The Walking Dead reveals what happened to one of the world's most remote places after the zombie outbreak

The Walking Dead reveals what happened to one of the world's most remote places after the zombie outbreak

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol Episode 2.

After years of focusing on the US The Walking Dead Finally branched out into Europe by The Walking Dead: Daryl DixonWith the show highlighting the apocalypse's impact on an extremely remote location. The first season of the spinoff revealed how Daryl Dixon got to France, allowing the franchise to expand the zombie universe. Although other locations have been teased briefly in many projects, Daryl Dixon Finally confirmed that Europe was devastated just as badly as America by the zombie virusThe series shows how France adapted to the new world and which factions formed as a result.

moreover, Daryl Dixon Highlighting France's connection to the origin of the virus, and delving further into the knowledge of how the apocalypse began. However, despite the unique backdrops and stunning shots, the spinoff never really went beyond France in season 1, but the introduction of Carol helped change that. During her attempt to track Daryl, Carol recruits the help of Ash, who tries to fly her to France, but they are forced to make a pit stop due to low fuel. This results in them landing in an incredibly isolated country, which finally shows how much of the world the virus affected.

The walking dead zombie apocalypse even affected remote areas of Greenland

Daryl Dixon reveals just how much of the world has been impacted by the Zombie Virus

Carol and Ash's stop took them to Greenland, and despite being one of the world's most remote locations, it is still impacted by the apocalypse. It didn't take the duo long to discover that the virus had made its way to the isolated land, as they fought off several walkers shortly after landing before Carol was captured by zombies who blended into the terrain. They also found two survivors, who seemed to be the only people still around that part of the country, highlighting that Greenland's unique geographical location did not protect it from the outbreak.

Although they did not spend long in the country, Carol and Ash's journey to France in Daryl Dixon It proved to be a real eye-opener, as their Greenland visit showed that surviving the initial outbreak seems to have required a lot of luck, no matter where in the world you are. The people of Greenland probably wouldn't expect a virus that originated in France to reach them, but it seems to have wiped out remote parts of the country, and with The Walking Dead Revealing most of France, America and Greenland became infected, it seems like nowhere is safe.

Daryl Dixon season 2's Greenland Story suggests no place on Earth escaped the outbreak

The whole world seems to be impacted by the apocalypse

Terry O'Quinn as Major General Beal, Andrew Lincoln as Rick, and a CRM Globe in The Walking Dead.
Custom image by Simone Ashmoore

While The Walking Dead Can't cover every country in the world, Daryl Dixon Has increased the scope of the apocalypse's influence and hints that no place on earth escapes the outbreak. It's still relatively unclear exactly how the virus started or how it traveled worldwide, however Because no character seems to be immune, it looks like walkers are affecting everyone all over the world. The franchise always hinted at zombies that exist beyond America, but it never really showed that for years until Daryl's spinoff went to France, but the first season still left the exact extent of the virus unclear.


France is a huge country, which raises the question of whether only the most densely populated countries have been affected by the virus. however, Daryl Dixon Season 2's Greenland story proved that wasn't the case. If a place like Greenland with such a small population is impacted by the outbreak, it feels like the whole world must have been. Of course, whole continents like Africa and Asia are still unaccounted for, but it is reasonable to assume the undead exist all over the world, with only a small percentage of Earth's population surviving The Walking Deads zombie origin.

Seeing Greenland cluttered with zombies and almost no survivors put into perspective just how deadly the apocalypse was. Therefore, granted Daryl Dixon Filming in Spain after season 2, we will likely get an insight into how things have changed there, and hopefully, the franchise will continue to explore more locations, since the whole world seems to have fallen.

Visiting Greenland gives Carol a unique perspective on the Zombie Apocalypse

Carol's Greenland adventure is a reminder of how well her previous setup in the Commonwealth was

Despite Daryl Dixon Fast forward to Carol's Greenland adventure, this is the kind of experience that will give you a unique perspective on the apocalypse. Visiting such a lightly populated country and stumbling upon only two survivors shows how lucky she is to still be part of a thriving community that she cares about. There may be other people still alive in Greece, but the duo she encountered heavily hints that Carol and Ash are the first survivors they've encountered in a long time, especially since their disturbing plan suggests that Ash is their only chance for repopulation. .

To see the contrast between America and Greenland is something perhaps only Carol and Ash have witnessed, making theirs Daryl Dixon Journey incredibly unique.

Still, knowing exactly how much of the world has fallen makes America seem much more alive, which proves that the number of survivors is quite lucky, all things considered. Places like Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Commonwealth may have felt like little luxuries at times, but Knowing how badly other places have suffered highlights how good Carol's previous setup was. It is likely that she is one of the few people to experience two continents since the apocalypse began, and seeing the contrast between America and Greenland is something that perhaps only Carol and Ash have witnessed, making their Daryl Dixon Journey incredibly unique.