The Walking Dead brings back a character from the first season and finally resolves his forgotten story

The Walking Dead brings back a character from the first season and finally resolves his forgotten story

Warning: Spoilers ahead for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2 finale.

Sophia's touching cameo in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season two resolves unfinished business from the past, but also perfectly sets up Carol's future. One of the biggest deaths in UndeadIn season two, Sophia died after wandering alone and falling foul of the undead, leading to the harrowing visual of Carol watching her zombified daughter staggering out of the Greene family barn. Naturally, Sophia's death impacted Carol for the subsequent nine seasons, but due to the demands of UndeadDespite the main cast, the main show never addressed Carol's pain in any great depth.

With Melissa McBride now co-starring alongside Norman Reedus in her own solo venture, Daryl Dixon season two took the opportunity to change that. The peaceful resolution UndeadThe series finale gave Carol more time to think about the past, and her postponed grief finally recovered. Carol mistakenly spotted Sophia at several points during Daryl Dixon Season 2, while also experiencing flashbacks at the mere sight of a barn door. Sophia finally appears in Daryl Dixon the season 2 finale and her return allow Carol to lay lingering trauma to rest.

Sophia's Return in Daryl Dixon Season 2 Explained and What It Means for Carol

Sophia returns in Carol's mind

Zombie Sophia coming out of the barn in season two of The Walking Dead.

Sophia's return to Undead It is possible thanks to bat excrement. The excrement that Daryl and his allies encounter as they move through the Channel Tunnel from France to England has a hallucinogenic effect on the group, with each character reacting differently to the invisible gas. With Sophia already at the forefront of his mind, Carol predictably has a vision of her daughterand even if the reunion isn't real in a technical sense, it's real enough to allow the grieving mother some semblance of closure.

Carol had previously admitted that, after more than a decade apart, she could no longer remember Sophia's face as it was - only the decaying, slashing version that emerged from the barn. The hallucinogen in the tunnel apparently unlocks Carol's memories and allows her to visualize Sophia as she was in life, which visibly brings Melissa McBride's character the wave of peace that has eluded her for most of the years. Undeadtimeline. The vision banishes Carol's mental image of Sophia as a zombie. and replaces it with a lighter, happier memory.

The Walking Dead finally resolves Sophia's story after her death in season 2

Sophia's death always felt unfinished after The Walking Dead season 2

Sophia (Madison Lintz) stumbles out of the barn on The Walking Dead.

Why Undead was a large-scale narrative with too many moving parts and characters to accommodate, the important deaths didn't always have the lasting impact one would hope. Sofia is an excellent example. Although her death and memory were still mentioned in later seasons, Carol truly came to terms with the loss in a matter of episodes - at least outwardly. Undead only scratched the surface of Carol's emotionsand it's no big surprise to see these repressed feelings bubbling up in Daryl Dixon season 2.

Carol's vision of Sophia in Daryl Dixon The Season 2 finale essentially does what the main show never had room for. The first five episodes of UndeadCarol's “Book of Carol” arc showcased Carol's pain in very visceral and raw ways – the flashbacks, the panic, and even the use of Sophia's memory to trick Ash. The scene where Sophia returns in episode 6 gives Carol an emotional outletreleasing more than 10 years of maternal pain and anguish in a single hug, even if that hug is only happening in Carol's mind.

Real or not, the story of Sophia's death finally feels complete. The fallen young woman will remain a key element in Carol's character, of course, and will continue to influence her mother's future in the zombie apocalypse. However, the consequences of Sophia's death in Undead it has now been dug up, examined and buried.

How Sophia's Return Sets Up Carol's Journey in Daryl Dixon's Season 3

Closing one chapter of Carol's book opens another

Probably the most important moment in Sophia and Carol's reunion is when Carol asks, "Can I go with you?" Although the imaginary Sophia does not respond with words, she responds by letting go of her mother's hands. The message here is that Carol – part of her, at least – doesn't want to continue after years of struggling with the weight of her daughter's death. By letting go, "Sophia" is telling her mother that she still has work to do - now is not the time for Carol to join the ranks of the Undeaddeceased heroes.

She may thrive in the heat of battle, but Carol has typically struggled to adjust in times of peace.

Since this entire reunion is a figment of Carol's imagination, it could be argued that Carol is actually telling herself to keep living in this scene. The fact that the message comes through a vision from Sophia, however, could allow Carol to feel like she has permission to move forward. Be that as it may, this understanding is vital to Daryl Dixon season 3, as Carol will now have the motivation to overcome future obstacles and a reason for being.

Furthermore, the "feeling"Carol carried everywhere Undead may finally be annulled. She may thrive in the heat of battle, but Carol has typically struggled to adjust during times of peace, feeling a sense of unease as the relative tranquility of existing within a happy community allows her old "ghosts"to return. After his poop-induced reunion with Sophia, Carol may finally be able to calm down and enjoy life in the Commonwealth afterwards The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon ends - assuming she and Daryl can get back there, of course.