Excitement is building for The Lord of the Rings: The War of the RohirrimWith its trailer available for viewing, and there is one scene in it that is strangely familiar. Game Ghost in the Shell Maestro Kenji Kamiyama will conduct the upcoming Lord of the Rings Anime movie about the Third Age Rohan, focusing on events set 132 years before the birth of Bilbo Baggins. Based on "The House of Eorl" chapter from "Appendix A" of high fantasy expert JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, The movie looks like it will be reminiscent of a little-known fan movie from 2009.
The War of the Rohirrim will be the seventh Warner Bros. Movie set in Middle-earth, with Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings And The Hobbit Trilogies preceding it. It won't be the last, with The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum Planned for release in 2026. Fan movies may be fresh in Warner Bros.' Thoughts After all Hunt Gollum Movie ran into the copyright infringement of a fan movie with the same name from a few years earlier. This makes it more likely that The War of the Rohirrim Team explored the great fan movies on offer, and were inspired by one, in particular.
War of the Rohirrim copies an excellent Lord of the Rings fan movie
One scene in War of the Rohirrim is very familiar
The War of the Rohirrim Copies an excellent 2009 Lord of the Rings Fan movie called Born of hope In a scene teased at the end of its trailer. An orc's hand drops a ring into a bag full of rings and wonders aloud what Sauron wants with them. A very similar moment occurs around 20 minutes in Born of hopeAs orcs search for the Ring of Barahir in Third Age Rhudaur. It seems likely that the crew of the movie are aware of this dark fan movie, especially given The dog for Gollum Fan movie presenting a recent copyright issue.
Fans interested in Sauron collecting rings should watch Born of Hope
Born of Hope is a feature-length movie
Born of hope is not only fanart. Director Kate Madison spent her life savings on the £25,000 feature-length fan film, which was a labor of love and non-profit by definition. Fan movies like Born of hope Does not have certain rights to their source material but are allowed to exist as long as they do not profit. how so Born of hope is a gift to Lord of the Rings Fans everywhereAvailable to watch for free on YouTube. Diving into the lore surrounding Aragorn's parents, the movie follows the orcs' search for Arathorn, identified by his distinctive ring, the Ring of Barahir.
2009 churned out two brilliant British Lord of the Rings Fan movies, The dog for Gollum And Born of hopeHowever Born of hope is longer, and offers a slightly more cinematic experience overall. Anyone whose interest has been piqued by Sauron is looking for rings The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim Will probably enjoy Maddison's deep dive into Isildur's line and the many difficulties they face. Flesh out the bare bones of the story lord of the rings additions, Born of hope is a unique journey in Middle-earth.