The Way Home Season 3 Release Date Revealed (With One Big Change)

The Way Home Season 3 Release Date Revealed (With One Big Change)

The way home season 3 gets a release date, although there is a big difference. Debuting on The Hallmark Channel in January 2023, as a family saga with sci-fi aspects, it follows the story of three generations of women and how the ability to travel through time changes their lives. It will soon be two years since the series' most recent episode, which premiered in January 2023, but The way home season three just got some major new details.

Deadline confirms that The way home season 3 will premiere Thursday, January 2nd on Hallmark+. It will then premiere on cable TV on The Hallmark Channel in the fall of 2025, although the exact date has not yet been announced. That marks a change for the sci-fi drama, which has always premiered on The Hallmark Channel and is one of the network's flagship shows. Along with the streaming release date, it was announced that new cast members Julia Tomasone, Jordan Doww, and Devin Cecchetto joined the cast. They will play younger versions of Del, Colton and Evelyn, respectively.

What Change Means for the Way Home

Hallmark is banking on the success of its flagship show

Kat (Chyler Leigh), Ali (Sadie Laflamme-Snow) and Del (Andie MacDowell) looking at a cocoon in The Way Home.

The cast of The way homewhich includes Andie MacDowell, Chyler Leigh, Evan Williams and Sadie Laflamme-Snow, will be back for season 3. The new installment will pick up after the Season 2 finale, with Kat (Leigh) and her brother Jacob (Spencer Macpherson), entering the Landry hub home and encountering an unsuspecting Del (MacDowell). This is significant since Jacob disappeared at the age of eight and is now returning as an adult


Who do they play on The way home

Chyler Leigh

Katherine "Kat" Landry Dhawan

Sadie Laflamme-Snow

Alice Dhawan

Andie MacDowell

Del Landry

Evan Williams

Eliot Augustine

Jefferson Brown

Colton Landry

Spencer Macpherson

Jacob Landry

Kris Holden-Ried

Thomas Coyle

Hallmark+ Just Launched in September. The launch plan signifies hopes that the series, from co-creators Heather Conkie Alexandra Clarke and Marly Reed, will attract subscribers. That's especially true keeping in mind Jacob Landry's thriller, which was designed to inspire questions and perhaps convince viewers to try the new service.

Our Take on the Road Home Launch Plan

At least it's not exclusive

Cable TV is still a profitable business. But it's in decline, with the entertainment industry shifting to streaming as a long-term measure. The launch plan for The way home it will likely be frustrating for some viewers. But for those who are reluctant to join Hallmark+, the good news is that the family drama won't be exclusive to streaming and will eventually air on its usual platform.

Source: Deadline