue with a horrible answer. It is not William Afton himself who is being deceived by the audio, but rather is the animatronic suit he has automatically moving towards the children's sound due to his programming.

The animatronics in Five Nights at Freddy'sBefore they were possessed by various spirits, they were considered the pinnacle of entertainment technology. This included a function in which the animatronics would automatically move towards the children's soundsto better entertain and interact with them, unlike other animatronics stuck on stationary stages. In fact, the Phone Guy's archival recordings in FNAF 3 Explain exactly how these animatronics worked:

"We will discuss how to operate the mascots when they are in Animatronic form. For ease of operation, the animatronics are configured to turn and walk toward the sound, providing an easy, hands-free approach to ensure the animatronics stay where children are , for maximum entertainment/crowd-pleasing value.”

Before endoskeleton animatronics, there were spring-loaded suits, which allowed employees to move mechanical parts out of the way and wear the suit around restaurants. Bonnie Spring The suit that William Afton wore is one of those delicate hybrid suits. The costumes were so flimsy that Phone Guy emphasized: “Do not touch the spring latch at any time. Do not breathe on a spring lock as moisture can loosen it and cause it to come loose.”

Why This FNAF 3 Theory Actually Makes Sense

The final villain shouldn't be so easy to fool

Springtrap is, the moment players see him FNAF 3 and learn what happened to him in the past, both man and machine. He has long since died due to the spring locks on his Spring Bonnie suit and has rotted away inside his own creation. The costume is a functional animatronic and mascot costumemeaning it would still have some of its standalone functions. Players in FNAF 3 are taking advantage of this function by forcing Springtrap's lawsuit away from his office, much against Afton's murderous wishes.

In this context, it makes a lot of sense because the player can easily keep Springtrap away from his vulnerable position in the security office. William Afton's spirit is not being deceived, but simply trapped inside an animatronic suit that he can only partially control.

Why is this another horror element to Afton's character?

He always comes back

Springtrap is easily one of the most horrible characters in all of FNAFboth in life and in death. A child killer who caused almost every terrible event in the series, Afton was a despicable human being. His afterlife form, that of Springtrap, is equally horrific. A corpse left in the back of a Fazbear restaurant for years or decades in FNAF timeline, Afton's body was completely fused with his animatronic suit. after the spring latch inside didn't work properly.

Although this scenario is quite frightening, the idea that Afton doesn't have full control of his suit creates an entirely new element of horror for Springtrap. He is no longer William Afton, but a combination of his own work and his own body: Springtrap. A murderous spirit who is determined to continue killing, but is only stopped by programming designed to entertain children. This dichotomy between a healthy machine that still tries to cheer up children with the most evil spirit in the world trapped inside is what makes Five Nights at Freddy's as fascinating as a horror franchise and Springtrap as iconic as a villain.