The Walking Dead Reveals One Country Survived Zombie Outbreak and It's Huge for the Franchise

The Walking Dead Reveals One Country Survived Zombie Outbreak and It's Huge for the Franchise

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Finale.Throughout the franchise's history, Undead strongly implies that the entire world has fallen into the zombie apocalypse, but Daryl Dixon appears to have confirmed that one country has survived the outbreak. From the beginning, UndeadChina's zombie virus has had a devastating impact on the world, with the majority of the population being wiped out incredibly quickly. Although the main show, along with the various spinoffs set in America, have proven that there are still plenty of survivors, the US was undeniably badly hurt by the apocalypse, and it's not the only place.

The franchise only featured in a few countries during its tenure, but UndeadThe construction of the world indicated that no place was left unscathed by the virus. France was hit just as hard as the US, with the country also being invaded by zombies, and Daryl Dixon revealed that Greenland fell to the zombie outbreak despite being such a remote location. Therefore, all evidence suggests that all nations have failed to deal with the undead, but this no longer appears to be the case, as a line during Daryl Dixon the season 2 finale indicated that there was a surviving country.

Daryl Dixon season 2 reveals that the army took over and locked down the UK shortly after the outbreak

Although the virus impacted the UK, it appeared to be doing better than most other territories

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon alongside a zombie with planet Earth in the background
Personalized image by Ana Nieves

Despite how many countries fell to the apocalypse, the United Kingdom seemed to handle the zombie threat relatively well, according to Daryl Dixon season 2. After helping Laurent and Ash escape France, Daryl and Carol were forced to stay behind, but quickly began planning their route back home. Without a plane or ship, they couldn't head straight to the US and instead headed to England after a Scottish couple revealed that the UK had handled the outbreak efficiently.

As Daryl, Carol, Codron and the Scottish couple walked through a tunnel that connected England to France, Daryl asked what England was like nowadays. While Angus jokingly stated that it was horrible due to the rivalry between Scotland and England, Fiona explained that the island was actually fine when they left, as the army quickly locked things down.. While this indicates that the virus has still had a substantial impact on the UK, it appears that the country has managed to cope. UndeadChina's outbreak is better than the rest of the world, based on Fiona's optimistic attitude.

If Daryl and Carol make it to the UK, we'll see how quickly the country has adapted to the new world and how different things are compared to the rest of the world. However, given Daryl Dixon season three is set to take place in Spain, the franchise may just scratch the surface with this location, making the UK one of the most intriguing places in the world. Undead universe.

All signs suggest the UK is doing better than any country seen on The Walking Dead so far

America, France and Greenland fought, making the United Kingdom one of the safest known locations in The Walking Dead

Although the status of most countries around the world is unknown, all signs point to the UK being the place that has best adapted to the apocalypse. America and France were explored in detail and neither country did particularly well. Despite Pouvoir's control over France, the group has not been able to offer much salvation to the French population, as the abundance of variants and large groups of zombies indicate that the situation may be worse than anywhere else. Similarly, America also saw variants enter the country and there was no containment of the virus.

Very few countries have managed to find any kind of response to the virus, making the UK incredibly successful in comparison.

The CRM Undead plan helped them create one of the strongest known safe zones in Undead universe, but his intention to exterminate the rest of America and take the resources for himself proves how seriously the country has been impacted. Although only a small part of Greenland was shown Daryl Dixonthe entire region had only two survivors, suggesting that the rest of the country was also taken over by walkers. As a result, very few countries have managed to come up with any kind of response to the virus, making the UK incredibly successful by comparison.

Until we see the country firsthand, it's impossible to know how strong the UK's position is post-apocalypse, but assuming Fiona was telling the truth, the undead don't seem like that big of a problem abroad. The army's rapid confinement suggests that a process was in place to prevent things from getting out of control. Circumstances could have changed drastically since Fiona was last on the island, but with all the evidence Undead provided, it must be assumed that the United Kingdom is prospering more than anywhere else in the world.

Why the United Kingdom was able to avoid the total collapse of civilization in The Walking Dead

The UK's small size and isolated location make lockdown much easier than other countries

Terry O Quinn as Major General Beale, Andrew Lincoln as Rick and a CRM globe in The Walking Dead.
Custom image by Simone Ashmoore

While other countries disintegrated quickly, the United Kingdom appears to have avoided a complete collapse of civilization due to the country's size and location. When the outbreak began, each state would have reacted slightly differently in America, resulting in a lack of cohesion and difficulty isolating. By comparison, the UK's armed forces and centralized police system mean the island has probably been able to coordinate things much better. Although the UK is divided into individual countries, they would likely have come together quickly for a national emergency, allowing them to stop the spread of the virus more easily.

Furthermore, the UK is relatively small in terms of size, and as it is an island separate from other countries, it was probably much easier to stop people moving in and out. France's reaction to the apocalypse will have been much more chaotic, as not only did the virus originate there, but neighboring countries will have caused the country suffering, along with most of Western Europe. The UK's success makes Greenland's collapse all the more mysterious, but given that Greenland has such a small population, each casualty is likely to significantly harm the country.

With the UK having strong resources and an ideal geographic location, it makes sense that the country has handled the outbreak relatively well, making him fundamental to the future of the franchise, as he could appear in Daryl Dixon season 3.

Why the UK could be vital to the future of The Walking Dead and ending the outbreak

It's possible that research into ending the virus could be thriving in the UK if zombies were less threatening

Judith from Walking Dead season 11 alongside Daryl, Maggie and the other main characters

The UK's response to zombies could be vital to Undeadfuture as it may have the best chance of ending the apocalypse. Although France was once the leading country in terms of walker research, it no longer shows any real signs of finding a cure now that Pouvoir has embraced the undead by creating more variants. There is more promise in America with Civic Republic scientists working on a solution, but the CRM's plans indicated that a cure was not possible and they were preparing for a future with zombies.

Fortunately, the UK's survival means the investigation could have continued uninterrupted throughout the apocalypse. Furthermore, it could be a safe haven for more scientists to migrate to as they try to minimize the impact of the virus. It may still be a long time before these answers are found, but the UK may be the safest place to be in the meantimebecoming vital Undead location. With Daryl and Carol heading to England in Daryl Dixon In season three, we expect the spinoff to answer any mysteries about the UK, while also revealing some advanced details about the end of the outbreak.