The plot of the future book Wheel of Time offers a great solution to what the show should do with Anvaere. Anvaer Damodred, introduced as Moiraine's former sister, was an unexpected but welcome addition to Prime Video's adaptation of Robert Jordan's novel. Wheel of Time books. Before the series, Anvaere was nothing more than a name mentioned in Wheel of Time prequel novel, New spring. Sister Moiraine never plays any role in the story.
The show's approach to the Moiraine family differs significantly from what is shown in the books. In fact, this made Anwaere one of the Wheel of Time main characters of the second season, giving her a lot of screen time and a significant role in the Cairhien arc. Interestingly, this doesn't conclude her story, which suggests that Anvaer may continue to appear in the series. Whether this is the case or not is unclear, and admittedly difficult to predict based on the books since she wasn't around. However, there are events in the books that could have been reworked to make room for her.
Why Anvaere cannot be ended with the Wheel of Time
Because of Liandrin, Anvaere still has a lot to do
The big twist involving Bartanes sets the stage for Anvaer to later return to the game. Having overheard her son's conversations, she knows that a member of the Aes Sedai - Liandrin - is secretly a Darkfriend. This puts her in an extremely dangerous position, especially as Anvaer becomes one of the few people who knows that those loyal to the Dark One have infiltrated the White Tower. She also exposed Bartan, which could lead to Liandrin finding out and trying to silence her. Regardless of whether she does it personally or sends a member of the Black Ajah to do it for her, Liandrin targeting Anvaer makes a lot of sense.
Wheel of Time taking this direction could allow Anvaer to return as early as Season 3, regardless of where Cairhien fits into the series' immediate future. Judging by what is known about Wheel of Time Season 3 confirmed locations, there's no immediate need to return to Cairhien, but knowing the secret about the Black Sister could easily change the situation. The danger this poses to her may force her to leave the house, thereby creating the possibility for her to reappear in one of the Wheel of Time upcoming storylines set in Tanchiko, Mesopotamia, the White Tower, and the Aiel Waste.
There's nothing in the books (or the show) that would justify Anvaere's appearance in Two Rivers or the Aiel Waste, but being drawn into the plots of the White Tower or Tanchiko is not unheard of. Neither are related to Moiraine, but may be relevant to Anvaer's current story due to the connection to Liandrin. The information she has will obviously be useful to the Aes Sedai in Tar Valon, and Liandrin is expected to travel to Tanchico next, given where she is. Rising shadow.
Anvaer may join the Aes Sedai rebellion in Salidar
Anvaer may become a minor character in the story of the Aes Sedai uprising
Of all the places Anvaer could end up, none seems better than Salidar, the place that will become the headquarters of the rebel Aes Sedai. In the books, Elaida of the Red Ajah manages to overthrow Siuan Sanche and establish herself as the new Amyrlin Seat. As a result, several Aes Sedai break away from the White Tower and start a rebellion. A village in Altar called Salidar becomes a base of operations for the rebel Aes Sedai. while they figure out how to remove Elaida from power and replace her with a new seat made of amilrin.
The Aes Sedai rebel camp served as a refuge for many displaced people. Wheel of Time characters including the calmed Xuan Sanche, Loghain Ablar and Min Farshaw. In other words, not everyone there was Aes Sedai. For this reason, there is a chance that Anvaer may also go there. Her intention may have been to find and warn Moiraine about Liandrin. If this happens, she can join the rebels and get a position there. Her connections with a noblewoman and a member Wheel of Time House Damodred can play a key role in securing political support for their cause and securing official recognition for their chosen replacement for the Amyrlin Seat.
Although Anvaer currently has no motive to help the Aes Sedai, having her, there may still be a way to properly continue her Season 2 storyline. Turning against Bartan, Wheel of Time effectively proved where Anvaer truly stands: against the Friends of Darkness. As much as she wanted the power and prestige of being Queen Galladrian's mother-in-law, she valued doing the right thing more. Her decision to go against the Shadow could put Anvaere at odds with the Black Ajah in the future, and this could leak into Salidar's plot since the Black Ajah has its hooks in Elaida through Alvarin.
Elaida is not the Black Ajah, but acts as their arm as her actions serve their purposes. Alvarin, the secret leader of the Black Ajah, manipulated and used Elaida. In this sense, the Black Ajah are the real villains of the story, so Anvaer now fits in perfectly.
Anvaere may be key to Wheel of Time's political storylines
Anvaer understands the daes of the Dae'mar better than anyone else
Of course, the uprising of Aes Sedai could only play a short-term role for Anvaere, since it would inevitably lead to Wheel of Time fulfilling Ming's vision and anointing Egwene to the Amyrlin Seat. But this doesn't necessarily have to be the end of Anvaere's storyline, as politics aren't integral to later books in the series. After all, it should not be forgotten that Anvaere was part of Wheel of Time an introduction to the concept of Daes Dae'mar, also known as the Great Game.
Since Cairhien is one of many nations involved in these storylines, it's not hard to imagine that Anvaer, as a representative of House Damodred, had a hand in it all.
Because having strong allies is so important to both sides of a conflict, Daes Dae'mar, also known as the "Great Game", plays an important role in several books, where characters such as Rand, Elayne and Perrin interact with several authority figures in several worlds. powers. Since Cairhien is one of many nations involved in these storylines, it's not hard to imagine that Anvaer, as a representative of House Damodred, had a hand in it all. Depending on the relationships she can develop with Rand and other powerful players, she could become an important political ally in Wheel of Time future.
Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan's sprawling fantasy series is brought to life in the Amazon Prime Video fantasy series Wheel of Time. The series follows a woman named Moiraine, a member of an all-female group of Aes Sedai who can harness great power. After an attack on a local village, Moiraine heads there to find a villager who may be the reincarnation of an all-powerful dragon who will either save or destroy the world.
- Release date
November 19, 2021
- Seasons
- Franchise(s)
Wheel of Time