The Walking Dead Needs a Main Villain Replacement After Shock Spinoff Death

The Walking Dead Needs a Main Villain Replacement After Shock Spinoff Death

With Undead by killing off one of its most exciting antagonists, the franchise desperately needs to find a new main villain. Although there has been no confirmation, rumors of a Undead crossover show or a potential twelfth season have circulated since the original series came to an end, setting up another chapter for the core survivors. The return of Rick and Michonne only makes the prospect of a new collaborative project all the more exciting, as seeing everyone reunite after so many years would be extremely nostalgic, but the franchise needs a strong villain to make that work.

Although it seemed Daryl Dixon may have presented the perfect candidate, unfortunately they were killed off during season 2leaving the zombie universe without an overarching antagonist. Considering how important UndeadThe best villains have been in history and helped in the development of the main characters, it is clear that the series is at its best when there is a major threat opposing the heroes, making the lack of viable enemies a real problem. Therefore, the creation of a new antagonist is essential to Undeadfuture projects after Daryl Dixon wasted the franchise's strongest antagonist in years.

The Walking Dead doesn't have an obvious main villain after Genet's death

Genet had the potential to become the franchise's overarching villain

Genet's surprise departure appeared to have happened prematurely, which means Undead now it lacks a central villain. Having been presented as the main threat in Daryl Dixon since the first season, Genet met her end in a surprisingly simple way, when Daryl and Carol managed to inject her with a virus that quickly killed her.. Despite having an army of soldiers at her disposal, Pouvoir's leader traveled with few men to try to capture the protagonists of the show, which turned out to be a fatal mistake. Now, the zombie universe is without a serious antagonist in the future.

Genet's massive army gave her control over nearly all of France, suggesting she could have filled the franchise's current villain void before her departure.

Coupled with Genet's slightly disappointing situation Undead death, the CRM was defeated in Those who liveleaving the Lady and the Croat as the only remaining villains in the ongoing spinoffs. Although they fit Dead CityWell, the duo's story is limited to New York and they even needed Negan to truly seize power over the area, suggesting they're not threatening enough to become the franchise's overarching evil. By comparison, Genet's massive army gave her control over almost all of France, indicating that she could have filled the franchise's current villain gap before her departure.

Fortunately, there may still be an answer to the villains' crisis despite Genet's death, as an unfinished storyline means the core survivors may have a forgotten foe returning in the proposed twelfth season.

The 12th season of The Walking Dead may have already defined the franchise's next main villain

The Commonwealth learned about a mysterious group of villains that were never fully eliminated

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 21 Outpost 22

Despite having several villains throughout the final season UndeadThe Game's eleventh outing didn't have the kind of overarching antagonist that rivaled Negan or the Governor, but it created a greater threat. Lance Hornsby and Pamela Milton's dubious relationship with other areas wasn't fully explored, but "Outpost 22" revealed that there was a mysterious location called Designation 2 where the survivors were taken and never seen again. What this place is and its agreement with the Commonwealth still remains unclear even after the finale, but that doesn't mean the franchise is completely done with this storyline.

The Commonwealth sent people by train to this hidden group, and although the central characters managed to overthrow the Commonwealth hierarchy and make the community more peaceful, Assignment 2 still exists. Therefore, revealing the truth about them and having Assignment 2 potentially attack the main characters could set up a crossover. Additionally, the secret group of villains may be much larger than anticipated, meaning Rick may have to involve the newly reformed CRM to level the playing field. Without considering, Designation 2 seems Undeadthe best chance to find a new villainthat the franchise must capitalize on.