The Wheel Of Time Season 3 Trailer Gives Me Hope That The Show Will Continue A Positive Season 2 Trend

The Wheel Of Time Season 3 Trailer Gives Me Hope That The Show Will Continue A Positive Season 2 Trend

With the teaser trailer and opening scenes for the first episode of season 3 revealed this weekend at CCXP in Brazil, it looks like The Wheel of Time will start racing when it returns in March 2025, and that has me excited about the direction of next season. Amazon's flagship fantasy series has definitely improved over time, with the second season clearly more popular with audiences than the first, and from what we know The Wheel of Time season 3 is likely to continue this trend.

Now, with The Wheel of TimeWith the season 3 trailer available to watch, it's clear that the show intends to continue raising the stakes, and hopefully that means it will continue to deliver the combination of big emotional moments and spectacular action that season 2 was praised for. Certainly, The Wheel of Time The explosive opening of Season 3 Episode 1 shown in that footage will ensure the season hits the ground running. It's a good change, feeling optimistic about the direction of a program that has been the subject of so much dispute.

The Wheel Of Time season 3 trailer promises another step forward for the fantasy series

While I have some concerns about the changing course of events in the books, season 3 trailer offers a tantalizing glimpse of what's yet to come that I'm allowing myself to get excited. Rand's storyline as he travels through the Aiel Waste is a colossally important part of the The Wheel of Time books, and everything we see of the Aiel domain in the trailer makes it clear that it will be one of the focal locations of season three.

Rhuidean's glimpse isn't the only part of the trailer I'm excited to see in fullhowever. The scene of Elayne putting on a crown means that we will likely have a lot of conflict surrounding her mother, Queen Morgase of Andor, and the civil war brewing in the heart of that country. We also see Egwene preparing for what appears to be her elevation to the rank of Accepted, while two Aes Sedai prepare the ter'angreal for her test.

Even more fascinating is the brief image of what appears to be Lanfear, with a bloody blade in his hand, in front of a group of seven other figures dressed in black as they walk towards someone bleeding on the tell-tale columnar basalt ground within The Ways; They may not all be the Forsaken, as Moghedien is noticeably absent, but perhaps the Daughter of the Night has found some new Dreadlords to follow her and take Ishamael's place. Either way, the next season clearly promises some exciting action.

The first look gives me hope that the Wheel of Time will continue a positive trend in season two

Although critical ratings for Season 1 of The Wheel of Time were generally positive, the viewership score for that season is still less than 60% from over 5,000 reviews. Season two, by comparison, is much better looking, with a solid 80% among over 2,500 reviews; Clearly, the second season's attention to character development, as well as the clever use of secondary characters like Elyas Machera and Dain Bornhald, resonated well with audiences.

The Wheel of Time Rotten Tomatoes Reviews



popcorn meter










Obviously, this trend will not translate into a directly linear improvement — The Wheel of Time is still too divisive among fans for next season's premiere to get a 100% rating - but hopefully it's indicative that producers have hit their stride. After all, there are a lot of big events on the horizon for Rand and company this season, and no one will come out of them unscathed (especially poor Perrin, who we get a glimpse of one moment dressed in armor and covered in blood, which means he's probably heading back to Dois Rios to make new friends).

What The Wheel Of Time Season 3 Needs To Change The Show's Narrative

The Wheel of Time Had a tough road to climb since it was first announced, as the books are so revered that there was no way the show would make everyone happy. Season 1 in particular was met with considerable derision for what were seen as unnecessary changes to the books, particularly the choice to give Perrin a wife, Laila, only to kill her outright, a twist that left a bad taste in the mouth. of viewers and resulted in accusations of fridging.

As The Wheel of Time continue, the first season's changes that seemed so shocking at the time may start to make more sensewhile others may remain inexplicable. Laila's death, for example, may have been intentionally intended to serve as a counterpoint to Perrin's strangely endearing rival-to-lover relationship with Faile. Even so, it's still a choice that deserves all the criticism it receives, but it serves to illustrate that it's difficult to judge any adaptation before it's completed.

With the 3rd season of The Wheel of Time launching on March 13, 2025, there's still plenty of time for Amazon to work on building positive buzz in anticipation of it. I, for one, genuinely hope that as they continue to release teases about the next season, we start to get a better picture of how the changes they've made to the story, good or bad, will come together and form their version. of The Wheel of Time start to feel like a show fulfilling its own prophecies.

The Wheel of Time

Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan's sprawling fantasy series comes to life in The Wheel of Time, a fantasy series created for Amazon Prime Video. The series follows a woman named Moiraine, a member of the female group Aes Sedai who can wield great power. After an attack on a local village, Moiraine goes there to find a villager who may be the reincarnation of an all-powerful dragon who will save or destroy the world.